
duǎn wài tào
  • short coat;car coat;naist
短外套 [duǎn wài tào]
  • (1) [waist]∶能遮住从颈部到腰部(或腰以下一点儿)的外套或衣服

  • (2) [coatee]∶指带短下摆或短后摆的紧身上衣

短外套[duǎn wài tào]
  1. 她正在试穿一件价值8,000美元的短外套。

    She was trying on an $ 8,000 jacket for size

  2. 令人关注的是,山本耀司使用Gore(通常用于登山服装)面料制作出了运动夹克和短外套。

    Notably , Yamamoto has used fabric made from Gore ( usually used for alpine trekking ) for blazers and parker coats .

  3. 例如,可以去看看burberry的黑色无毛貂皮军装大衣,以及brioni用南美栗鼠皮镶边的羊绒短外套(不过,3万美元的建议零售价可不算便宜)。

    See , for example , the black shaved mink trenchcoat from Burberry and chinchilla-lined cashmere top coat from Brioni ( not exactly a snip at $ 30000 suggested retail price ) .

  4. Oya身着绿色短外套,上面别着硕大的金色胸针,头戴时髦的黑色筒状圆帽,就连脸上的的妆容和口红也透着优雅。

    Oya is wearing a green jacket with a big gold broach , a stylish black pillbox hat , and has tastefully applied both makeup and lipstick .

  5. 针织短外套19世纪早期男子所穿的对襟短外衣。

    A short double-breasted overcoat worn by men in the early19th century .

  6. 没错你要带上另一件短外套吗

    Are you taking your other trench coat ? I don 't think so .

  7. 亲爱的,我真喜欢你的短外套&你在哪里买的?

    Darling , I simply adore your blouse & where did you get it ?

  8. 具有防水外层的短外套。

    A parka with a waterproof shell .

  9. 请你把短外套脱掉

    Take off your shrug , please .

  10. 身边的人在做准备,车子已经订好,有人正取来一件短外套。

    People are getting ready . Cars are being ordered . Somebody is bringing a jacket .

  11. 你可以搭件短外套来配迷你裙,这样可以使你看起来高一些。

    You can pair a cropped jacket with a mini-skirt . it 'll make you look taller .

  12. 短外套“短款呢子外套是打造奢华造型的终极选择,”Zaino这样说道。

    Cropped Coat " A short tweed style is the ultimate statement in luxury style , " noted Zaino .

  13. 其中最漂亮的要数那位穿着浅粉色短外套的姑娘。她干活时从不四处张望。

    The prettiest was the one in the pale pink jacket , who never looked around her as she worked .

  14. 还有位职员表示,她把羊毛开衫换成了短外套,还花了一大笔钱买衣服。

    Another staff member said she swapped her cardigan for a jacket and spent a lot of money on clothes .

  15. 他的头发修剪过了,穿着短外套,以微笑示人的皮特看起来又和以前一样迷人了。

    With his hair neatly trimmed , and wearing a smart suit , smiling Pitt looked just like his old self .

  16. 今年最有代表性的款式让人想起越战时美军穿的M-65野战短外套。

    The most symbolically resonant of this year 's models evoke the M-65 field jacket worn by United States troops in Vietnam .

  17. 未来女装发展趋势是在短外套、衬衫、腰衫以及公主线和省道背心。

    The future shapes up with figure - skimming princess seams and darts on the jacket , chemise , top and vest .

  18. 13这时在她身后传来一声轻微的响声,她转身一把抓住了一个小男孩的短外套的衣角,他想跑都跑不掉了。

    There was a slight noise behind her and she turned just in time to seize a small boy by the slack of his roundabout and arrest his flight .

  19. 在一张照片中,艾玛穿着黑白短外套,搭配毛披肩和宽檐帽,弯眉突显了她深棕色的眼眸,与赫本的典雅造型一脉相承。

    In one photo , Emma channels her grandmother 's elegant poise in a black and white jacket , matching fur stole and wide-brimmed hat , her arched eyebrows bringing out her deep brown eyes .

  20. 短蛸外套膜和足粘液细胞的类型及分布

    Types and Distribution of Mucous Cells in Mantle and Foot of Octopus ocellatus

  21. 在观众中,偶然有一些别了胸针在短上衣和外套上。

    In the audience , there were a few stray brooches pinned to jackets and coats .