
  • 网络divorce
  1. 孩子的父亲正等着离婚手续办完。

    The father of the baby was waiting for his divorce to come through

  2. 不应该在办理离婚手续上报复以前的伴侣。

    The divorce process should not be used as a means to get back at your former partner

  3. 安后来了解到他们并没有正式的离婚手续。

    She later learned that there had been no official divorce .

  4. 很显然,他们到这里来是为了办理离婚手续。

    Apparently , they are there to file a divorce .

  5. 然后,在我手稿完成前就开始了离婚手续。

    Then , I initiated divorce proceedings before I even completed the manuscript .

  6. (尤指在履行完某些程序后)到来孩子的父亲正等着离婚手续办完。

    The father of the baby was waiting for his divorce to come through .

  7. 当他们办妥离婚手续离开律师事务所时,你可知卡洛琳说了什么?

    What was it Caroline had said as they were leaving the lawyers'offices after the settlement ?

  8. 因为在韩国,办理离婚手续比看一场夜间电影还便宜,耗时也更短。

    Getting a divorce can take less time and is cheaper than a night at the movies .

  9. 广州的《新快报》报道,周一下午五点,南京市共有294对夫妻办理离婚手续,比往常的人数多了一倍。

    At 5 p.m. Monday , Nanjing city recorded 294 divorce cases , double the usual number , said the Guangzhou-based Xin Kuai Bao newspaper .

  10. 伴随《婚姻法》和《婚姻登记工作暂行规范》出台,结婚和离婚手续简化了,“试婚”和“试离婚”却再次悄然流行起来。

    According to 《 Marriage Law 》 and 《 Divorce check in work norn 》 appearing on the stage , the formalities of marriage and divorce are simplified .

  11. 《上海日报》报道说,前两天,一名怀孕的妇女也来到上海杨浦区婚姻登记处办理离婚手续。

    The Shanghai Daily reported that in the past two days , a pregnant woman had also sought a divorce at a registration center in Yangpu district in Shanghai .

  12. 警方称,现年71岁奥利弗·基林曾与加拿大、爱尔兰和英国等地的女子结婚,同时,他从未与任何一个妻子办理过离婚手续。

    Police say Oliver Killeen is married to women in Canada , Ireland and England and that he has never obtained a legal divorce for any of his marriages .

  13. 我们来到这里时,金花正在办理离婚手续。这在旧社会是根本不可能的事。她很想再嫁。

    Gold Flower , at the time of my arrival , was just in the process of getting a divorce , which had been impossible in the old society , and she wanted very much to marry again .

  14. 据有关分析,这主要是因为女性在经济上越来越独立,以及离婚的手续已被简化。

    This is said to be due to women becoming more financially independent and divorce procedures being simplified .

  15. 乱交挨不着惩罚,离婚办得成手续

    Promiscuity went unpunished , divorce was permitted .

  16. 维情离婚俱乐部主要为离婚人士提供离婚手续及如何再婚等一系列的咨询服务。

    The club provides a range of services , such as helping with the divorce process and advising on the process of getting remarried .

  17. 虽然离婚对伊朗年轻人来说不再是宗教文化禁忌。复杂的离婚手续和经济压力使离婚对许多伊朗年轻妇女而言是一个艰难的选择。

    Though divorce is no long a cultural taboo among young Iranians , the convoluted divorce laws and the financial pressures of single parenting make it an unfeasible option for many women .