
shè huì zǔ zhī
  • social organization
  1. 从SECI模型和N型组织模型,揭示出社会组织的知识转换的四种模式。

    The SECI model and the N organization model show four kinds of knowledge transforming pattern in the social organization .

  2. 提升温州市J社区组织建设的专业化水平、完善J社区建设的组织的治理能力以及健全J社区社会组织建设的管理体系。

    Enhance the professional level of Wenzhou J building of community organizations , improve the governance capacity of the J community building organization , and to sound J Community social organization building management system .

  3. 会谈将涉及教会、人权团体和其他社会组织。

    The talks will extend to the church , human rights groups and other social organizations

  4. 这是一项了不起的成就,如果没有个人、公司和其他社会组织的慷慨支持,我们是无法实现这项成就的。

    It 's an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals , corporations , and other social organizations .

  5. 党员队伍中,企事业单位、社会组织管理人员1061万名、占11.2%,专业技术人员1500多万名、占15.8%。党的组织体系日趋严密

    Among the CPC members , 10.61 million are management personnel in enterprises , public institutions and social organizations , while 15 million are professional and technical personnel , making up 11.2 percent and 15.8 percent of the total respectively .

  6. 20世纪70年代以来,社会组织在世界范围广泛兴起。

    Since the 1970s , social organizations have boomed in the world wide .

  7. 菲律宾华人社会组织的建构及其功能

    Social Organizations of Chinese in Philippines and Their Functions

  8. 规划&指挥(社会组织系统)。

    Programming-commanding ( the social organization system ) .

  9. 组织合法性:在组织理性与事实的社会组织之间

    Organizational Legitimacy between Organizational Rationality and Real Organizations

  10. 华北地区祈雨仪式中的男性社会组织

    The Male Organization in the Rites Praying for Rain in the North of China

  11. 国有林区社会组织重构

    Reconfiguration Social Organization of State-Owned Forest Area

  12. 在市场经济条件下,社会组织的管理主要是面向团体。

    Under the conditions of the market economy , modern administration mainly focuses on groups .

  13. 新社会组织通过对社会资源进行有机整合,开创了一种全新的社会管理模式。

    NSO has established a new social management model through successful integrations of social resources .

  14. 逐步构建新型社会组织体系;

    Constructing new type social organization system ;

  15. 关于在《人口与计划生育法》中完善各类社会组织职责问题的探讨

    The analyses of perfecting all sorts of Social organizations ' duties as to Population and Family Planning Law

  16. 美国教师组织是具有专业性组织和教师工会双重功能的社会组织。

    Teacher associations of the U.S. are the organizations that have the double-functions of professional and teacher union .

  17. 随着社会组织规模快速发展和种类的多元化,对社会组织管理部门而言提出了更大的挑战。

    With the rapid development of social organization , the management department of social organization faces more challenges .

  18. 社会组织知识转换应遵循积累原则、共享原则、交流原则。

    The knowledge transforming in social organization should abide by the principle of accumulating , sharing and communicating .

  19. 召集了专家以收集证据,而且民间社会组织也参与了这一过程。

    Experts were brought together to gather evidence , and civil society organizations also participated in the process .

  20. 而在这一过程中,宗教作为一种社会组织和精神文化发挥了不可替代的作用。

    As a kind of social organization and spiritual culture , religion played an irreplaceable role in that process .

  21. 影响健康的因素也不仅仅是个体行为,还包括经济因素、社会组织以及物理环境等。

    Its influential factors include individual behavior , and economic element , social organization and natural environment as well .

  22. 班级:初级群体还是社会组织&一个教育社会学论争的实证性解释和结论

    Class as a junior commune or a social organization & An empirical study of the debate in educational sociology

  23. 长期存在的社会组织双重管理体制也限制了社会组织获取合法身份及进一步发展。

    The long-standing " dual management " system limits the social organizations to obtain the legal identity and develop further .

  24. 这些体现在对人性、互动、社会组织、方法和理论建构等方面的差异上。

    There are some different embodiments on humanity , interaction , the social organization , the structure of method and theory .

  25. 同时,社会组织参与公共服务也面临许多困境。

    At the same time , the participation of social organizations in public service is also facing a lot of predicament .

  26. 本文试阐述这些元素在氏族这一最早的社会组织中所发挥的氏族维系功能。

    The paper tries to illustrate the elements to function to support in the earliest social organization , that is clan .

  27. 县级政府购买公共服务模式是通过引入竞争机制、定向委托、合同兑现、分级考核的方式将原由政府部门直接提供的公共服务交由社会组织提供。

    County government to purchase public service is constituted by competition , directed commission , contract fulfillment , and decentralized evaluation .

  28. 党的十七大指出,要重视社会组织建设和管理。

    The CPC 17th Congress pointed out that attention should be paid to the construction and management of the social organization .

  29. 距离遥远的时候,沟通成本高昂,此时小群体是社会组织唯一可行的形式。

    The high cost of communication over large distances meant that small groups were the only feasible form of social organisation .

  30. 这种破碎化的思想状态和社会组织形态给各种学说、思想都提供了展示的机会。

    Such a broken state of mind and forms of social organization provides a opportunity to show a variety of doctrines .