
  • 网络disenchantment;disenchanted;disenchant;disenchantment of the world
  1. 关于祛魅的概念,源于马克斯·韦伯的世界的祛魅(thedisenchantmentoftheword)。

    The conception of disenchantment originated from the Disenchantment of the Word written by Max Weber .

  2. 魅力与祛魅:中国古代清官思想再反思

    Charm and disenchantment : reexamining ancient Chinese upright official thought

  3. 叙述祛魅:科学语境中的中国新文学

    Narration Dispelling the Demon : Chinese New Literature in Scientific Linguistic Environment

  4. 实践美学需要对这些美学神秘主义观点进行祛魅。

    It is necessary to disenchant this mysticism aesthetics of practical aesthetics .

  5. 论《小世界》中知识的消费与知识分子祛魅

    Consumerism in Learning and Demystification of Intellectuals in Small World

  6. 技术与道德之间:文化祛魅的困境反思与突围

    The Culture Predicament of the Tool-Reason and the Moral Reason and Its Breakout

  7. 反鲍德里亚&一个后现代学术神话的祛魅

    Anti-Baudrillard & A Disenchantment of the Postmodern Academic Mystic

  8. 技术发展和空间“征服”的过程是一个“祛魅”的过程。

    The development of technology and the conquest of space are removing charm .

  9. 任何简单轻率的抉择&知识祛魅或者道德祛魅都会对幸福生活和美好社会以及教育自身造成巨大伤害。

    Any imprudent choice will endanger happy life , good society and education itself .

  10. 对1990年代诗歌主体祛魅的学理反思

    Theoretical Reflection on " the Disenchantment " of the Poetry Subject in the 1990s

  11. 流行音乐的祛魅和赋魅&兼评超女现象

    Disenchantment and Enchantment of Popular-music & A Comment on the Phenomenon of " Super-girl "

  12. 但是,政治祛魅的时代并不是巫鬼信仰绝迹的时代。

    However , the witch beliefs do not vanish in the times of political disenchantment .

  13. 世界的祛魅是一个业已发生并仍在进行的现象。

    Secondly , the disenchantment of the world is an existing phenomenon which would carry on .

  14. 技术祛魅与道德祛魅&现代生命技术道德合理性限度反思

    Disenchantment of Technology and Disenchantment of Ethics : Limits of Moral Considerations in Modern Life Sciences

  15. 祛魅后的建设&中国油画中后现代因素的呈现

    " Building " after " Disenchantment " & Presence of Post-modern Factors in Chinese Oil Paintings

  16. 祛魅化世界与责任伦理

    De-demonized World and Responsibility Ethics

  17. 祛魅与异化之比较&格里芬与马克思的对话和分歧

    Comparison between Disenchantment and Alienation

  18. 祛魅与赋魅:中西法律观念现代化进程的一种比较一定要靠内在魅力来强化。

    Enchantment and Disenchantment : A Comparison between the Modernization of Legal Ideas in China and Western Countries ;

  19. 科学的祛魅&论近代科学革命时期科学与价值的关系

    Disenchantment of Science & On the Relationship between Science and Values in the Period of Modern Science Revolution

  20. 信息技术对世界祛魅与返魅是后现代信息技术哲学的新特性。

    It is new characters of the postmodern information technology that information technology disenchants and enchants the world .

  21. 理性主义过分强调了人的主体性作用,造成主客体的分离与对立,从而产生了自然的祛魅。

    Rationalism causes the separation between the subject and the object , which results in the disenchantment of nature .

  22. 视觉祛魅不仅把文化世俗化,更极大地伤害了文学书写的伦理秩序。

    Visual poetry does not only mean cultural secularization , but also the greatly hurt the ethical order of literary writing .

  23. 正是在视觉催促下的启蒙理性以真理的名义完成了对世界的祛魅。

    It is in visual urging enlightenment rationalism in the name of truth has completed the disenchantment of the world "" .

  24. 在近代以来的科学主义对自然的彻底地祛魅时期,中国的园林艺术转向了西方几何化理性化的风格。

    Tht last period , when science was introduced into China since modern times , Chinese gardening came towards the western gardening 's style .

  25. 从总体上来说,神秘主义在二十世纪的中国文学中经历了一个由祛魅到复魅的过程。

    Generally speaking , mysticism went through from disenchantment to enchantment of ghosts and gods ' faith among Chinese literature of the 20th century .

  26. 前言:为了消解现代性对“世界的祛魅”,建设性后现代主义提出了“整体有机论”。

    In order to clear up " the disenchantment of the world " by modernism , constructive postmodernism put forward " integrate organism " .

  27. 这充分体现在技术的附魅、祛魅、返魅的发展过程当中。

    This fully reflected in the development process of technology : the enchantment of technology , the disenchantment of technology , the re-enchantment of technology .

  28. 在此基本上,剖析与论证造成休闲教育工具化、平淡化与人的缺场的基本原因是科学理性的独尊、祛魅的时期与主体性的黄昏。

    It also indicates that the scientific rationality alone , the disenchantment of time and the dark of subjectivity are the root causes of these .

  29. 着魅与祛魅&弗莱彻的建筑之树与中国传统建筑历史的叙述

    " In Nightmare " and " out of Nightmare " - " The Tree of Architecture " and the Reciting of the History of Chinese Traditional Architecture

  30. 从历史祛魅到神性附魅&论东北作家笔下的跳神中国东北地区跳小蜂科属级支序分类学研究

    From History Disenchantment to Deity Enchantment & On " Sorcerer s Dance " in the Northeast Authors Novels ; Generic Cladistic Analysis of Encyrtidae in Northeastern China