
  • 网络Intellectual Property Operations;Spin-out Business
  1. 企业是否能利用这些知识产权运营新业务?

    Could the enterprise take these IPR rights and " spin off " a new business around them ?

  2. 企业自主知识产权名牌运营模式的聚类分析

    A Cluster Analysis on the Operation Pattern of Original Intellectual Property Rights of Famous Brand

  3. 介绍具有自主知识产权商业化运营的上海锅炉厂首台130t/h循环流化床(CFB)锅炉的结构、系统布置特点、热力参数、煤质特性等;

    This paper briefs the configuration , system layout features , thermodynamic parameters , coal property etc. of the first130t / h circulating fluidized bed ( CFB ) boiler of Shanghai Boiler Works with autonomous intellectual property right and commercial operation ;

  4. 论知识经济环境下自主知识产权的有效运营

    Discussion on the Effective Operation of Independent Intellectual Property Right in Knowledge - based Economy Environment

  5. 以专利权出资参与公司的设立是一种技术资产转化为产业资本的重要形式,是知识经济时代的内在要求,是知识产权资本运营的重要组成部分。

    Patent funded system as an important form of technology capitalization is an inherent requirement of the era of knowledge economy , and an important component of capital operation .

  6. 该体系主要由3部分组成:分别为知识产权开发战略管理子系统、知识产权保护战略管理子系统以及知识产权运营战略管理子系统。

    The system is mainly composed of 3 parts , they are intellectual property developing strategy management subsystem , intellectual property protection strategy management subsystem , intellectual property operating strategy management subsystem .

  7. 随着知识产权成为一种极具市场开拓力的竞争性资源,知识产权的管理和运营在企业经营的作用越来越突出,知识产权战略成为企业发展战略的重要部分。

    A great market to open competition for resources with the intellectual property rights , intellectual property management and operation of the increasingly prominent role in the business .