
  1. 在市场交易组织生产和政府直接生产这两种制度安排之间存在一个连续制度安排的谱系。

    There is a continuum of institutional arrangements between production arranged by the market and production organized by government .

  2. 资源配置方式的网络化转型,是指资源配置方式从传统的市场交易和组织内化两种方式向网络化的资源配置方式转型,它是对传统资源配置方式的创新与发展。

    The networked transition of the resource distribution way is innovation and development of the traditional resource distribution way .

  3. 同时,各个企业实际上又是相互独立的,以市场交易来组织资源配置,又使之具有了某些市场的特征。

    At the same time they are mutually independent , organizing the allocation of resources by market trade and making themselves with the characteristics of some ' markets ' .

  4. 内部组织结构包括三个组成部分,即水权市场主体、交易中介组织和市场管理者。

    The former includes three parts . They are water right market subjects , water right trade agency , water right market supervisors .