
  • 网络Bankruptcy liability;Bankrupt responsibility
  1. 董事的破产民事责任应该为侵权责任。

    The bankruptcy civil liability of directors is the tort liability .

  2. 董事破产民事责任为侵权责任,其构成要件为一般侵权责任的构成要件。

    Bankruptcy civil liability of directors is tort liability , and it has the same elements as general tort liability .

  3. 最后对于破产法律责任的完善,笔者也给出了自己的意见和建议,以期对今后的立法实践能够有所裨益。

    At last , the author gave out the views and suggestions on the aspect of improving the legal responsibility of insolvency administrator .

  4. 增设破产法律责任专章,加大惩罚破产犯罪力度及责任人资格限制是完善我国破产法立法应追求的目标。

    In addition , we should also append the rules concerning legal responsibility , strengthen the penalty of bankrupt crimes and the limitations on the qualification of the person responsible . These are our ultimate goals in improving the Bankruptcy Law .

  5. 破产企业董事责任问题探析

    A Probe into the Responsibilities of the Directors of Bankrupt Enterprises

  6. 试论破产的刑事责任

    On Criminal Responsibility of Bankruptcy

  7. 笔者首先介绍我国破产企业董事责任产生的背景与制度变迁,指出86年《破产法》下破产企业董事责任的缺陷及其对债权人保护力度之不足。

    Author introduce the system origin background and changing first , then point out the defect of Bankruptcy Law in 86 and the insufficiency of enterprise director responsibility for creditor protection .

  8. 设定模型证明,在破产有限偿付责任和无保单预定利率管制的前提下,寿险公司采取高保单预定利率吸引保费,然后进行高风险投资的必然性。

    Designing a model to prove the life insurance companies would set a high pre-set interest rate to attract premiums and adopt high risk investment strategy without pre-set interest control . 4 .

  9. 破产管理人民事责任若干问题探析

    Analysis of some questions concerning the civil liability of bankruptcy trustee

  10. 破产管理人民事责任的性质应为侵权责任;

    The nature of the civil liability of bankruptcy trustee should be that of tort .

  11. 破产欺诈的法律责任研究

    Study on Legal-liability of Bankruptcy-fraud

  12. 第五部分是我国破产公司环境民事责任制度的借鉴和完善。

    The fifth part is reference and improvement of the environment civil liability of bankrupt company 1 .

  13. 理论研究成果的匮乏极大限制了破产管理人执业责任保险在实践中的运用。

    The lack of theoretical research results greatly limits the bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance in practical application .

  14. 尤其是对于破产管理人民事责任的相关规定,更是存在着一些缺陷。

    Especially for civil liability of the relevant provisions of the bankruptcy administrator , but also there are some flaws .

  15. 破产拍卖的法律责任,分别包括破产管理人的法律责任、破产拍卖机构的法律责任和第三人的法律责任。

    The responsibilities includes three aspects , the legal responsibility of insolvency administrator , of the auction agencies and of the third party .

  16. 破产企业的董事责任是企业法和公司法关于董事义务在破产法上的延伸。

    Director liability for the insolvency is the extension of the duty imposed upon directors stipulated in the insolvency Law and the Company Law .

  17. 第五章从破产制度、民事责任制度和债的担保制度三个角度讨论旨在确保债务履行的强制性制度安排。

    Section 5 discusses compulsory system arrangement for performing debt obligations , including bankruptcy system , civil liability system , debt security system , and so on .

  18. 承保风险、专业风险和道德风险普遍存在于破产管理人执业责任保险中,可以通过设计差别费率以规避上述风险。

    Risk insured against , professional risk and moral hazard are widespread in the bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance , can pass design differential cost rate to circumvent the risk .

  19. 本部首先论述了在公司进入支付不能状态时,董事怠于申请破产的义务和责任。

    So the author firstly analyzes the director 's duty and liability of nonfeasance to apply for bankrupt , when company is in the situation of being unable to pay .

  20. 为完善破产管理人法律责任体系,本文先探讨了构建管理人责任需要解决的两个前置问题,其一是管理人法定义务的分析,其二是管理人独立法律地位的明确。

    To improve the bankruptcy legal responsibility system , firstly this paper discusses two bases for the construction of supervisor responsibilities . The first is the manager of the statutory obligations ; the second is the manager of the independent legal status .

  21. 主要考察美国《综合环境反应、补偿和责任法》(超级基金法)、欧洲各国环境民事责任制度、日本《公害健康受害补偿法》第四部分是我国破产公司环境民事责任的立法现状考察。

    Mainly on " U.S.A. Comprehensive Environmental Response , Compensation and Liability Act " ( Superfund law ), Japan " Compensation of pollution victims law " . The fourth part is China ' Legislation study of Bankruptcy corporate environmental the Civil Liability . 1 .

  22. 破产管理人的民事责任是破产管理人违反义务对利益相关人的权益造成损害时,弥补其损失的最重要的手段,可以说是破产管理人责任制度中最关键的部分。

    The civil liability of the insolvency administrator is a breach of obligation to the insolvency administrator the interests of stakeholders damage caused to make up for the loss of the most important means that can be said that the responsibility system of insolvency of the most critical part .

  23. 破产失权制度是破产责任约束机制的重要组成部分,也是发挥破产制度应有作用之保障。

    The system of disqualification for Bankruptcy is an important component of bankrupt duty restriction mechanism , and also makes sure that the due effect of bankruptcy be brought into play .

  24. 无论从实际情况来分析,还是从过错责任原则的制度价值以及国外破产立法来看,破产管理人民事责任的归责原则只能是过错责任原则。

    No matter what angle it comes from , analyzing the value of liability for fault and the law of bankruptcy abroad , the confirmation of civil responsibility of insolvency assignee should be on the base of neglect of duty .

  25. 破产企业的法定代表人对企业破产负有主要责任的,给予行政处分。

    Where the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise bears the major responsibility for the bankruptcy of the enterprise , administrative sanctions shall be applied .

  26. 非常明显,当时公司面临巨大的财务危机,(而且)我面临极大的个人破产危险,很可能要对公司的破产承担法律责任。

    It was very clear the company had huge financial risks , [ and ] there was a significant danger of my personal bankruptcy , legal liabilities and being held accountable with the collapse of the organisation .

  27. 该部分根据刑法关于犯罪研究的通常方法,论述了破产犯罪的概念、破产犯罪的犯罪构成、破产犯罪之刑事责任。

    The author explains the concept , four essential elements of crime in general and criminal responsibility .

  28. 但是同一般企业相比,金融机构破产在破产原因、破产程序启动、破产重整程序、破产清算程序、破产责任等诸多方面都有明显的不同。

    Compared with common enterprises , the bankruptcy of financial institutions is different in the cause of bankruptcy , insolvency proceedings , bankruptcy reorganization procedures , liquidation procedures and bankruptcy responsibilities .

  29. 另一方面,以破产管理人作为投保人也有利于自然人破产管理人制度的推广与实施。2、明确了破产管理人执业责任保险的赔偿范围。

    On the other hand , in bankruptcy administrator as policy-holder is also advantageous natural bankruptcy system promotion and implementation . 2 、 clear the bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance compensation scope .