
  • 网络Teach programming;Teach-in Programming
  1. 冲压自动生产线上下料机器人示教编程方法

    A Teach-in Programming Method for Press Robot in Automatic Press Line

  2. 球面SCARA机器人示教编程系统的研究

    Study on a new teaching system for Sperical SCARA robot

  3. SSS-C-1三坐标示教编程等离子弧焊机

    Plasma welding machine with sss-c-1 three-dimension teaching and playback programming

  4. 以MOTOMAN-UP20弧焊机器人为研究对象,建立了基于ROTSY的弧焊机器人虚拟示教编程系统。

    Based on MOTOMAN-UP20 arc welding robot , a virtual teaching programming system of robot with ROTSY was established .

  5. 机器人虚拟示教编程系统的设计及研究

    Design and Study for the Robot Programming by Virtual Demonstration System

  6. 介绍了该系统的组成和虚拟示教编程的详细过程。

    The system composition and the detail procedure of virtual teaching programming were described .

  7. 机器人示教编程方法

    Programming method for robot teaching

  8. 优化结果对于喷漆机器人离线编程和示教编程都有一定参考价值。

    The optimized result can be reference for off-line programming or on line teaching programming for spray-painting robot .

  9. 相比传统的在线示教编程,离线编程节约了大量时间,提高了生产效率。

    Compared to traditional online teaching programming , off-line programming technology saves a lot of time and increases productivity .

  10. 介绍了工业机器人的结构形式和应用场合,以及机器人的示教编程和离线编程;

    This paper introduces the structure , application situation , teaching programs and ' off-line ' programs of industry robot .

  11. 气门电镦成型工序机器人是一种通用工业机器人,具有示教编程功能。

    The valve electric upsetting forming process robot is a kind of General-purpose industrial robot which can be programmed by teaching .

  12. 为了降低编程的难度,缩短示教编程的时间,采用激光测距仪帮助工人示教。

    In order to decrease the difficulty of programming and shorten the time of teaching robot , the laser range finder is used to help the workers .

  13. 使用此算法,构造了一个通用的工业机器人运动学图形模拟系统,该系统能建立起由多台具有不同结构的机器人组成的工作现场的模型,并可对其中的机器人进行示教编程。

    A general graphical simulation system of kinematics for industrial robots was constructed , in which a worksite model including robots of different types can be established and the off-line programming for these robots is available .

  14. 针对激光加工中六轴机械手在线示教编程效率低的问题,提出了进行离线编程的方法,并介绍了激光加工六轴机械手离线编程技术开发的实现步骤。

    In laser processing , in order to solve the low efficient problems about in line programming of six axis robot , the method of off line programming has been put forward , and a detailed approach is presented .

  15. 工业机器人技术包括位置控制、柔顺控制、控制策略、机器人视觉与感觉及听觉系统、机器人示教编程和语言编程、机器人网络控制与远程通讯、智能传感器及信息融合等等。

    Position control , flexible control , control strategy , visual and sensing and aural system of robot was analyzed . Robot programming , programming of robot language , network control and remote communication of robot , intelligent sensor and information syncretic was researched .

  16. 分析了控制系统涉及的几个关键问题,根据临床手术的需求,详细讨论了系统实施的安全策略、提高系统定位精度的措施以及不能采用示教编程控制方式的原因。

    Some key technologies related with robot control system are analyzed , and the safety strategy for system implementation , the ways to improve localization precision of the system , and the reasons for not adopting teaching control are discussed in detail according to clinical requirements .

  17. 然而,传统的工业机器人在线示教编程方法,由于其效率低、精度不够、复杂轨迹很难实现等缺点已越来越难于满足激光加工的要求。

    However , the traditional online teach programming method of industrial robot has some shortcomings as the low efficiency , the precision insufficient , the complex path very difficult to realize and so on . It has become more and more difficulty to satisfy the request of the laser processing .

  18. 本文介绍机器人作业的图形示教盒编程。

    The robot graphic teach-in programming is introduced in this paper .

  19. 这种机器人在工作中根据人工示教在线编程获取焊接路径,要求作业条件稳定,对环境因素的应变能力较差,当更换焊接工件时需要重新示教。

    These robots get welding path by artificial teaching and online programming , which require stable working conditions . These robots fail to deal with the environmental factors and need to be re-teached when the welding workpieces are replaced .

  20. 目前用于工业生产的弧焊机器人主要采用示教再现的编程方式,这种编程方式已经难以满足中小批量、较为复杂零件,且对焊接质量要求较高的汽车零配件制造的需求。

    For industrial production , teaching and playing programming method is mainly used in welding robot . The method has been difficult to meet in small or medium-sized quantities , complex parts , higher demand of automobile spare parts manufacturing and quality requirements for welding .

  21. 图形示教是机器人离线编程系统中的一种编程方法。

    Graphic teaching is a method in the system of off-line programming for robot .

  22. 工业机器人的发展经历了示教再现和离线编程两个阶段。

    The development of industrial robot has gone through two steps , which are Teaching and Playing and off-line programming .

  23. 此外,该控制系统还具有利用主机键盘进行示教再现的辅助编程功能。

    A teach-playback function , which can be used as an auxiliary tool for the programming , is also developed for the control system .

  24. 目前,在生产中应用的工业机器人,一般采用示教再现或离线编程的方式工作,只能重复完成预先规划好的动作,对于加工对象以及工作环境的感知能力低。

    At present , the industrial robots which are used in production generally utilize teaching or off-line programming mode , and can only replay the pre-taught motions . Hence , they have low perception ability in handing objects and work environments .

  25. 示教盒作为一个独立的嵌入式系统,起到提供用户示教编程、与主控制器通信、控制焊接机器人本体等作用。

    As an independent embedded system , teaching box provides interface for users to program , communicates with the main controller and control the joints of robot .