
  1. 科技农业示范区开发效益的综合评判方法

    Method for Comprehensively Appraising Benefit Developed by Agricultural Scientific and Technological Demonstration Area

  2. 科技农业园适度规模经营与企业化

    The Appropriate-scale in Operating an Agricultural Garden with High Science & Technology on a Business Basis

  3. 高专旅游类专业《导游实务》课程教学的改革与创新公园开发投资、公园内导游、科技农业服务、绿化配套服务。

    On the transformation and innovation of this subject " tourist guide " in advanced vocational school ; Park development investment , parks guided tours , agricultural technology services , green matching services .

  4. 本论文从北京市科技农业的内涵、特点、理论及现状着手,分析了北京市科技农业发展中存在的问题,对其发展模式和发展思路、对策进行了重点探讨。

    This paper focuses on the definition , characteristic theory and the current situation of Technological Agriculture in Beijing . Proposed the problem on development . Focus the discussion on the development model , development of ideas and development strategies .

  5. 科技农业是一种新的农业发展模式,将科技与农业的生产、交换、消费等环节紧密联系,提高土地利用率,增加农产品商品率,是发展现代农业的重要方向。

    Technological agriculture is a new agriculture development and an important direction for the development of modern agriculture . It can make a close contact between science and technology and agriculture production , exchange , consumption , and increase the rate of land utilization and agricultural products .

  6. 农业科技是农业现代化的重要支撑。

    The agricultural science and technology is the agriculture modernization important support .

  7. 农业科技是农业发展的根本推动力。

    Agricultural science and technology is the fundamental driving force for agricultural development .

  8. 充分利用绿箱政策,提升科技对农业的支撑能力;

    The support capability to agriculture science and technology should be advanced by the sufficiently utilized " green box " policy .

  9. 继续加大农业科技、农业教育、农业基础设施的投入力度;

    Continuously increase the degree of investment in the fields of agricultural science and technology , agriculture education and agriculture basic facilities ;

  10. 周四,古巴代表与中国官员签署了多项经济、科技和农业协议,但几乎未透露协议细节。

    On Thursday , Cuban representatives signed economic , technology and agricultural agreements with Chinese officials , though few specifics were disclosed .

  11. 依靠科技振兴农业&试论科技兴农中几个理论与实践问题

    VIGOROUSLY DEVELOPING AGRICULTURE RELYING ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY & On the Issues of Theory and Practice in Reviving Agriculture by Science and Technology

  12. 双方签署了中以金融、教育、科技、农业等领域的合作文件。

    The two have also overseen the signing of a number of agreements connected to areas such as finance , education , technology and agriculture .

  13. 五是强调解决农村问题的根本出路在于依靠现代科技发展农业生产力。

    Fifth , it emphasises that the basic way out to solve the rural problem is to develop agricultural productive forces relying on modem science and technology .

  14. 是一家以“光大袁隆平伟大事业,用科技改造农业,造福世界人民”的农业高新技术上市公司。

    The company is a high-tech agriculture company with the aim of " Developing Agriculture by Science and Technology and to Benefit the People All over the World " .

  15. 农业生物技术领域的战略要点是继续围绕农业科技实施农业产业化工程、农牧产品深加工以及积极参与国际竞争;

    In agricultural biology field , the emphasis is to carry out the agricultural industrializing project , to process the agricultural products and take part in the international competition ;

  16. 农业的发展容易受到自然和市场的双重制约,因此科技在农业发展中发挥着越来越大的推动作用。

    As we all know , the development of agriculture are easily being influenced by nature and market , so the technology plays a significant role in the development of agriculture .

  17. 农户到底需要何种类型的农业科技,农业技术推广部门又是如何推广这些不同类型的农业技术需求等成为发展农业面临的重要问题。

    What kinds of agricultural science and technology peasants really require and how to promote these different types of agricultural techniques for corresponding departments become the important problems facing of agricultural development .

  18. 灰色理论自20世纪70年代提出以后,被广泛应用于社会、经济、科技、农业、生物等各个领域。

    Since grey theory was presented in 70s ' 20 century , it has been applied in many fields such as society , economy , science and technology , agriculture , and biology .

  19. 随着整体经济的不断优化升级,科技在农业行业中也发挥着越来越重要的作用,农业高新技术产业也得到了广泛的关注和发展。

    With the overall economy constantly upgrading , science and technology in agricultural industry is playing an increasingly important role . And the agricultural high-tech industry also obtained the widespread attention and development .

  20. 把科技对农业、农村、农民的服务建立在信息化平台上,不失时机地推动农业信息化和高技术化,对于改造传统农业、促进农村经济发展具有重要的战略意义。

    Building technology service to agriculture , rural area and rural people on informationization platform and stimulating agricultural informationization and hi-technology has important strategic significance in reconstructing traditional agriculture and accelerating economy development of rural area .

  21. 但是由于农业环境条件差,加之科技对农业的支撑能力弱,所以过多的人力能值投入并没有导致能值产出相应的大幅度提高,因此目前的发展状态是不可持续的。

    However , because agricultural condition is worse , together with lack of agro-technology , overmany devotion of labor emergy did not bring on elevation of emergy yield , so developmental state of the system is not sustainable .

  22. 未来的杨凌旅游业应该继续以生态观光、农业科技、农业文化为发展的主要方向,形成与西安、咸阳等周围著名旅游城市互补的格局。

    Ecological sightseeing , agricultural science and technology and agricultural culture should be the orientation for Yangling ′ s tourism in the future . Finally , complementary pattern with the famous tourist cities such as Xi ′ an , Xianyang will be formed .

  23. 确立农业教育优先发展的地位,保障农业科技和农业生产的先进性,逐步改变在世界农业中大而不强的局面;

    It is also suggested that priority should be given to the development of agricultural education to keep agricultural science and technology at the advanced level and change the situation of agriculture being a large-scale industry but a technologically weak one in the world .

  24. 在对西部农民增收趋缓面临问题简要分析的基础上,指出农业生产结构不合理、农业产业化程度差、农业科技与农业生产脱节是影响当前农民收入的主要因素。

    Based on the analysis of the problem of farmers ' slow income increasing in west China , it is pointed out that the irrational industrial structures , poor agricultural industrialization and disjunction of agricultural technology and production are the main factors hindering the farmers ' income .

  25. 实现农业产业化,能够有效地解决小生产与大市场之间的矛盾,带动农业结构战略性调整,提高科技对农业的贡献率和农业规模效益,从而改变农民收入增长缓慢的问题。

    Realizing agricultural industrialization can solve effectively the contradictions between small-scale production and big market , promote the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure , raise the contributive capacity of science and technology of agriculture and agricultural benefits in scale , thus improving the slow increase for farmers ' income .

  26. 河南农业科技在进入农业结构提升的新阶段遇到了重重困难,加入WTO后农业科技进步面临着诸多压力。

    The Henan agriculture 's S & T faces a lot of difficulties during the new stage of the agricultural structure upgrade , and meet much pressure after China 's accession into the WTO .

  27. 运用DEA方法研究我国农业结构调整的效率,探讨农业科技投入与农业结构调整效率之间的关系。

    By using DEA method , the efficiency of agricultural structural adjustment is studied , the relationship between the input in agricultural science and technology and the efficiency of agricultural structural adjustment is discussed .

  28. 依靠科技进步推进农业产业化发展

    To Promote the Development of Agricultural Industrialization Depending on Sci-tech Progress

  29. 科技情报对农业生产结构调整的作用

    The Role of Scientific and Technological Information on Restructuring Agricultural Production

  30. 论新的农业科技革命与农业创新体系

    On the New Scientific Revolution in Agriculture and Agricultural Creative System