
  1. 企业利用破产逃债的法律规制

    Legal Control of Enterprise 's Avoiding the Debt by Means of Bankruptcy

  2. 现代企业有限责任制度的缺陷及弥补对策&当前企业破产逃债现象的制度分析

    The Defects of Modern Limited-liability System and the Countermeasures

  3. 破产逃债现象及防范对策

    The Phenomenon of Evading the Debts in the Bankruptcy and the Countermeasures to Prevent

  4. 破产逃债是许多综合因素共同作用的产物,破产逃债现象损害了整个市场交易的信用制度和市场交易安全。

    Bankruptcy for the sake of debt evasion , the result of many comprehensive factors , damages the whole credit trading system and the safety of trading in marketing .

  5. 规制企业破产逃债行为,保护债权人公平受偿权是破产法亟需解决的基本问题。

    Controlling the action of some enterprises ' avoiding the debt and protecting the creditor 's interest of gaining fair payment is the basic problem needing to solve by the law of bankruptcy .

  6. 我国实践中大量存在的假破产,真逃债现象便是绝妙注脚。

    It is a wonderful footnote that there are a great many phenomenon of " avoiding creditor by sham bankruptcy " in our country .

  7. 《企业破产法》明年6月1日施行假破产真逃债伎俩再难得逞

    Law on Enterprise Bankruptcy Implemented Next Year

  8. 建立新的破产法时,确定申请破产的标准,防止企业借破产逃债;

    New bankruptcy law must define the standard of claim of bankruptcy and prevent firms to escape from debt ;