
  1. 美国破产撤销权制度研究

    Research on the System of Repeal Rights in American Bankruptcy Law

  2. 破产撤销权制度一直争议颇多。

    There have been many disputes about bankruptcy revocation system .

  3. 第六部分,破产撤销权的行使与效果。

    Part Six : The Exercise and Effect of the Right of Rescission .

  4. 再次,运用比较法学的方法对国外成熟的破产撤销权的相关规定进行比较分析,并从中获得有助于解决我国相关问题的启示。

    Again , analysis of overseas mature relevant provision , solve our problems .

  5. 破产撤销权的制度设计

    Design Systematic Description of Repeal Rights in Insolvency

  6. 论破产撤销权的制度价值与法律性质

    On the System Values and Legal Properties of the Cancellation Right in Bankruptcy Cases

  7. 破产撤销权相关期间的限制

    Study on Restricting the Period of Time in the Revocable Rights of the Bankruptcy Law

  8. 破产撤销权法律制度在企业破产领域广泛地发挥着作用。

    The law system of the revocable rights in the bankrupt has great effect on the field of the bankruptcy .

  9. 破产撤销权制度设立的理论基础为具体制度的构建提供了合理性标准,为具体制度的实施提供了有力保障。

    The establishment of provides a criteria for particular system , and safeguards well for the enforcement of such system .

  10. 其次,就我国破产撤销权的法律规定运用相关法学理论进行了深入阐释,并就破产撤销权在实践中产生的争议、问题予以分析。

    Secondly , illustrates the right of bankruptcy rescission of our bankruptcy law , analyses the cause of the problem in practice .

  11. 故破产撤销权不仅是破产法的重要组成部分,而且在破产法中有着举足轻重的作用。

    So the right of bankruptcy rescission is not only an important part of the bankruptcy code , and plays a vital role in bankruptcy law .

  12. 破产撤销权有利于规制各种逃债行为,保护债权人的合法权益,从而保障破产制度功能的实现。

    The right of bankruptcy rescission regulate the behavior of various escape debts , protect the lawful rights and interests of creditors so as to ensure the realization of the function of the system .

  13. 因为,破产撤销权以破产可撤销行为为追溯对象,破产管理人只能对法定的破产可撤销行为行使破产撤销权。

    Because the bankrupt revocable actions is taken as the retroactive object of the bankrupt revocable right and the bankrupt manager can only issue the bankrupt revocable right to the legal bankrupt revocable actions .

  14. 事后规制措施则包括引入实质合并原则、衡平居次原则,完善破产撤销权制度,并严格限制破产抵消权和别除权的使用。

    The countermeasures of afterwards regulation includes introducing the principle of substantive consolidation and equitable subordination , Perfecting the system of bankruptcy revoked , and strictly limited the use of repealing rights and removing rights in bankruptcy .

  15. 然而,我国现行《中华人民共和国企业破产法》关于破产撤销权的规定仅涉及为数不多的几个条款,其规定过于原则,与国外成熟的立法例相比还存在较大的差距。

    However , the current enterprise bankruptcy law of China on the right of bankruptcy rescission involves only the few terms , its regulations are too principle , compared with foreign mature legislative cases also has the big gap .

  16. 本文通过对破产可撤销行为对破产撤销权的地理定位和发挥功效作用的分析,以强调立法规范破产可撤销行为的重要性。

    Through making the bankrupt revocable actions ' geographical orientation to the bankrupt revocable right and analysis on the function exertion , the text emphasized the importance of making the bankrupt revocable actions standardization by legislation .

  17. 主要对我国破产可撤销行为适用破产撤销权的例外规则进行了研究,提出了自己的见解,以期促进我国破产可撤销行为的立法完善。

    It mainly made research on the exclusive regulations that applied in the bankrupt revocable right of the bankrupt revocable actions of our nation , pointed out my own suggestion so as to promote the legislation perfection of the bankrupt revocable actions of our nation .

  18. 第二部分为实体性制度,分别涉及自由财产制度、人格破产与复权制度、破产免责制度、破产无效行为和撤销权制度,第三节为个人破产犯罪。

    The second section is about the design of the substantive system . It includes the free capital system , personal bankruptcy , compound right system , debt relief system , the void action of bankruptcy and the right of rescission .