
zhī shí jiē cénɡ
  • intelligentsia;intellectual class
  1. 士是中国古代知识阶层的代名词,其本义是任事者之称,同时具有学习文化知识的含义。

    Shi , the name of the intellectual class of ancient China , refers to the government officials , and also has the connotation of learning knowledge .

  2. 洋务思想家作为这一时期知识阶层的精英,在促成和推动使节制度的近代化过程中发挥着积极的作用。

    As the essence of the intellectual class in this period , foreign affairs thinkers played an active role in the process of the modernization of diplomatic envoy system .

  3. 一种海里的知识阶层,带着知识的深度。

    A marine intelligentsia , with a knowledge of the deep .

  4. 试析知识阶层在知识经济时代的位置

    Research on the Position of Intelligentsia in the Age of Knowledge Economy

  5. 中国古代早期知识阶层论略

    A Discussion of the Intellectuals of Ancient China

  6. 要是知识阶层的一致性能够保证战争和外交获胜就好了。

    If only intellectual consistency were a guarantee of success in war and diplomacy .

  7. 在启蒙之外,人们开始从另一种角度思考白话文同民众、同知识阶层之间的关系问题。

    Beyond enlightenment , the intellectuals began to consider the vernacular writing from another perspective .

  8. 对于知识阶层而言,这种关联表现为对生命本真存在的诗意表述和高雅、理性的美学情调;

    For intellectuals , it was the poetic description of human 's nature-existent and elegantly rational taste ;

  9. 乔治-艾略特的家庭完全算不上知识阶层,还不如说是地道的守旧派。

    George Eliot 's family was by no means intellectual . Rather , they were politely conventional .

  10. 文化自觉是指知识阶层对其民族文化的自知之明和创造性发展。

    Cultural consciousness refers to the self-recognition and creative development of the national culture by the intelligentsia .

  11. 不仅普通人会有这样的想法,知识阶层更会这样想,因为智力几乎是他们的全部资本。

    This occurs as much amongst intellectual people as amongst others : they have more to lose .

  12. 14-15世纪拜占庭知识阶层的活动及对意大利文艺复兴的贡献

    The Activity of Byzantine Literati and the Contribution to the Italy Renaissance during the 14-15 ~( th ) Century

  13. 这部作品主要表现的是以儒家为代表的古代知识阶层的价值取向与精神困惑。

    This work expresses the value tropism and spiritual puzzle of the ancient intelligentsia , especially of the Confucians .

  14. 没有一个国家像中国那样,知识阶层在思想和行动上是真正的领导者。

    In no country is the educated class more really a leader of thought and action than in China .

  15. 同时,也因为拜占庭帝国重视教育的风气而使知识阶层在社会中充当着非常重要的角色。

    At the same time , because Byzantiumvalues the education , Byzantine literati play a important role in the society .

  16. 从中等社会开始,知识阶层就一直在努力寻找新的身份,力图与传统士绅告别。

    Since the middle society , intelligentsia had been struggling to quest new identity , and tried to say goodbye to gentry .

  17. 中国知识阶层以及学生的健康状况恶化,这种状况正在危及到中国社会的文化、科技、经济的发展。中国教育急需实施健康教育。

    China intelligentsia and students ' health is becoming worse . This endangers the development of our culture and S & T economy .

  18. 华盛顿享有强大的军事力量、全球单边主义的荣耀和一个总是能够从粗野亿万富翁那里筹到钱的保守党知识阶层。

    In Washington there was military might , the glories of global unilateralism and a Conservative intelligentsia that could always raise funds from boondocks billionaires .

  19. 采用激进的反传统手法,在变法图强的旗帜下推进中国新知识阶层的群体政治意识和权利意识的觉醒。

    What 's more , this movement adopted a radical anti-traditional method to awaken the political consciousness and the sense of rights in the new intelligentsia .

  20. 宋代江西民间书院与地方社会新论&以地方知识阶层的参与为视角

    Study on the Relationship between the Nongovernmental Academy and Local Society in Jiangxi in the Song Dynasty & From the Perspective of the Participation of the Local Intelligentsia

  21. 清初才子佳人小说以描写知识阶层青年男女的爱情婚姻为主要内容,并塑造了一系列前所未有的理想女性形象。

    The novels about the gifted scholars and beauties in early days of the Qing dynasty , mainly describe the loves and marriages of ideal female images that are unprecedented .

  22. 这一切使得知识阶层的整体批判功能消失殆尽,整体的理性批判完全消失,只剩下少量的个体反抗事件。

    All these make the function of criticism of the intellectual class as a whole dissolve . There is no sensible criticism as a whole , but only few individual protests .

  23. 中国古代知识阶层所代表的道与君权系统所代表的势之间的对立冲突构成这部作品的基本意义生成模式。

    The mode of meaning - becoming in this literary work is constructed by the antinomy and conflict between the Tao represented by the ancient intelligentsia and the Shi represented by the regality system .

  24. 1912~1913年的广东教育界,存在着新旧知识阶层两大营垒和中西方两种文化教育的力量。

    Abstract Between 1912 and 1913 , in the Guangdong educational circle , there existed the old and new intellectual groups and the forces in favor of Chinese and Western styles of education respectively .

  25. 经过孔子及其弟子的努力,中国传统的礼进入了礼学阶段,这也标志着中国古代知识阶层的诞生。

    With the efforts of Confucius and his disciples , the traditional notion of li in China comes into the phase of the study of li , which symbolizes the birth of intellectual class in ancient China .

  26. 其中,知识阶层、私有阶层、管理阶层都是新兴社会阶层,他们和工人阶层一样都呈扩张态势,只有农民阶层的规模在不断缩小。

    Among it , the intellectual stratum , the private stratum , the managing stratum are the new social strata , just like the worker stratum , they tend to expand except that the peasant stratum is becoming smaller .

  27. 经学在汉代以后成为主流意识形态,不仅是统治者的选择,而且是古代知识阶层,即士人或士大夫的选择。

    After study at later become the mainstream ideology of the Han Dynasty , not only are the choice of rulers , but also are Class Ancient knowledge , that is , the choice of the scholar or scholar-officials .

  28. 以现代知识阶层崛起为背景,说明中国现代随笔家在20世纪文坛上如何以随笔为言说方式,进行广泛的社会批评和文明批评;

    Then , using the rising of modern intellectual class as the background , the author goes on to illustrate how the modern Chinese essayists carried out their extensive social criticism and civilization criticism through essays in the 20th century .

  29. 这些对古代知识阶层产生两方面重要影响,一是思想素质低下,难以承担促进社会进步和社会改革的重任;

    These had influenced the intellectuals in two important ways . For one thing , the ideological level of them was very low , with which they could not bear the great responsibility for the improvement and reformation of the society .

  30. 造成这种情况的原因是由于在社会的整体中,知识阶层处于宗教与世俗这两端之间。

    Throughout the history , praises and criticisms of various kinds have been always coming along with them , for which the reason is that the stratum of intellectual is put into the extremes of the religious and secular in the society .