
  1. 浅析破产无效行为

    A Study of Void Bankruptcy Act

  2. 破产无效行为立法向可撤销行为立法的转变&论我国《企业破产法(试行)》第35条的修改

    Legal Reform from Void Act to Ambulatory Voidable Act : On No. 35 Clause of Chinese Enterprise Bankrupt Law

  3. 我们应严厉打击和杜绝破产无效行为,从而保障债权人的合法权益,防止国有责产的大量流失,维护社会主义法制的尊严。

    We should punish and put an end to void bankruptcy act so as to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the creditor , prevent the loss of state assets and maintain the sanctity of the socialist legal system .

  4. 要实现这一目标,就必须严格规范破产清算,正确界定破产财产,采取破产无效行为制度与撤消权制度相结合模式。

    In order to reach the goal , it must regulate the bankrupt clearing strictly , bound the bankrupt property rightly and adopt to combine the regulation of bankrupt void and the institution of disaffirm regulation together .

  5. 第二部分为实体性制度,分别涉及自由财产制度、人格破产与复权制度、破产免责制度、破产无效行为和撤销权制度,第三节为个人破产犯罪。

    The second section is about the design of the substantive system . It includes the free capital system , personal bankruptcy , compound right system , debt relief system , the void action of bankruptcy and the right of rescission .

  6. 有必要比较、借鉴大陆法系主要国家相关立法经验,修改我国破产法第35条之规定,实现从破产无效行为立法向可撤销行为立法的转变。

    It is necessary to analyze and use the experience of the main countries of the civil law system for reference . And to shift from void act legislation to voidable act legislation by the Chinese Enterprise Bankrupt Law No. 35 clause .

  7. 接着又介绍了个人破产的实体规定,如:自由财产制度、人格破产与复权制度、破产无效行为和撤消权制度。

    Then they introduced the personal bankruptcy of the entity provisions , such as : freedom of property regime , the right personality and the complex system of bankruptcy , insolvency ineffective behavior and withdrawal rights system .