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  • bankruptcy case
  1. 医疗纠纷受理案件分析我国破产案件受理程序浅析

    Analysis of the procedure of bankruptcy case acceptance

  2. 人民法院审查确认后,裁定终结破产案件。

    The peoples court , upon examination and recognition , shall make a decision concluding the bankruptcy case .

  3. 另外本文对上世纪震惊全球金融界的巴林银行破产案件进行VaR的分析。在本文的结论部分讨论了本文存在的一系列不足之处。

    Also , the case of bankruptcy of Barings Bank which was the global financial alarming will be analyzed by VaR. In the end conclusions of this article , a number of shortcomings will be discussed .

  4. 企业破产案件中如何维护银行债权

    The Bankruptcy of Enterprise and the Protection of Bank 's Credit

  5. 约翰•宁弗是纽约州罗彻斯特市的一位负责破产案件的法官。

    John Ninfo is a bankruptcy judge in Rochester , New York .

  6. 但与此同时,跨境破产案件也随之增多起来。

    Meanwhile , the amount of cross - border bankruptcy increased greatly .

  7. 海棠破产案件的法律评析

    Legal Review And Analyse On The Case Of " Hai Tang " Bankruptcy

  8. 企业破产案件亟待明确的几个问题

    Some Issues to be Clarified for Enterprise Bankruptcy Cases

  9. 港台与内地破产案件管辖之比较研究

    The Comparison about Governmental Regulation on Case between Mainland with Hong Kong and Taiwan

  10. 各国间达成谅解协议仍是解决跨国银行破产案件的主要方式。

    MOUs are the main way to resolve the cases of cross-border bank insolvency .

  11. 浅析企业破产案件中劳动争议纠纷解决途径的完善与不足

    An Analysis of Improvement and Shortcoming of Solving Labor Dispute in the Case of Enterprise Bankruptcy

  12. 许多执行难的民商事案件,究其本质就是破产案件。

    Many civil and commercial cases , which fall into difficult enforcement cases , by its very nature , are bankruptcy cases .

  13. 民事案件民事案件由民事诉讼案件,民事调解,民事执行案件,破产案件等组成。

    Civil cases Civil cases are comprised of civil litigation cases , civil conciliation cases , civil execution cases , bankruptcy cases , etc.

  14. 本文以破产案件管辖权作为研究对象,从比较法的角度与管辖权异议进行比较。

    In this paper studies the jurisdiction of bankruptcy cases , from the perspective of comparative law and the jurisdiction of the objections .

  15. 在这种破产案件中,债权人、债务人或破产财产位于两个或两个以上的国家。

    In such bankruptcy cases , the creditor , the debtor or the bankrupt properties are in two nations or up wards respectively .

  16. 同时,个人破产案件数量的大幅度变化,而影响到一个国家相关法律制度的大幅度改革。

    At the same time , greatly changes in the number of personal bankruptcy , will greatly affect the reform ofa national legal system .

  17. 跨境破产案件因其数量众多、所涉利益巨大而得到学界及实务界的广泛关注。

    Cross-boarder insolvency cases have attracted the attention of the academia and practitioners due to its large number and the great interest involved in .

  18. 就这样,三鹿破产案件把关于企业社会责任的法律问题的研究、讨论、实践推向了一个高潮。

    The Sanlu bankruptcy case pushed the research , discussion , and practice about the legal issue of corporate social responsibility to a climax .

  19. 然后,破产案件管理人清算破产人的财产,并将其转换成金钱分配给债权人。

    Then , the administrator in bankruptcy liquidates the property of the bankrupt , and converts it into money to distribute to the creditors .

  20. 跨国破产案件涉及到的法律问题很多,但关键是跨国破产的域外效力问题。

    There are many legal problems in cases of cross-border insolvency , but the key issue is the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the insolvency adjudgment .

  21. 人民法院受理破产案件后,一切有关债务人财产的其他保全措施,应当中止。

    After the acceptance of the case by the peoples court , any other preserving measures related to the debtors property shall be suspended .

  22. 债务人的债务人在破产案件申请后受让取得的重整债权,不得用于抵销。

    The restructure creditors rights received through transfer by the debtors debtor after the application of the bankruptcy case shall not be set off .

  23. 为解决以上矛盾,船舶企业的破产案件应由海事法院专门管辖。

    In order to solve these contradictions , the case about the bankruptcy of shipping company just belongs to the scope of jurisdiction of maritime court .

  24. 本文主要是通过几件破产案件的审理情况以及破产案件的最终处理结果,揭示我国破产法及相关司法解释对破产企业的债权人合法权益的忽视与践踏。

    The passage discovers the ignorance and sabotage from the coordinate judicial interpretation on the insolvent through the inquisition of some insolvent cases and their final trial .

  25. 人民法院裁定终结破产案件的,应当通知管理人或者破产清算人终止执行职务。

    Where the peoples court decides on the conclusion of the bankrupt case , it shall notify the manager or the bankruptcy assignee to stop duty performance .

  26. 曾在美国工作一年,主要协助办案律师办理破产案件、房地产交易和诉讼案件。

    I was employed by a domestic boutique law office in New York for one year and assisting lawyers in bankruptcy cases , real estate transactions and litigations cases .

  27. 对案件的审理结果应用判决形式,使当事人享有对审理结果的上诉权,使二审终审制在破产案件中同样得到体现,以保证破产案件的审判质量。

    Moreover , the try result should be presented as a verdict to endow the litigant with the right of appeal and ensure the try quality of bankruptcy cases .

  28. 人民法院受理破产案件后,在宣告债务人破产以前,债务人或者债权人可以向人民法院申请重整。

    After the peoples court accepts the bankruptcy case and before it declares the debtor bankrupt , the debtor or the creditor may apply to the peoples court for restructure .

  29. 近十年来全国法院审理的破产案件中,国有企业破产案件占了一半以上。

    In the bankruptcy cases tried by the courts of China during the past ten years , the cases of State-owned enterprises bankruptcy accounts for more than half of them .

  30. 前款规定的和解债权人,是指在人民法院受理破产案件前对债务人享有债权的人。

    The conciliating creditors provided in the proceeding paragraph refer to those who enjoy obligatory rights to the debtor before the acceptance of the bankruptcy case by the peoples court .