
  • 网络Knowledge Spiral;Spiral of knowledge
  1. 知识螺旋理论属于知识管理的方法之一。

    The knowledge spiral theory belongs to the methods of knowledge management .

  2. 在此过程中,知识螺旋理论可以很好的揭示知识管理各阶段知识转移和增长的状况,为图书馆知识管理的开展提供科学根据。

    In this process , the knowledge spiral theory could reflect the growth of knowledge directly . And it provides the science basis for the development of library knowledge management .

  3. 以RH治疗仪为产品创新实例,详细探讨了快速成型技术如何加快知识螺旋。

    With the example of the RH curer , the paper discusses how RP & M accelerate Knowledge Spire .

  4. 最后,详述基于知识螺旋的图书馆知识管理方略,从知识管理的四个过程进行分析。

    Finally , relates the library knowledge management in detail based on the knowledge spiral . It carries on the analysis from the four processes of knowledge management .

  5. 本文借用知识螺旋理论的研究成果,以知识螺旋为工具,研究图书馆知识管理的过程&知识获取、知识共享、知识应用、知识创新中知识的增长变化过程。

    This article borrows the research of knowledge spiral theory , takes the knowledge spiral as tool , and studies the course of the library knowledge management . The knowledge changes in knowledge acquiring , knowledge sharing , knowledge applying , and knowledge innovation .

  6. 再者,基于产业集群知识创新螺旋模型的基础上,构建基于知识创新的产业集群核心能力提升方法。

    Furthermore , construct promotion method of the industrial cluster core ability based on the knowledge innovation in the industrial cluster knowledge innovation spiral model foundation .

  7. 知识获取的螺旋式模式

    The spiral model of knowledge acquisition

  8. 科研院所也同企业、政府形成了一个三螺旋。根据对1998-2008年国家科技进步奖涉农奖项的考察,通过实证分析探究了大学参与知识创新三螺旋中的效率导向。

    According to the National Science and Technology Progress Award 1998-2008 Investigation of agriculture-related awards , the empirical analysis explores the involvement of universities in knowledge and efficiency in the triple helix of innovation-oriented .

  9. 可以通过知识分类、知识螺旋、知识转移、业务流程和组织学习来整合图书馆知识。图3。参考文献6。

    In this paper , the author discusses the strategies for the integration of library knowledge . 3 figs . 6 refs .

  10. 包括知识生产与知识螺旋、知识共享与知识螺旋、知识应用与知识螺旋、知识创新与知识螺旋四大方面内容。全面剖析其各个过程中知识螺旋的变化情况。

    This part includes four aspects : knowledge production with knowledge spiral , knowledge sharing with knowledge spiral , knowledge applying with knowledge spiral and knowledge innovation with knowledge spiral .

  11. 介绍了产品创新中的知识循环和知识螺旋,指出了运用快速成型技术可以加快产品创新中的知识螺旋,建立了基于快速成型技术的产品创新知识螺旋模型。

    The paper introduces the knowledge circle and spire of product innovation , points out that rp m can accelerate knowledge spire of product innovation , establishes the new model of knowledge spire of product innovation based on rp m.

  12. 探讨了知识管理的过程沿知识螺旋上升的本质。

    The nature of the process is to spiral .

  13. 通过分析企业中各种知识的特点及作用,结合Nonaka的知识螺旋过程提出知识转化框架。

    By analyzing the characteristics and functions of the various kinds of knowledge used in enterprises and combined with Nonaka 's knowledge spiral process , this article has put forward the knowledge transfer framework .

  14. 其次,通过产业集群特有的知识转移过程来构建产业集群的知识创新螺旋模型。

    Next , construct the knowledge innovation spiral model of the industrial cluster by the unique knowledge shift process .

  15. 认为,效率因素是促使大学同其它组织进行合作知识创新的重要动因,并探讨了知识创新三螺旋提升创新效率的原因。

    Efficiency factor is to promote cooperation with other organizations , knowledge innovation important motive of the University , and the Triple Helix of innovation to enhance the knowledge of innovation efficiency reasons .

  16. 帮助行为,是指团队成员通过角色内和角色外的帮助行为,加快各种显性知识和隐性知识传播、共享和转化过程,促进知识螺旋式上升,进而提升团队创造力。

    Through HA , all kinds of coded knowledge and tacit knowledge were communicated , shared and transformed faster , and the knowledge ascended as spiral , which promoted team creativity .

  17. 通过建立知识溢出效应模型,认为区域创新网络中知识溢出呈现螺旋上升态势;

    By establishing the model of knowledge-spilling effect , we think that spilling knowledge take on the tendency of spiral rising , knowledge-spilling effect can lead to gather economy and scale economy in the region .

  18. 在论述隐性知识与显性知识及其转化过程的基础上,探讨知识创新的螺旋模型,并将它与知识创新的其它模型进行简单比较。

    Based on the description of recessive and explicit knowledge and the transformation of them , this paper discusses the spiral model of knowledge innovation and compares it with some other models .

  19. 把企业的知识理论运用于零售企业及业态的分析可以发现:零售知识螺旋是业态生成的微观基础;

    The knowledge and theory of enterprises put into retail trading and its situation analysis , it may be found out that the retail knowledge spiral is the micro basis of the situation generation as well as the path nature of the situation evolution .

  20. 根据中国传统太极图阴阳思想,对知识创造太极模型进行了改造,重新构建了创意产业集群知识创新的太极螺旋模型,并对模型的六个环节和双螺旋路径进行了详细说明。

    According to the diagram of tai chi , altering the Taiji Model of the knowledge creation , it rebuilds the Taiji Model of the knowledge innovation in creative industrial cluster and particularizes the six segments and the two spiraling routes .

  21. 本文从知识创造过程的认识论和本体论的角度进行研究,从知识创造的螺旋机理出发,指出了知识挖掘技术在从内隐到外显的知识创造过程中所起的重要作用。

    The article studies the technology of knowledge mining from epistemological and ontological perspectives , on the basic of the spiral mechanism model of knowledge creating , and points out that knowledge mining technology plays important function in the creating process of tacit and explicit knowledge .

  22. 其次,对创意产业集群知识演化的四个层面进行了详述,得出了:无数次知识演化过程的螺旋上升构成了知识创新的演进过程。

    Secondly , the Knowledge Conversion of the Creative industrial cluster has been divided into four aspects . And the result is that the spiraling numerous process of the Knowledge Conversion constitutes the evolution of knowledge innovation .

  23. 医院核心能力的构建与提升,依赖于医院能否成功地将其核心知识进行有效共享,充分实现医院知识资源的整合、发展和增值,从而推进医院知识和技能的螺旋上升。

    How to construct and promote hospitals ' core competence depends on whether their core knowledge can be shared effectively , and whether they can fully realize their integration , development and increment of their knowledge resources , thus spirally promoting hospitals ' knowledge and skills .