
shè huì shì yè
  • social undertakings
  1. 我们要大力发展社会事业。

    We need to make full effort to develop social undertakings .

  2. 中国社会事业发展的战略性思考

    Strategic Reflections on the Development of Social Undertakings in China

  3. 只有税收收入占GDP的比例适当,才能在促进经济可持续、稳定、较快发展的同时,使各项社会事业也能够和谐发展。

    Only the revenue from tax has a appropriate proportion in GDP , then various social businesses could attain a positive coordination development when promoting the economy to keep on developing on a stabilize and quickly speed .

  4. 科学技术:蕴含价值的社会事业

    Science and Technology : The Social Enterprises Which Are Loaded Values

  5. 农村社会事业发展需要付出相当艰巨的努力;

    The development of country society 's career needs great efforts ;

  6. 农村社会事业发展与民生改善问题研究

    Development of Social Work in Countryside and the Improvement of Livelihood

  7. 社会事业&西部发展的短板

    Social Security & A Soft Spot for the Western Development

  8. 改革社会事业投资方式提高社会经济效益

    Reform the Investment Mode for Social Undertakings and Improve Social Economic Benefit

  9. 乳源精神文明协调发展,社会事业全面进步。

    Ruyuan the coordinated development of spiritual civilization , all-round social progress .

  10. 我国社会事业组织演变趋势及其法治意义

    The Transformation Trend and Legalization Significance of Social Institutions

  11. 科技出版是一项社会事业。

    Scientific and technical press is a social cause .

  12. 江西老区农村社会事业发展保障机制探讨

    An Discussion on Insurance System of Rural Social Undertakings in Jiangxi Revolutionary Rural Area

  13. (四)着力改善民生,加快发展社会事业。

    Striving to improve people 's wellbeing and accelerating the development of social programs .

  14. 关于加快社会事业发展若干问题的思考

    On Accelerating Development of the Social Cause

  15. 坚持统筹城乡社会事业的协调发展与进步。

    Persists the coordinated development and progress of society enterprise for the city and countryside .

  16. 南澳在大力发展经济的同时,各项社会事业也得到同步发展。

    South Australia in the momentum of economic development , social undertakings have been developing simultaneously .

  17. 社会事业蓬勃发展。

    Social programs developed vigorously .

  18. 科技教育蓬勃发展,各项社会事业全面进步。

    There was vigorous development in science and technology , and all-round progress in all social undertakings .

  19. 她对改革充满热情,心思全用在社会事业上。

    She was passionately interested in reform , her soul was given up to the public cause .

  20. 香港社会事业全面进步,就业水平持续提高,社会保障明显改善。

    Hong Kong has enjoyed all-round social development , continued high employment level and significantly improved social security .

  21. 幼儿教师的工作是无比繁难的职业,幼儿教育的改革是无比繁难的社会事业。

    Kindergarten teachers ' work is a serious career , early childhood education reform is extremely serious social undertakings .

  22. 教育,科技,文化,卫生等各项社会事业蓬勃发展。

    Educational , scientific and technological , cultural , public health and other social undertakings have been developing vigorously .

  23. 以义务教育、公共卫生和基层文化建设为重点,促进社会事业发展;

    Social undertakings will be promoted , with priority given to compulsory education , public health and primary-level cultural undertakings .

  24. 然而,我们知道科学研究是一项长期的社会事业,所有学科的研究都是这样并且总是如此。

    However , as is always the case in all science , research is a long term and social enterprise .

  25. 财政投入是城乡经济建设和各项社会事业发展的重要基础。

    Financial input is an important base for the urban and rural economic construction and the development of various social undertakings .

  26. 统筹城乡社会事业发展,确保城乡居民共享改革成果。

    Integrating the social development of urban with countryside , and ensuring that urban and rural residents share the reform achievements .

  27. 实现发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民,必须加快社会事业改革。

    Reform is to be quickened to allow more benefits from the development to be more equally shared by all people .

  28. 科教文卫体等社会事业全面进步,治安秩序良好,人民安居乐业。

    Science , education and other social undertakings have made comprehensive progress , and good public order and people 's happiness .

  29. 唯一的出路,我想,是投身于社会事业之中,只有这样一个人才能找到这短暂而又风险重重的生命的意义。

    It is only a slight exaggeration to say that mankind constitutes even now a planetary community of production and consumption .

  30. 二是宁夏经济建设和各项社会事业飞速前进,各民族共同发展繁荣;

    With the fast development in economic construction and other fields , all the nationality are working together for common prosperity ;