
  • 网络intellectual property management;managing intellectual property;Managing IP
  1. Grindley和Teece(1997)指出,企业尤其是高技术企业开始重视知识产权管理。

    Grindley and Teece ( 1997 ) pointed out that high-technology firms should pay attention to intellectual property management .

  2. 科技成果的知识产权管理机制探析

    Mechanism Study on Intellectual Property Management of Scientific and Technological Achievements

  3. 关于MPEG-21知识产权管理和保护技术的研究

    Study on intelligence property management and protection technologies in MPEG-21

  4. 建立健全知识产权管理信息共享机制;

    Establishing the sharing mechanism for intellectual property rights management information ;

  5. 浅议企业知识产权管理

    Discussion on the Management of the Intellectual Property Rights of Enterprise

  6. 强化知识产权管理提高企业核心竞争力

    Strengthen knowledge property right management to improve core competence of enterprise

  7. 英国爱丁堡大学的技术转移及知识产权管理

    Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management in Edinburgh University of UK

  8. 石油企业知识产权管理的主要内容

    Major Components for Intellectual Property Rights Management in Petroleum Enterprises

  9. 我国民营科技企业知识产权管理战略研究

    Research on IPR Strategies of Private Technology Companies in China

  10. 大学和企业合作中的知识产权管理。

    The Intellectual Property Management in the Collaboration between University and Industry .

  11. 专利知识产权管理系统研究及应用

    Research and Applications of Patent Based Intellectual Property Management System

  12. 北京奥运知识产权管理的伦理学思考

    Ethic research on the management of Beijing Olympic knowledge rights

  13. 网上信息获取的知识产权管理方案

    Management Schemes of Intellectual Property Right in Online Information Obtain

  14. 试论国家重点实验室的知识产权管理

    Discussion on the intellectual property management of state key laboratory

  15. 我国医药企业知识产权管理研究

    Study on Intellectual Property Management of Pharmaceutical Enterprises in China

  16. 电子商务环境下企业知识产权管理研究

    Research on Intellectual Property Management of Enterprise under Environment of Electronic Commerce

  17. 国资领域的知识产权管理

    The Administration of Intellectual Property Rights in the Realm of State-owned Assets

  18. 全球经济环境下酿酒企业的知识产权管理初探

    Discussion on Intellectual Property Management in Liquor-making Enterprises Under Global Economic Environments

  19. 借鉴国外经验加强我国知识产权管理

    Reference to the Overseas Experiences Reinforce the Intellectual Property Management in China

  20. 开放内容的类型及其知识产权管理

    Types of Open Contents and Management of Their Intellectual Property

  21. 试论中国企业跨国经营的知识产权管理

    On the Intellectual Property Management of China 's Enterprises ' Transnational Operations

  22. 研究型大学的知识产权管理探讨

    Discussions on Intellectual Property Rights Management of Research Universities

  23. 我国国立科研机构的知识产权管理机制研究

    Research on Intellectual Property Management Mechanism in National Scientific Research Institutions in China

  24. 论技术经济及管理与知识产权管理学科关联性

    The Relationship Between the Study of Managing Technique Economy and Managing Intellectual Property

  25. 亦负责知识产权管理和分析。

    Also responsible for intellectual property management and analysis .

  26. 基于流程管理的企业知识产权管理模式研究

    Research on Management Mode of Intellectual Property in Enterprise Based on Process Management

  27. 美国的知识产权管理、政策及其经验

    The Mangement and Policies of the Intellectual Property in USA and Their Enlightenments

  28. 浅谈高新技术企业知识产权管理策略

    Discussion on Strategy for Management of Intellectual Property Rights in High Tech-Science Enterprises

  29. 高校知识产权管理:界定与现状分析

    Definition and Analysis of the Actualities : Intellectual Property Management in College Scientific Research

  30. 浅谈高校档案的利用加强高等院校知识产权管理的对策研究

    On the application of archives in college Improve the Management of Patent in Colleges