
lí chóu bié xù
  • 熟语parting grief
  1. 句子:我走进被拆除了家具的公寓,公寓里有一股分别的气味。我回到公寓,里面的家具已经搬空/收拾一空,到处弥漫着离愁别绪。sunbath“日光浴”spongebathe译为“用海绵(沾水)擦身”

    I walked back to the dismantled apartment , which stinked of departure .

  2. 它就像个历经沧桑的老人,亲历过各种离愁别绪。

    It was like an old man and had seen all kinds of departure .

  3. 不知是否是我的情感反映总来得较为迟缓,直到进入机舱的那一刻,还依然未感到多少的离愁别绪。

    It seems that I am always slow in responding to sentimental emotion : I didn 't feel homesick even after I was inside the aircraft .

  4. 古诗词中诗人通过他们的诗句或抒发亲友间的离愁别绪、或感叹人生的飘忽无常,千百年来感动着亿万读者。

    In classical Chinese poems , poets expressed their sad feelings at parting or sighed over the uncertainty of life , which moved thousands of readers throughout the years .