
duǎn lù xiàn
  • short-circuit (short-circuited) line
  1. 基于MATLAB动态规划中最短路线的实现程序

    The Shortest-path Realization on Dynamic Programming Based on MATLAB

  2. 运筹学中计划排序CPM解决最短路线反最短线路问题

    The CPM for the Shortest - line Inverse Shortest Paths Problem

  3. 这个问题就是流动推销员问题或TSP:在给定一个城市列表的情况下,找出仅访问每个城市一次并且最后回到最初的城市的最短路线。

    It 's the Traveling Salesman Problem , or TSP : Given a list of cities , find the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the original city .

  4. 首先对公路运输最短路线问题进行了分析,建立其数学模型,提出采用路段分组策略、局部Dijkstra算法搜索和全局遗传算法优化的综合求解方法。

    This paper firstly researches the shortest path of the road transport , sets up its mathematic model and brings forward the method of road-section grouping strategy , searching in grouping road-section with the Dijkstra algorithms and optimizing in all road-section with GA.

  5. 消防车辆出动的最短路线优化算法

    Optimizing the short path algorithm on steering vehicle of fire fighting

  6. 这是从波士顿到纽约的最短路线。

    This is the shortest route from Boston to New York .

  7. 基于最短路线算法的延迟包装策略的成本分析

    Cost analysis about postponement strategy of packaging based on the shortest route algorithm

  8. 正相反,你会发现那是最短路线。

    On the contrary . I think you 'll find that it is .

  9. 求全部最短路线的方法

    An Algorithm to Find All Shortest Paths

  10. 预订系统应当提供一个经过组织的结果列表,如可以按最低价格或最短路线排序的航班预订信息。

    A reservation system should provide an organized list of results , such as airline reservations that can be sorted by lowest cost or shortest route .

  11. 称人结在我爬长路线曾经松开,而爬短路线且很常坠落时我会用改良版称人结。

    The bowline has worked loose on me during long routes , however the'improved bowline'is something I use when I am sport climbing and falling off is more frequent .

  12. 本文利用角点函数讨论最短路线问题,给出一种处理最短路线问题的数学模型。

    By making use of angle function , the shortest path problem is discussed in this paper , and a mathematical model for dealing the shortest path is given .

  13. 这样,它们有效地解决了“旅行推销员问题”,即如果一个旅行推销员需访问多个地点,如何找到访问这些地点的最短路线。

    In this way , they effectively solved the " traveling salesman problem ," which involves finding the shortest route that allows a traveling salesman to call at all the locations he has to visit .

  14. 短路线岩石地球化学测量在地质找矿工作中是一种简便、快速、经济的方法之一,应用范围广,对解决某些地质问题能发挥较好的作用。

    Short route litho-geochemical surveying is a simple , fast and economic method of geologic surveying . It is used to a wide extent , and take an important role in solving some geologic problems .

  15. 这是一个笔试,问司机从一个地方到另一个地方最短的路线是什么。

    It is a written test , and in it drivers are asked the shortest way from one place to another .

  16. 倔强的反:docile容易教的,温顺的虽然我仔细地跟他解说过较短的路线,那任性的年轻人还是走较长的那条路来。

    Though I had care fully explained the shorter route to him , the perverse youngster came by the longer way .

  17. 一条比通常所走的要短的路线。

    A route shorter than the usual one .

  18. 最短供水路线的矩阵求法

    Shortest route of supplying water 's matrix method

  19. 到巴黎最短的路线是什麽?

    What is the shortest route to paris ?

  20. 到那最短的路线是什么?

    What is the shortest route there ?

  21. 目标是找到最短的路线,以及将它们与合理的备用方案进行比较。

    The goal is to find the shortest routes , and to compare them to reasonable alternatives .

  22. 火警119系统中通往火场最短行车路线的快速生成

    Fast Way to Generate the Shortest Path Leading to Firing Place in " fire Alarm 119 " System

  23. 因为没有固定泳道,选手们都会自行选择最短的路线。

    As there were no fixed swim lanes , all the players naturally took the shortest route for their own .

  24. 以湖北省公路网为例,系统介绍了公路网线形及其属性的模拟技术、公路行车速度的模拟技术,以及基于栅格公路网的最短行车路线和行车时间的模拟技术。

    Then , taking road-network in Hubei as an example , the paper introduces the simulation technologies of road shape and attributes , driving speed , and shortest driving path and driving time .

  25. 利用虚拟现实与GIS技术,实现计算机通风系统管理,巷道的三维显示,瓦斯、风速、温度的实时显示,实现最短避灾路线的算法。

    Through virtual reality and GIS technology to actualize computer management of mine ventilation , the 3D displaying of laneway , the Real-time displaying of the gas , wind speed and temperature and the arithmetic of the optimum escape routes .

  26. G00功能与最短走刀路线的制定

    Goo function and drawing up of the shortest feed route

  27. 最短的可行路线。

    The shortest possible route .

  28. 蜜蜂们了解花的位置后,就很快地找到最短的飞行路线,来节省时间和体力。

    After exploring the location of the flowers , the bees quickly learned to fly the shortest route for saving time and energy .

  29. 上火车时,观察最短的逃离路线,熟悉安全设施,比如紧急报警器和对讲机。

    When boarding the train , look for your shortest escape route and familiarize yourself with safety features such as an emergency alarm or intercom .

  30. 他们从‘加州小径’开始了他们的探索之路,但随后放弃了这条已知的西行马路,取而代之选择了一条路途较短的未知路线。

    They began their journey on the California Trail , a known wagon-train route west , but decided to try a shorter , alternate route .