
  • Matrix norm;【数】norm of a matrix
  1. 从MATLAB对矩阵范数的计算看数学教育改革的迫切性

    Scanning the Urgency of the Innovation of Math Education Through Matrix Norm Calculation by MATLAB

  2. 考虑了一类不确定广义组合大系统,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论和矩阵范数性质研究了该类系统的分散镇定问题。

    This paper considers a class of uncertain generalized large-scale composite system and studies the decentralized stabilization problem for the system by employing Lyapunov method and using the matrix norm properties .

  3. 本文在多变量奈奎斯特(Nyquist)稳定判据及逆Nyquist稳定性判据的基础上,给出了一组适合于电力系统分析的矩阵范数界鲁棒稳定性判据,得到了相应的电力系统稳定性督棒指示因子。

    Based on the multi-variable Nyquist and inverse Nyquist criteria , a set of matrix-norm robust stability theorems suitable for power systems are developed and the corresponding robustness measures are obtained .

  4. 通过矩阵范数分析建立了摄动的Riccati代数方程的解的摄动界估计(以系统参数摄动界表出),从而提供了一种方便的实用计算方法。

    Through matrix norm analysis the estimation ( expressed in terms of the disturbance range of the system parameters ) of the disturbance range in the solution of the disturbed algebraic Riccati equation is established . This method appears quite convenient for the practical computational purposes .

  5. 在利用G.P.法由单一时间序列计算关联维D2的基础上,引入矩阵范数,提出了多时间序列数据联合计算关联维D2的算法。

    P. A. determining correlation dimension D2 from a single time sequence and by use of the concept of matrix norm , a method of computing correlation dimension D2 from multiple time sequences is presented in this paper .

  6. 控制系统稳定性判别的矩阵范数分析法

    A matrix norm analysis method of distinguishing control system 's stability

  7. 系统构模误差矩阵范数上界的一个新估值

    A New Upper Bound for the Norm of System-modelling Error Matrices

  8. 几个矩阵范数不等式及其在谱扰动中的应用

    Some norm inequalities for matrices and applications to spectral perturbation

  9. 矩阵范数的应用&矩阵方程解的误差估计

    Application of matrix norm on the error estimate of solution of matrix equation

  10. 一类关于矩阵范数的不等式及其应用

    A Class of Inequalities about Matrix Norms and Applications

  11. 本文刻划了保矩阵范数的两类线性算子的结构。

    Two Kinds Linear Operators Preserving Norms of Matrices ;

  12. 基于整数小波矩阵范数量化半脆弱数字水印算法的研究

    Research on Semi-fragile Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on Integer Wavelet Matrix Norm Quantization

  13. s~A的矩阵范数的一些性质

    Some Matrix Norm Properties for s ~ A

  14. 并利用三种不同的矩阵范数进行了大量的实验。

    We give various numerical experiments for the new algorithm with different kinds of norms .

  15. 矩阵范数的界和方阵的p-条件数

    The Bounds of Matrix Norm of a Rectangular Matrix and p-condition Number of a Square Matrix

  16. 关于矩阵范数的4个等式

    Four equations on matrix norm

  17. 利用矩阵范数实现的公开水印技术

    Public Watermarking Using Matrix Norm

  18. 又利用矩阵范数的定义及性质,得出了一个以范数形式表示的推论。

    By the definition and properties of matrix norm , a corollary expressed by matrix norm is obtained .

  19. 通过等价变换,将区间系统转换为对应的矩阵范数不确定系统,并据此导出区间系统的鲁棒滤波算法。

    By equivalent transformation , the interval system is transformed to an uncertain system with matrix norm bounds .

  20. 几类矩阵范数之间的关系

    Relations among matrix norms

  21. 利用李雅普诺夫方法和矩阵范数性质研究了具有饱和输入的非线性组合系统区域分散控制问题。

    Decentralized control of region for nonlinear composite systems with input saturation is studied by using Lyapunov 's theory and matrix norm properties .

  22. 利用比较定理、矩阵范数和矩阵测度的有关性质,提出了简单不确定时滞系统及对称组合不确定时滞系统的稳定条件。

    Using comparison theorem and some properties of the matrix norm and the matrix measure , the paper provides several stability conditions for single and symmetric composite uncertain delay systems .

  23. 本文介绍了矩阵范数的定义及其基本性质,进而引出了矩阵条件数的概念,得到了矩阵条件数的基本性质。

    In this paper , we introduce the definition of the matrix norm and its basic properties . And further more we get the concept of condition number and its basic properties .

  24. 本文在严格、完整的基础上,利用矩阵范数理论研究了结构非线性动力分析中数值积分格式的稳定性问题,给出了判别单自由度非线性动力方程积分格式稳定性的一般数学准则。

    The problem of stability in the numerical integration schemes of nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures is discussed by using matrix and norm theory on a rigorous and complete basis in this paper .

  25. 借助矩阵范数和矩阵谱半径的概念,结合极限理论和数项级数的有关结论,给出了矩阵级数一致收敛的判定方法。

    With the help of matrix number and matrix music radius concepts , combined with the conclusion about the limit and numeral progression , the paper gives judgement methods of matrix progression unanimous convergence .

  26. 本研究提出一种用逆矩阵范数数值对线对法最小二乘方程组的稳定性进行判别,选择常态方程而求解晶胞参数的方法。

    A method for solving the normal state equations to obtain the lattice parameters by using of the inverse matrix to discriminate the stability of the pair line least square equations is given in this paper .

  27. 本文利用矩阵范数和矩阵测度给出了一类具时滞不确定奇异系统与时滞无关的稳定性及具给定衰减速率稳定性的稳定性条件。

    As far as an uncertain singular system with time delay is concerned , this paper presents sufficient conditions independent of delay and decaying rate of its robust stability by using the matrix norm and measure .

  28. 考虑一般半相依回归系统的两步协方差改进估计序列,通过引入矩阵范数及矩阵的收敛,可以比较完整地解决两步协方差改进估计序列的收敛性。

    Two_stage covariance_improved estimator sequence of the generalized seemingly unrelated regressing equations system is considered . Through introducing the norm and convergence property of matrix , we can solve more completely the convergence of two_stage covariance_improved estimator sequence .

  29. 最近一篇论文(杨开阳,井元伟,信息与控制,Vo130,№5,pp:474-4762001)利用比较原理,矩阵范数和矩阵测度的有关性质,提出了简单不确定时滞系统的稳定条件。

    In a recent paper ( YANG Kai yang et al , Information and Control , Vol.30 no.5 , pp : 474-476,2001 ), several stability conditions for single uncertain delay system were proposed by using comparision theorem and some properties of the matrix norm and matrix measure .

  30. 由Cmxn中矩阵F范数的酉不变性质,给出了实对称矩阵与实非奇异矩阵F范数的特征性质及其推论

    According to the F norm 's unitary invariant property of C mxn , the characteristic properties and deductions of the real symmetrical matrix and nonsingular matrix 's F norm are achieved