
  • 网络knowledge management system;kms;KM system
  1. 本文讨论了知识管理系统(KMS)与企业信息系统之间的结构与功能关系,并构建了企业知识管理体系。

    The paper discusses the relationship of structures and capacities between KMS and MIS , and constructs a KMS of corporations .

  2. 同时,许多软件供应商也纷纷提供了各自的知识管理系统解决方案。

    At the same time , many software vendors have supplied their KMS solutions .

  3. 基于XML的大学图书馆知识管理系统研究

    Study on XML-Based Knowledge Management System of University Libraries

  4. 探讨了如何利用WEBService技术来实现透明柔性的分布式知识管理系统;最后阐述了基于。

    Subsequently , how to utilize web service to realize transparent and flexible distributed knowledge management system is discussed .

  5. 基于SOA的模具知识管理系统研发

    Research on Mould Knowledge Management System Based on SOA

  6. 本文探讨了基于Web的知识管理系统的构建原则并提出了参考体系结构,给出了一种基于群件的知识管理系统构建方案。

    Discuss the principle and reference architecture to construct web-based Knowledge Management System . A solution to construct Knowledge Management System by using groupware technology is given .

  7. 面向IA的案例知识管理系统关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technologies of IA Oriented Case Knowledge Management System

  8. 基于OWL的企业网络知识管理系统实现

    Implementation of enterprise web knowledge management system based on OWL

  9. 分析了集成模型的主要功能,并给出了基于上下文以及SOA的知识管理系统集成框架。

    Then the main functions of integrating model are given , and the implementation of context-based SOA framework is introduced . 3 .

  10. 多Agent技术能够有效地解决复杂分布式系统,因此本文使用多Agent技术解决海上搜救领域知识管理系统问题。

    Multi-Agent technology can effectively solve complex distributed system , so we use multi-Agent technology to solve the problem of knowledge management system in field of maritime search and rescue .

  11. 文中结合LED企业生产实际,给出了在KBE环境下面向工程制造全过程的LED产品设计制造知识管理系统的体系结构,并深入讨论了实现系统的关键技术。

    Finally , it brings up the architecture of LED product design and manufacture management system , and its key technology also has been deeply discussed .

  12. 最后,从多Agent系统的角度对虚拟企业知识管理系统的实现技术进行探讨,为虚拟企业知识管理系统的开发应用指引方向,并提供理论支持。

    Lastly , the thesis discusses the software development technology for virtual enterprise knowledge management system from the perspective of Multi-Agent-Systems , and provides theoretical support for the virtual enterprise knowledge management system development and application .

  13. 本文创造性的构建了一个新的基于知识管理系统(KMS)和资源计划系统(ERP)的企业知识管理模式&KERP知识管理模式。

    This thesis constructs ERP Knowledge Management Pattern , a new pattern based on the thoughts of KMS and ERP management .

  14. 并在分析了Web技术特点的基础上,给出了一种基于Web的企业知识管理系统框架,同时还进一步分析了该模型框架中各组成部分的功能和基本实现技术。

    Basing on analysis of Web technology , it shows us business knowledge management system frame based on Web technology . At the same time , it analysis the function and realized technology of the composition of this frame .

  15. I的关系。L上的关系(?)知识管理系统中的利益关系分析

    An Analysis of the Relationship of Benefits in Knowledge-Based Management System

  16. 原型系统由产品定制系统、实例种群系统、演化设计系统、知识管理系统、系统控制中心、CAD系统和产品数据中心七大模块组成。

    The prototype system is composed of seven modules : product customization system , population of cases system , evolutionary design system , knowledge management system , system control center , CAD system and product data center .

  17. 并可以应用DEA等方法对知识管理系统进行分析、评价,为企业的知识管理提供了一定的理论基础和实施准则。

    And the DEA method is used to analyze and evaluate the systems of management . These viewpoints provide theoretic foundation and implementing criteria for knowledge management of enterprises .

  18. 探讨了流程工业CIMS中实现知识管理系统的关键技术,它包括数据挖掘技术、搜索引擎技术和知识库的建立等。

    It discusses the key technologies of application of knowledge management for CIMS in process industry , which includes Data Mining , Searching Engine and the construction of Knowledge Database .

  19. 介绍了Lotus知识管理系统的发展概况,探讨了Lotus知识管理系统的理论,对Lotus的研究状况进行了文献统计与分析。

    This paper introduces the developing situation of Lotus Knowledge Management System , probes the theories of Lotus Knowledge Management System , and makes the statistical analysis on the literatures of the studying situation of Lotus .

  20. 探讨了流程工业CIMS中知识管理系统的实施方案,其中包括两方面内容:一是在信息技术方面,实现知识管理系统的硬件要求等;

    It discusses the practice scheme of knowledge management for CIMS in process industry , which includes two aspects : one on the information technologies , realize the hardware requirement and so on ;

  21. 最后本文实现了一个实验性的基于本体的知识管理系统,该系统整体结构采用了B/S的三层结构模式,内部采用XML语法,语义上采用本体技术描述知识、规则、公理和查询。

    Finally , the paper realizes a proof knowledge management system based on ontology , which has adopted three layers of structure mode of B / S and XML grammar inside , ontology technology to describe the knowledge 、 rule 、 and inquiry on semantic .

  22. 分析了包装企业应用CRM知识管理系统为何能提高企业竞争力,提出了包装企业实施CRM知识管理系统的设计方案,对包装企业的生产、设计、市场、销售进行全方位的管理。

    The paper analyzed the reason why packaging enterprises can improve market 's competitive ability by applying CRM knowledge manage system , and gave the design scheme that packaging enterprises actualize CRM knowledge manage system which progress full-scale management to production , design , market and vendition in packaging enterprises .

  23. 最后分析了智能知识管理系统(IKMS)的需求,并进行了详细的软件功能设计。

    Finally the demands of intelligent knowledge management system ( IKMS ) are analyzed and a detailed software designing is proposed .

  24. 本论文基于2-gram统计模型而实现一种能很好适应语料信息的分词算法,且时间和精度都能满足文本知识管理系统的应用需要。

    The algorithm in this dissertation is based on 2-gram statistical model and can meet the requirements of application in accuracy and efficiency respectively .

  25. 以此为基础,进行了产品知识管理系统的总体设计,研究了PKM的体系结构、知识处理流程及功能结构,讨论了PKM系统与其他系统的集成问题。

    Then the primary design of product knowledge management system is carried through , the overall system structure of PKM , knowledge process flow and function structure are studied , and integration of PKM with other system is discussed .

  26. 供应链知识管理系统的自组织分析

    The Self-organized Analysis of the Knowledge Management System of Supply Chain

  27. 一种基于角色的知识管理系统的动态组装模

    Dynamic assembled model for the knowledge management system based on role

  28. 高校的知识管理系统模型

    A model of the knowledge management system for colleges and universities

  29. 建立了并行工程环境下产品开发过程与知识管理系统。

    Concurrent product development process and knowledge management system is built ;

  30. 图书馆知识管理系统模式的构建与运用

    The Construction and Application of Library 's Knowledge Management System Model