
  • 网络Bankruptcy reorganization;Bankruptcy restructuring
  1. 如果该企业的债负超过了公司的财产,那么破产重组后公司的原业主将会得不到任何的收益;

    If the business 's debts exceed its assets , the bankruptcy restructuring results in the company 's owners being left with nothing ;

  2. 于未能与部分债权人达成协议,克莱斯勒(chryslerllc)周四在美国政府的要求下提交了破产重组申请。

    Chrysler LLC on Thursday filed for bankruptcy reorganization at the behest of the U. s.government after failing to reach an agreement with a small group of creditors .

  3. 这部影片记录了中核华原钛白股份有限公司(CNNCHuaYuanTitaniumDioxide,简称:中核钛白)破产重组过程中经历的种种阵痛,该企业的前身为一家位于中国西北甘肃省沙漠地区的秘密核工厂。

    The film documents the travails of CNNC Hua Yuan Titanium Dioxide , a formerly secret nuclear plant in the desert of northern Gansu province .

  4. 即使债券持有人5年后能把钱拿回来,他们也没有得到一个合适的回报率。破产重组公司Alvarez&Marsal亚洲联席主管汤姆琼斯(TomJones)表示。

    Even if the bondholders get their money back in five years , they are not being paid an appropriate rate of return , says Tom Jones , co-head of Asia for Alvarez & Marsal , the restructuring firm .

  5. 企业破产重组是市场经济条件下出现的一种行为。

    Business bankruptcy recombination can promote resource optimization allocation under market economy .

  6. 伯纳表示,此次破产重组不会对其业务或供应商造成影响。

    MS Berner said the restructuring would not affect its operations or suppliers .

  7. 浅谈国有企业实施有效破产重组的策略

    Strategy Of Performing Effective Bankruptcy Recombination Of Government Facility

  8. 第六章是破产重组影响效果评价。

    The impact of the bankruptcy and reform is analyzed in sixth chapter .

  9. 浅析破产重组企业环境行政责任

    Environmentally Administrative Responsibility of Re-composed Bankrupt Enterprises

  10. 第三章是破产重组过程的评价。

    The evaluation of the performance of the bankruptcy and reform is the third chapter .

  11. 破产重组四年后,通用汽车终于重新站稳了脚跟,投资人也因此倍感鼓舞。

    Investors are heartened that the automaker has stabilized following four years of post-bankruptcy restructuring .

  12. 破产重组矿山应在体现最广大职工利益的基础上克服企业文化中的误区,建立激励机制。

    Bankrupt mine should establish correct realization of corporate culture and set up the incentive mechanism which represents the worker 's interests .

  13. 通过破产重组,债权人,重组方,原股东可以取得比破产的直接结果更好。

    Through bankruptcy reorganization , creditors , restructuring side , the original shareholders can achieve better than the direct result of bankruptcy .

  14. 这是私营部门应该靠自己实现的目标,也是破产重组要做的事情。

    That is what the private sector is supposed to achieve on its own and what a reorganisation under bankruptcy would do .

  15. 从2008年9月开始,金融危机开始席卷全球,许多巨型企业纷纷倒闭或破产重组。

    The financial crisis spreaded from US to the whole world from September 2008 , many global giant companies went bankruptcy or restructured .

  16. 破产重组常使股东们元气大伤,让那些债权人去争夺重组后公司的权益或资产。

    Equity holders are often wiped out by bankruptcy restructurings , leaving those who are owed money to fight over stakes in the restructured company or its assets .

  17. 在谈及美国重大新闻时,盖特纳说,他对通用和克莱斯勒无需政府资助进行破产重组持乐观态度。

    Speaking about major news back in the United States , Geithner says he is optimistic General Motors and Chrysler will emerge from bankruptcy , without needing government assistance .

  18. 克莱斯勒和通用汽车快速、简洁的破产重组预计今年将导致约63200人失业,明年可能还有179000人。

    Quick , concise bankruptcy restructurings at Chrysler and GM would lead to a total estimated loss of63,200 jobs this year , with further job losses of179,400 next year .

  19. 破产重组后的克莱斯勒将于今年2月1日公布全年财报,这也是自2006年以来克莱斯勒的净利润第一次有望转负为正的一年。

    In fact , the restructured Chrysler is expected to report a net profit for the first time since 2006 when it releases its full-year results on Feb. 1 .

  20. 本论文应用产权经济学、契约经济学和现代企业理论研究在进行公司破产重组时的产权保护问题以及作为一项重要产权制度的破产重组法律的制订原则。

    Based on property economics , contract economics and the modern theory of the firm , this dissertation studies the problem of protecting property rights in corporate reorganization and some rules of corporate reorganization legislation .

  21. 在破产重组矿山中,企业文化作为保证企业持续稳定发展不可或缺的内力因素,起着正确引导矿山发展方向、提供强有力的精神支柱和降低管理成本的作用;

    As an inherent factor of enterprise 's lasting and steady development , corporate culture plays an important role in leading bankrupt mine 's correct developing direction , providing powerful spiritual support and reducing cost in management .

  22. 在这两个案例中,都有部分债券持有者持有cds,而对他们来说,公司破产比重组更有利。

    In both cases , some bondholders owned CDs and stood to gain more by bankruptcy than by reorganisation .

  23. 在破产后重组的新通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors),别克车继续上演着灰姑娘的故事。而且,在这篇童话中,要变幻出“玻璃舞鞋”,远不只增加新车型那么简单。

    The Cinderella story at the new General Motors continues to be Buick & and this fairy tale has more glass slippers than simply a supply of new models .

  24. 奥巴马总统的高级顾问大卫?阿克希洛德(DavidAxelrod)周日拒绝排除通过政府支持的破产来重组汽车产业的可能性。

    On Sunday , David Axelrod , a senior adviser to President Obama , declined to rule out a government-backed bankruptcy as a possibility for restructuring the industry .

  25. 破产还是重组&债权人的策略选择

    Bankruptcy or Restructure : the Choice of the Creditor

  26. 恒大方面称,网上关于破产和重组的猜测“完全失实”。

    Evergrande says online speculation about bankruptcy and restructuring are " totally untrue . "

  27. 对国有企业实施破产和重组,本质上是政府对国有企业实施的一种相机治理机制。

    The imposed bankruptcy and reorganization of state-owned enterprises is a selective mechanism of governance .

  28. 目前中国在破产、重组和清算方面缺乏基于市场的机制和流程。

    At present China lacks market-based institutions and procedures for bankruptcy , restructuring and liquidation .

  29. 日本航空公司的破产珍爱重组历程并不是易事,估计短时间内易以完成。

    Japan Airlines Corp. 's stint under bankruptcy protection isn 't likely to be short or simple .

  30. 当中国政府不再控制大公司的生产时,他们就开始破产、重组或者关闭。

    When China began to extract production from the hands of the state , big firms were broken up , reconfigured or closed .