
  • 网络intellectual property disputes
  1. 周三,当华为(Huawei)宣布其与摩托罗拉解决方案公司(MotorolaSolutions)的知识产权纠纷已达成和解时,公司的高管们都兴高采烈。

    When Huawei announced the settlement of its intellectual property disputes with Motorola Solutions on Wednesday , company executives were triumphant .

  2. 本文重点对知识产权纠纷仲裁的相关问题进行探讨和论述,并对我国知识产权仲裁的发展提出了一些建议。

    The paper discusses relative issues on arbitration for intellectual property disputes .

  3. 也突出了在知识产权纠纷中陪审团的巨额赔偿的倾向。

    It highlights the propensity of juries to award huge damages in intellectual-property disputes .

  4. 论我国企业知识产权纠纷动态解决模型的建构

    Construct the Dynamical Countermeasure Model to Solve the Intellectual Property Right Dispute in Chinese Enterprises

  5. 这为知识产权纠纷诉调对接机制的构建提供了可行性。

    This provide the feasibility of the construction of litigation and conciliation of intellectual property .

  6. 浅论知识产权纠纷的可仲裁性

    Arbitrability of Intellectual Property Rights Disputes

  7. 目前,我国的知识产权纠纷的解决主要以诉讼为主。

    At present , the main way of settling the intellectual property rights dispute is the lawsuit .

  8. 社会型纠纷解决机制解决知识产权纠纷的基本模式是仲裁和民间调解。

    The main types of social dispute resolution of intellectual property rights dispute is arbitration and civil mediation .

  9. 因此,构建一个快速、公平、合理的多元化知识产权纠纷解决机制迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , to build a fast , fair , reasonable diversification intellectual property dispute resolution mechanism is imminent .

  10. 解体阶段主要是通过法律对跨国知识产权纠纷提供普遍的规制和救济。

    In the dissolution phase , the law is the main way to provide relief for the intellectual property disputes .

  11. 基于利益因素、制度因素和环境因素的影响,知识产权纠纷必然产生。

    Because of the interest factor , system factor and environment factor , the intellectual property rights dispute is inevitable .

  12. 司法资源的有限性、市场经济的效率性与知识产权纠纷的矛盾难以调和。

    The contradictions of limit of judicial resources , efficiency of the market economy and intellectual property disputes are difficult to reconcile .

  13. 其中,立法保护体系主要介绍并总结了占国际贸易中知识产权纠纷很大比例的著作权、专利权、商标权和地理标志产品的立法保护特征。

    In the lawmaking protection system , we analyse the characters of copyright , patent right , trademark right and the geographical indication .

  14. 除了针对宏达电是否仍在侵犯苹果专利的调查外,宏达电还面临着其他知识产权纠纷。

    HTC still faces additional disputes over intellectual property in addition to the ongoing investigation into whether HTC is still violating Apple 's patent .

  15. 尽管这种说法既精炼又形象,但在处理知识产权纠纷时,用处可能不太大。

    It is unlikely that this insight , pithy and eloquent though it is , would be of much use during any intellectual property dispute .

  16. 国家应当从立法层面、政策层面和执法层面为构建我国知识产权纠纷多元化解决机制做出努力。

    The country should construct the diversified models of intellectual property rights dispute resolution from the lawmaking level , policy level and law execution level .

  17. 自1986年美国企业发动第一起针对中国的337调查以来,中美之间的知识产权纠纷一直没有停止过。

    From 1986 when ITC issued the first Section 337 Investigation against China , the disputes on intellectual property rights between America and China never stopped .

  18. 例如计算机游戏软件盗版猖獗、国际知识产权纠纷迭起等等,都严重阻碍了我国计算机游戏产业的良性发展。

    For example , the frequently disputes in game software pirates , the international intellectual property rights , have seriously hindered the development of the game industry .

  19. 表现形式以技术性贸易壁垒为主,同时伴有少量的知识产权纠纷、紧急进口限制措施、反倾销等。

    The manifestation of Sino-Japanese trade friction was the technical trade protectionism primarily , simultaneously accompanied by the intellectual disputes , the urgent import restrictions , counter-dumping .

  20. 随着网络的不断普及,网游被越来越多的人接受,随之而来的知识产权纠纷也越来越多。

    With the permeation of the network , the online games are more and more popular . But Intellectual Property disputes of the online games are also increasing .

  21. 近年来跨国企业针对中国出口企业知识产权纠纷案件不断增加,使得国内企业遭受重大的经济损失。

    In recent years , intellectual property disputes between multinational enterprises and Chinese exports enterprises have been increasing . And the Chinese exports enterprises suffer major economic losses .

  22. 正如大多数民事案件一样,知识产权纠纷有时并不会走到判决那一步,一个案件往往以和解或者授权协议告终。

    As most civil cases , intellectual property dispute may not go as far as trail , a case will often be settled by negotiation or licensing agreement .

  23. 这不是两家公司首次因知识产权纠纷对簿公堂,专利纠纷在整个智能手机领域十分常见。

    It 's not the first time the two companies have faced off in court over intellectual property disputes , which have run rampant throughout the smartphone business .

  24. 介绍了司法外和解、裁、讼等解决企业知识产权纠纷的途径和程序。

    This paper introduces some paths and procedures for mediating the dispute of enterprises ' intellectual property such as the judicial reconciliation , arbitration , and judicial action , etc.

  25. 还得避开知识产权纠纷。解决财务纠纷,尤指用建议一项向债权人还债方案来解决财务纠纷

    To avoid intellectual property rights infringements , they must repackage similar ideas and technologies . Settling of a financial dispute , especially by proposing a plan for repaying creditors

  26. 它不仅能增强企业技术创新能力,而且能为化解知识产权纠纷提供重要法律依据,从而维护企业知识产权权益。

    It can not only enhance technical innovation ability of enterprise , and dissolve property rights disputes to provide an important law to safeguard the enterprises ' intellectual property rights .

  27. 本文主要对知识产权纠纷实体问题的法律适用进行论述。

    The paper mainly discusses the applicable law for arbitration agreement and substantive law for intellectual property . The law selected by the parties should be applied for arbitration agreement .

  28. 第一章对华为与摩托罗知识产权纠纷案做了简要的回顾,包括诺西并购的大背景、对三家公司的背景的简要介绍等。

    Chapter One is brief review of case Huawei v. Motorola of the dispute of intellectual property rights , including the introduced of the background of the transaction between Nokia-Siemens .

  29. 反倾销、知识产权纠纷、各种类型的技术壁垒、绿色壁垒等贸易磨擦频发。

    Anti-dumping , intellectual property disputes , all types of technical barriers , such as green barriers , all kinds of the above mentioned trade friction have been taken placed frequently .

  30. 在传统的国际私法中,知识产权纠纷是不可仲裁的,应由法院作出裁决。

    Conventionally , in the field of Private International Law , disputes involving intellectual property are considered to be inappropriate for arbitration proceedings and should be decided by a court of law .