
  • 网络Bankruptcy Prevention
  1. 同时,第七十八条及第一百零四条还分别规定了重整不能、和解不能的情况下,破产预防程序向破产清算程序的转换。

    Besides , Article 78 and 104 has stipulated the conversion between bankruptcy prevention procedure and liquidation procedure in the circumstance of the failure of prevention procedure .

  2. 欧美家商业银行破产预防当银行监管机构发现某银行有不安全不合法的行为时,可以采取多种监管措施来要求银行矫正违反银行法的行为。

    Europe and the United States home commercial banks bankruptcy prevention when the bank regulators found that some banks have unsafe illegal behavior , can take a variety of measures to require banks to correct violations of banking behavior .

  3. 在破产预防阶段,监管机构的迅速介入是关键,即价值追求以效率优先。

    At the stage of the bankrupt preventing , it is quite critical for the supervision institution to interpose rapidly .

  4. 它是现代破产预防制度的重要组成部分,并伴随着破产制度的日益完善而产生和发展的。

    The bankruptcy reorganization system , emerging in and growing with the improvement of bankruptcy system , constitutes an indispensable component of the modern bankruptcy prevention system .

  5. 重整,作为一种积极拯救债务人并促使其复兴的破产预防制度,与清算、和解共同构成现代破产制度的三大基石。

    Reorganization , as a mechanism to rescue the debtor so proactively as to rejuvenate the bankrupt enterprise , is recognized as one of the three big foundation stones of the modem bankruptcy mechanism operation covering the process of liquidation and settlement .

  6. 美国《2005年破产滥用预防及消费者保护法案》在一定程度上实现了近10年来美国银行等金融机构对破产法进行改革的愿望。

    The American Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 is the most significant revision made by the Congress in the past 30 years , and to some extent has realized the reform hope of American financial institutions such as banks in the past 10 years .

  7. 破产和解是以预防企业走向破产清算为目的的,具有契约性质的一种法院内和解。

    Reconciliation system is a kind of contractual reconciliation in court with aim of preventing bankruptcy liquidation of enterprise .

  8. 新的破产法应对破产预防制度进行多样化设计,以便为企业破产的预防提供更大的选择余地。

    In order to offer bigger choice for bankrupt prevention of the enterprise , the enterprise bankrupt prevention of the new bankruptcy law should to be designed with diversification .

  9. 在新破产法中将建立预防企业破产最为积极有效的重整制度,包括法院强制批准重整计划即职权重整制度。

    A most efficient and effective restructure system , including any reorganization plan , or authority restructure , granted compulsorily by the court , should be established in the new Bankruptcy Law to prevent enterprises from going bankrupt .

  10. 在破产理念由破产清算转向破产预防的大背景下,别除权的绝对优先受偿性受到质疑和挑战。

    In the big background of the idea of bankruptcy transferring from bankruptcy liquidation to bankruptcy prevention , the absolute superiority of exemption right has been disputed and challenged .

  11. [1]破产重整制度和破产和解制度是预防企业破产清算的两种典型制度。

    Bankruptcy reorganization and bankruptcy reconciliation are two kinds of typical patterns preventing bankruptcy liquidation .

  12. 构建一套合理的商业银行破产法律制度,建立良好的破产预防机制,完善商业银行退出市场的方式,对于稳定金融市场,保证经济健康发展有着至关重要的作用。

    Construction of a reasonable commercial bank insolvency legal system is important to stabilize the financial markets .

  13. 自动冻结制度无论对于破产清算程序的顺利进行抑或对于破产预防程序的有效实施,从制度的角度看都是必不可少的。

    Automatic stop system is absolutely necessary for both the smooth progress of bankruptcy infringement proceeding and the effective application of prevention proceeding from the system point of view .

  14. 基于社会公共利益保护的商业银行破产法律制度的逻辑演绎是从破产清算到破产预防。

    The logic deduction of bankrupt law system of commercial bank is , on the basis of protecting social public welfare , from bankrupt clearing to bankrupt preventing .

  15. 破产重整作为一种积极拯救债务人并促使其复兴的破产预防制度,是当代破产法改革和发展的产物。

    As a mechanism to rescue the debtor so proactively as to rejuvenate the enterprise , Reorganization is resulted from the reform and development of Modern Insolvency Law .

  16. 第二章通过检讨破产法发展的国际趋势,剖析现有破产法上和解和整顿的制度缺陷,从理论上提出必须构建科学合理的破产预防制度。

    In chapter two , through discussing the trend of international present insolvent law , and discussed the international legislation requirement of the reforming legislation by comparing it internationally , the essay gives the theory it is necessary to establish the enterprise reforming legal .