
  1. 本文第三部分主要讨论知识产权共有权利行使规则。

    Part III is the focus of this paper , which focuses on the exercise rules of IP joint ownership .

  2. 其次分析我国现存法律制度的不足,提出了我国知识产权共有权利行使规则的四个基本原则,作为知识产权共有权利行使的指导原则。

    Secondly , having analyzed dwarfs of the existing legal system , the paper proposes four basic principles of the exercising rules of IP joint ownership , which serve as the guiding principles .

  3. 当然,也有学者注意到了知识产权共有与物权共有的区别,分别从知识产权制度价值观、主体、客体等方面与物权共有进行对比分析。

    Of course , there are many scholars took notes of the differences between the IP joint ownership and joint ownership of property , such as values , subject , object and so on .