
  1. 关联企业破产违法行为包括虚假破产和破产欺诈两大类。

    The breach of law in affiliated enterprise bankruptcy includes false bankruptcy and bankruptcy fraudulence .

  2. 美国对关联企业破产中的违法行为,在判例中形成了揭开法人面纱、深石原则、实质合并原则及控制股东的诚信义务等制度。

    U.S. cases develop many rules in resolve the problem of affiliated enterprise bankruptcy , such as piercing the corporate veil , deep-rock doctrine , substantive consolidation doctrine , and fiduciary duties of the controlling shareholders .

  3. 本节分析关联企业破产的形态和关联企业破产违法行为的表现。

    This chapter mainly analyze the forms of affiliated enterprise bankruptcy and represents of affiliated enterprise bankruptcy fraudulence .

  4. 同时也使得关联企业在破产时,容易实施虚假破产和破产欺诈等违法行为,损害少数股东、债权人的利益和社会公共利益。

    But also makes the affiliated enterprises in bankruptcy , it is easy to implement a false bankruptcy and bankruptcy fraud and other illegal and harm minority shareholders , creditors , the interests and social public interests .

  5. 这使得关联企业在破产时,较普通企业更易实施虚假破产和破产欺诈等违法行为,损害债权人的利益。

    Thus , it is easier for affiliated enterprises to exercise false insolvency or fraudulence in bankruptcy to injure the creditors .