
  • 网络spectrum radius;the spectral radius;spectral radii
  1. 直径为d的n阶树的谱半径

    On the Spectral Radius of Trees With n Vertices and Diameter d

  2. n阶双圈图的邻接谱半径

    On the spectral radius of bicyclic graphs of order n

  3. 无K5-图子式的图的谱半径

    On the Spectral Radius of K_5-minor Free Graphs

  4. 具有k条割边的图的谱半径的界。

    Study the bounds of the spectral of the graphs with k edge - cut .

  5. 边无关数为q的n阶树的谱半径的第三大值

    The Third Largest Value of Spectral Radius of Trees with n Vertices and Edge-independence Number q

  6. 给出B(X)到B(Y)上保谱半径线性映射的一些刻划。

    Some characterizations of spectral_radius preserving linear maps from B ( X ) onto B ( Y ) are given .

  7. G是一个无K5-图子式且边数为m的简单图,ρ(G)是图G的谱半径。

    Let G be a K_5-minor free simple graph with m edges and ρ( G ) the spectral radius of G.

  8. 设G为n阶简单连通图,ρ(G)为图G的邻接谱半径。

    Let G be a simple connected graph with n vertices and ρ( G ) be the adjacency spectral radius of G.

  9. 对非负不可拆的大矩阵A及谱半径ρ,本文给出Person向量的一种简易求法。

    In this paper , for a large nonnegative irreducible matrix A with spectral radius ρ, we obtain a simple method to find the Person vector .

  10. 对已有的移接变形方法进行改进,刻画了邻接谱半径达到第二大,第三大的n(n>2)阶2-树。

    By using the improved method of graft transformation , we characterize the 2-trees that maximize the second and the third largest adjacency spectral radius .

  11. Banach代数中对谱半径的Schwarz引理

    Schwarz 's lemma for the spectral radius in complex Banach Algebras

  12. 关于图的Laplacian谱半径上界两个重要结果的新证明

    New Proofs for Two Upper Bounds on the Laplacian Spectral Radius of Graphs

  13. 图的Laplacian矩阵的谱半径

    The Spectral Radius of Laplacian Matrices of Graphs

  14. 树的邻接矩阵和Laplacian矩阵谱半径的新下界

    New Lower Bounds on the Spectral Radius of Adjacency Matrices and Laplacian Matrices of Trees

  15. 设G为n阶简单图,ρ为G的谱半径,ρ-为补图G-的谱半径。

    Let G be a simple graph with n vertices and let ρ be its spectral radius . Let be the complement graph of G and let be the spectral radius of .

  16. 随机矩阵函数Kronecker积的谱半径的不等式

    Inequalities of the Spectral Radius of Kronecker Products for Random Matrix Functions

  17. 本文给出了边无关数为q的n阶树的谱半径的第二大值,并确定取得该值的树。

    In this paper , the second largest value of spectral radius of trees with n vertices and edge-independence number q is given , meanwhile the tree which reachs the value is also given .

  18. Brauer定理中谱半径上界的新估计

    A New Estimation of Upper for Spectral Radius in Brauer Theorem

  19. 文中也讨论了Gauss-Seidel,AOR迭代法的迭代阵的谱半径的上界估计。

    The bounds of the spectral radius of the iteration matrix of Gauss-Seidel and AOR are also presented .

  20. 在0≤^≤e的情况下,证明了对于Z-矩阵,当经典高斯-赛德尔迭代法收敛时,修正不完全高斯-赛德尔迭代法的迭代矩阵的谱半径对于^是严格单调递减的。

    We prove that the spectral radius function ρ _ α of the iterative matrix T_ α of MIGS with α is strictly monotonic decreasing at the condition of 0 ≤α≤ e if the classical Gauss-Seidel method converges for a Z-matrix .

  21. 我们首先给出了迭代阵谱半径的新上界,然后根据所求的上界来分析了AOR迭代法的收敛性。

    Firstly , we obtain new bound of the iteration matrix , then we analyze the convergence of AOR method .

  22. 对于一个具有谱半径ρ的非负不可约矩阵A,Meyer引进了Perron补的概念去解决A的Perron向量问题,Meyer的方法是个典型的Divide-and-Conquer(分而制之)的方法。

    For a nonnegative irreducible matrix A with spectral radius ρ, Meyer introduced Perron Complements to solve the Perron eigenvector problem .

  23. 最优尺度矩阵的生成、Jacobi迭代矩阵谱半径计算、‖A~(-1)‖∞计算和M-矩阵判定的迭代算法

    Iterative Algorithms for Producing the Optimally Scaled Matrix , Computing the Spectral Radius of the Jacobi Iterative Matrix , Bounding ‖ A ~( - 1 )‖ _ ∞ and Judging M-matrices

  24. 根据谱半径相关理论,通过频域法,在只要求系统矩阵A为Hurwitz矩阵的条件下,得到了线性不确定多时滞系统的稳定性新判据。

    As the system matrix A is a Hurwitz matrix rather than a negative matrix measure , a new criterion of stability is obtained .

  25. 基于该模型,以OS法(Operator-splittingmethod)和中心差分法为例,利用谱半径方法分析了作动器时滞及其补偿对实验稳定性的影响。

    With this model , the effects of time delay and compensation of integration methods in RST are analyzed using spectrum radius method . The specific time stepping methods under investigation are the operator-splitting method and the central difference integration method .

  26. 现在在Streatham有一栋半独立式房子要出售。给定阶和边独立数的单圈图的谱半径

    We have one on our books in Streatham . Spectral radius of unicyclic graphs given order and edge independence number

  27. G~(-++)和G~(+&)是正则的当且仅当G是(n-1)/2-正则图.同时还讨论了变换图的谱半径上界,并对这些上界进行了估计。

    G ~ ( - + + ) and G ~ ( + & ) are regular if and only if G is ( n-1 ) / 2-regular . We also give some upper bounds on the spectral radius of transformation graphs . Then we estimate these upper bounds .

  28. 本文主要从理论上刻画从过程的任何状态逃离速度的Galton-Watson分支过程的谱半径的概率意义。

    In this paper , we mainly study the probability sense of the spectral radiuses of Galton-Watson branching processes in theory , which depicts the speed of the process escaping from any state .

  29. 非负矩阵谱半径的一个新界值估计

    Estimation of new bounds on the spectral radius of nonnegative matrix

  30. 给定阶和边独立数的单圈图的谱半径

    Spectral radius of unicyclic graphs given order and edge independence number