
jiāo shuì
  • to pay tax;pay taxes;paying taxes;Tax
交税 [jiāo shuì]
  • [pay taxes] 上交税金

  1. 他们不必交税。

    They didn 't have to pay tax .

  2. 如果按同居身份,那我应该跟荷兰人一样上班交税。

    Everyone who works has to pay tax . There 's nothing to do with your ID.

  3. 他们以实物交税。

    They paid their taxes in kind .

  4. 资本盈余应交税。

    Capital gain should be charged tax .

  5. 这些收入不须交税。

    No tax is payable on these earnings .

  6. 你现在不必交税了,你已经退休了,James。

    You don 't pay any taxes now . You 're retired , James .

  7. 但是即使你选择交税,Car在任何地区都能享受最低的汽车税——尽管它拥有500马力的8缸发动机。

    But even if you were to choose to pay , Car is eligible for the lowest vehicle tax anywhere in spite of the 500 horsepower V8 engine .

  8. 这将会是人们变得明智,不再向微软交税,转向明显卓越的Linux的那一年了。

    This was going to be the year when the public got wise , quit paying the Microsoft tax and moved over to the obviously superior Linux .

  9. 你得在中国交税,德勤的另一位税务合伙人李齐文(LeeCheeWing,音译)说。

    You have to pay Chinese tax , says Lee Chee Wing , also a tax partner with Deloitte .

  10. 不过任何对这类债券有兴趣的人都应该在IRA或401(k)等可以减税的计划中进行,因为债券息票和普通收入一样也是要交税的。

    But anyone investing in such bonds should try to do so in a tax shelter like an IRA or401 ( k ), as bond coupons are taxable as ordinary income .

  11. AAA估计平均有两部车的家庭一年要消耗1200多加仑汽油,也就是说,每加仑汽油升价50美分就使这个家庭在交税以后,还要多付600美元,这使得中下收入的家庭更加拮据。

    That means the50-cents-a-gallon increase over the past year has families spending an extra $ 600 of after-tax money each year , squeezing middle-and low-income families the most .

  12. Wallace说,成功的申请人需要为他们的美国收入交税,但只要每年在美国呆的时间不超过122天,一般就不需要为海外收入交美国税。

    People on L-1 visas are subject to U.S. taxes on their U.S. income , but not on their overseas income and capital gains if they spend fewer than 122 days each year in the U.S. , according to Mr. Wallace .

  13. 比如,如果上述那套私属岛屿住宅每年增值7%,而你在10年后去世,那么在没有QPRT的情况下,你这套房产作为接受的遗产将被按2000万美元的价值交税。

    If , for instance , that private-island home increases in value by , say , 7 percent a year and you die 10 years from now , then without the trust your estate would have to pay taxes on a $ 20 million home .

  14. 看来不论哪个国家都是交税。

    So paying taxes seems to be universal around the world .

  15. 交税几乎占去我加薪的一半。

    Taxes have swallowed up nearly half of my pay increase .

  16. 文厚:城市居民交税吗?

    Wilhelm : Do residents in cities have to pay taxes ?

  17. 都得去自己的家乡交税。

    Had to go to their home town to be taxed .

  18. 她偶然说出她还没交税呢。

    She let slip that she had not paid her tax .

  19. 交税是每个人的义务。

    Examples : It is one 's duty to pay taxes .

  20. 不管是从合法的还是非法的途径获得的,有收入就应当交税。

    Whether from legal or illegal sources , income is taxable .

  21. 法律上规定了不交税的惩罚措施。

    Penalties for not paying your taxes are prescribed by law .

  22. 你不得不为另一台相机交税。

    You 'll have to pay duty for the other one .

  23. 你若要求部落里的人们交税,他们会反叛的。

    The tribesmen will revolt if you ask them to pay taxes .

  24. 先生,您交税了吗?

    A : Did you pay your duty , sir ?

  25. 北欧人会夸耀自己可以用短信交税。

    Locals boast that they pay their taxes by SMS .

  26. 烟和酒要交税吗?

    Do you have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes ?

  27. 没有,我没带应交税的东西。

    No , I have not get any dutiable thing with me .

  28. 我交税帮你建厨房?

    So I pay my taxes so you can have a kitchen ?

  29. 乔治:还需要交税或清洁费用吗?

    George : Are there any taxes or cleaning fees ?

  30. 含铅汽油每升所需交税将提高4便士。

    The tax increase will add4p to a litre of leaded petrol .