
  • 【电力】discrete spectrum
  1. 据此提出了傅立叶本征变换(FET)。现有的各种DFT和FFT都是基于经典的博立叶变换,这类方法的共同特点是只能得到离散谱。

    Then the Fourier eigen transform ( FET ) is proposed .

  2. 离散谱折射率法优化设计MMI型光功分器

    Optimization of MMI Optical Power Splitter Using Discrete Spectral Index Method

  3. 本文对两个连续谱问题(正、负KN谱问题)及一个离散谱问题进行了研究。

    Two KN spectral problems ( positive , negative ) and a discrete spectral problem are investigated in this thesis .

  4. 周期延拓后,空间各点场量的离散谱通过求解频域Maxwell差分方程得到,利用Fourier逆变换导出原问题的时域解。

    The discrete spectra of the field quantities after continuation are obtained from difference Maxwell curl equations in frequency-domain and the time-domain solution of the original problem is derived from their inverse Fourier transforms .

  5. 提出了一种用线性调频Z变换进行频谱校正的新方法,通过提高局部频段内的频率分辨率解决离散谱线不能对准实际谱峰时所带来的误差。

    A new spectrum correction method based on Chirp Z Transform is presented , by which the frequency resolution can be increased according to users ' requirements and thus a richer spectrum can be obtained and more accurate spectrum peaks can be found .

  6. 一类半线性抛物方程的Laguerre-Fourier全离散谱逼近

    Laguerre-Fourier Fully Discrete Spectral Approximation of a Semilinear Parabolic Equation

  7. FSK信号的频谱成分比较复杂,包含基带信号引入的连续谱和载波信号引入的离散谱两部分,传统的信号处理方法难以准确测量。

    Owing to the complexity of the ingredients of the frequency spectrum of FSK signals , which contain the continuous spectrum introduced by the baseband signal and discrete spectrum introduced by the carrier signal , it is difficult to accurately measure the frequency ingredients of FSK .

  8. 本文利用规范变换,找出了与相关Toda链对应的离散谱问题的一个达布变换,进而给出了相关Toda链显式解的一种代数算法。

    A Darboux transformation of the discrete spectral problem associated with the relativistic Toda lattices is found with the help of gauge transformation , further , a kind of algebraic algorithm to obtain explicit solutions for the relativistic Toda lattices is given .

  9. 分析和仿真表明UWB系统CPPM方式可以获得更均匀的功率谱,其离散谱密度明显低于TH-PPM,从而能减少对其它通信系统的干扰、具有更低截获概率和高保密性。

    Analysis and simulation show that , for UWB system , CPPM can obtain more even PSD , its discrete PSD is smaller than TH-PPM ' s. Therefore it has less interference on other communication systems , lower probability of detection and higher security . 5 .

  10. 正压模式中慢波的离散谱及其特征函数

    Discrete Spectra and Their Characteristic Functions of Slow Waves in Barotropic Models

  11. 调和算子二次式的离散谱估计

    Estimate for the discrete spectrum of a quadratic form in Laplacian operator

  12. 基于最大似然法的超分辨率离散谱估计算法

    A Superresolution Discrete Spectrum Estimation Algorithm Based on Maximum Likelihood

  13. 任意阶调和算子的离散谱估计

    Estimates for Discrete Spectrum of Laplacian Operator With any Order

  14. 偶阶非对称微分算子离散谱准则

    Criteria for the Discrete Spectrum of Even-order Non-symmetric Differential Operators

  15. 阻塞喷注冲击噪声的离散谱特性

    The characteristics of screech spectra in choked jet noise

  16. 添零方式对有限长序列离散谱的影响

    Effects on the Discrete Spectrum of the Finite Sequences with Different Zeros-Padding Modes

  17. 单壁碳纳米管环离散谱和连续谱间的转变

    Discrete-continuous spectral transition in single wall toroidal carbon nanotubes

  18. 四阶线性微分方程组的离散谱估计

    Estimates for Discrete Spectrum of System of Linear Differential Equations with Four Orders

  19. 某类系统的离散谱估计

    Estimates for Discrete Spectrum of a Certain System

  20. 关于具有离散谱的线性无界算子的摄动问题及其应用

    On the perturbation problems for the unbounded linear operators with discrete spectrum and Its Applications

  21. 具有拟离散谱的拓扑传递动力系统

    Topological transitive dynamical systems with quasi-discrete spectrum

  22. 具纯离散谱的u-标算子

    U-scalar operators with purely discrete spectrum

  23. 通过对一个离散谱问题的非线性化,得到一个离散的非线性演化方程族。

    A hierarchy of discrete evolution equations is obtained by the nonlinearization of a discrete spectral problem .

  24. 本文对正压模式中慢波的离散谱及其特征函数作了数值计算。

    In this paper discrete spectra and their characteristic functions of slow waves in barotropic models are calculated .

  25. 螺旋桨离散谱噪声计算一般是在螺旋桨非定常力计算和声学计算相结合的基础上得到的。

    In this paper , propeller discrete noise is predicated with calculating un ˉ steady force and acoustics .

  26. 本文还给出了计算离散谱频率和宽带谱峰频的新公式;

    New formulae for screech frequency and peak frequency of wide-band shock associated noise are given , which agree well with experiments .

  27. 蜂窝密封、梳齿密封和光滑密封的对比实验表明,密封间隙气流压力脉动谱图为离散谱。

    The contrast tests of smooth seals , labyrinth and honeycomb seals have demonstrated the seal gas clearance pulsation spectrum is a discrete one .

  28. 由螺旋桨叶片和船舶艉部非均匀流场相互作用引起了低频离散谱噪声。

    The low-frequency discrete noise of propeller is induced by the interaction between the blades of the propeller and non-uniform inflow of the marine stern .

  29. 本文重点研究了信号的平方谱和四次方谱,给出了离散谱线检测参量的量化定义。

    This paper focuses on the square of the signal spectrum and the fourth power of the spectrum , given the discrete spectrum quantitative detection of defined parameters .

  30. 我们对它的声场和频谱作了详细的实验测量,由于采用外差分析技术,冲击噪声的离散谱和宽带谱可同时记录。

    Sound field and spectra thereof were investigated experimentally by utilizing the heterodyne analysis technique , so that both the screech and the wide-band noise can be recorded and studied .