
  • 网络knowledge retrieval system;KRS
  1. 基于Ontology的知识检索系统研究

    Study on Knowledge Retrieval System Based on Ontology

  2. 知识检索系统及其性能评价研究

    The Knowledge Retrieval System and the Evaluation and Research on Its Functions

  3. 基于Ontology的知识检索系统功能要素分析

    The Analysis of Functions Components of the Knowledge Retrieval Systems Based on Knowledge Ontology

  4. 提出了一种基于语义Web的制造知识检索系统体系结构,包括一系列支持知识共享以促进网络化制造协作的机制。

    This frame offers a series of tools for supporting the knowledge share and promoting networked manufacturing cooperation . A model of semantic information search based on five-element-array was also created with its realization arithmetics .

  5. 基于信息抽取的古籍知识检索系统研究

    Research on Chinese Ancient Literature Retrieval System Based on Information Extraction

  6. 第四部分研究基于本体论的知识检索系统的模型和方法。

    Part 4 studies ontology-based KR system model .

  7. 本文所设计的知识检索系统模型,是一种基于本体的信息检索模型,从现有的信息检索技术模型中发展而来,却又和传统的信息检索不同。

    Model of knowledge retrieval system design in this article , is a model of information retrieval based on ontology , coming from existing models of information retrieval technology , but different from the traditional one .

  8. 首先提出了知识检索系统的总体模型结构,然后分析各个系统模块的功能和原理,并在此基础上进一步探讨了基于本体论的知识检索推理机制和个性化信息服务机制。

    It first proposes a generic structure of the system , and then analyzes the function and principle of every module in the structure . Furthermore , it discusses the mechanism of ontology-based KR reasoning and personalized information service .

  9. 本文将专家系统引入到知识检索系统中,通过设置具有不同功能及应用范围的系列专家系统,构建了基于专家系统的知识检索框架。

    This article introduces the expert system into the knowledge retrieval system , and through setting up the serial expert systems with different functions and different ranges of application , structures the knowledge search frame based on expert system .

  10. 因此如何提供航天科技人员进行更有效的信息检索是当前航天领域知识检索系统的研究重点之一,而目前已有的检索系统主要采用基于关键字的全文检索以及分类检索技术。

    Hence , how to help designers to search information more efficiently is the key point in aerospace information retrieval system . However , the present retrieval systems primarily use two techniques including classic keyword-based full text search and SQL-like class retrieval .

  11. 在这个索引结构模型的规范下,进一步讨论了程序型知识检索在系统中的实现方式。

    The typical design problem was captured , and the model of Procedural knowledge retrieve and the index framework was proposed .

  12. 本文的研究能够为构建知识元检索系统、进行知识服务提供一种可行思路,也为知识相关度研究或者信息检索相关性研究提供一种理论参考。

    It can provide theoretical references on the construction of KE retrieval system and knowledge service and for study of " Relevance " .

  13. 基于本体论的土壤知识体系智能检索系统的设计与Web实现

    Design and Web implementation of soil knowledge intelligent retrieval system based on ontology

  14. 并遵循此指导思想开发出面向学生的知识拓展WEB检索系统。

    Following this idea we developed Web IR facing students to expand their knowledge .

  15. 专家知识在知识检索系统中有着强大的指导功用。

    Expert knowledge has strong guidance functions among knowledge retrieval system .

  16. 基于用户问题域的文献知识表述及检索系统的建立与实现

    Document Knowledge Representation Based on Users ' Problem Domain and Retrieval System Construction and Implementation

  17. 结合现代信息理论和技术,建立了一个基于XML/RDF、面向知识创新的文献知识检索系统,并介绍了研究开发中的关键技术。

    Combining with modern information theory and technology , authors established an XML / RDF-based and knowledge innovation-oriented document knowledge retrieval system , and introduced key technologies in the research and development .

  18. 该系统包括数据库信息可视化、WWW信息可视化、图像索引与检索、知识抽取与存储、知识检索子系统等。

    The system contains : database information visualization , WWW information visualization , graphical index technology and content-based retrieval , description and storage of knowledge , knowledge retrieval etc.

  19. 然后,应用本体技术,阐述了系统的总体架构,并对知识获取、知识检索等核心子系统进行了详细设计。

    Secondly , the overall system architecture is discussed under ontology technology , and such core subsystems as knowledge acquisition and retrieval are carefully designed in detail .