
kē jì wén huà
  • science and technology culture
  1. 理性文明的变革&对科技文化的反思

    Revolution of Rational Civilization & A Reflection on Science and Technology Culture

  2. 近代中日西方科技文化的引进;

    The introduction of west science and technology culture to modern China and Japan ;

  3. 长期以来,中华文明同世界其他文明互通有无、交流借鉴,向世界贡献了深刻的思想体系、丰富的科技文化艺术成果、独特的制度创造,深刻影响了世界文明进程。

    Through exchanges with other civilizations , the Chinese civilization has contributed to the world a profound system of thoughts , a wide range of technological2 , cultural and artistic3 achievements , and unique institutional creations , thereby4 deeply influencing the development of the world 's civilizations .

  4. 随着国际贸易和科技文化交流的不断扩大,全球对于ISO制定的国际标准和发达国家制定的先进标准的需求日益增大。

    Along with the increasingly rapid development of global trade and technical exchange between nations , worldwide applicable standards worked out by ISO or other developed countries should be attached great importance and widely used .

  5. 将近20年过去了,GMS区域的经济一体化发展不断深入,跨国境的直接投资逐年增加,投资范围不断扩大,涉及到基础设施建设,科技文化传播等的各个方面。

    In the past twenty years , the economic integration of GMS has developed further , foreign direct investment has been increasing year by year and the scope has been expanding , involving infrastructure construction , technological and cultural communications and so on .

  6. 提升了医院的科技文化;

    Hospital 's culture of science / technology has been enhanced ;

  7. 以数学文化提高大学生的科技文化素养

    Promote College Students ' Quality of Scientific Culture through Mathematics Culture

  8. 中国近现代科技文化政策刍议

    An Analysis of Science , Technology and Culture Policy in Modern China

  9. 历史进程中科技文化的多元形态

    The Cultural Pluralism of Science and Technology in the Course of History

  10. 大学生科技文化活动的困境与对策

    Strategy for Dilemma of Scientific and Cultural Activities on Campus

  11. 和谐社会视域下的科技文化发展战略思考

    Strategic Thought of Sci-tech and Cultural Development from the Perspective of Harmony

  12. 办好《黄金》杂志促进黄金科技文化事业发展

    Promoting the scientific and technological development of gold enterprises by building journal gold

  13. 苏州科技文化艺术中心解读&拓扑大师保罗·安德鲁

    The Analysis of Suzhou Science and Cultural Arts Center

  14. 科技文化对科技创新的影响及构建思路

    Influence and Methodology of Scientific Culture on Scientific Innovation

  15. 科技文化的历史地位及当代价值

    Philosophic Thoughts on the Location of Value of the Scientific and Technological Culture

  16. 中西方传统科技文化的非线性比较

    Non-linear Comparison of Traditional Scientific and Technological Culture between Chinese and the West

  17. 国内外农民科技文化素质的比较

    The Contrast on the Domestic and International farmers ' Quality in Science and Technology

  18. 推进科技文化建设与生态文化建设的融合与发展;

    Advancement science and technology cultural reconstruction and ecologically-conscious culture construction fusion and development ;

  19. 是闻名中外的汽车城、电影城、科技文化城和森林城。

    Is the famous auto city , SenLinCheng and multiplex , science and technology .

  20. 大型科技文化艺术中心消防安全评估及设计方法研究

    Large-scale Science and Technology and Art Cultural Center Assessment and Fire Safety Design Method

  21. 科技文化创意乐土

    A Paradise of Scien-tech and Cultural Creation

  22. 科技文化活动与创新人才的培养

    Thought on Cultivation of Innovative Talents in the Activities of Science , Technology and Culture

  23. 高校图书馆是传播科技文化知识信息的重要窗口。

    Libraries in colleges and universities are one key locus for knowledge and information spread .

  24. 论科技文化系统

    On the Science and Technology Culture System

  25. 充分体现了嘉汇人的精神和嘉汇科技文化。

    Fully reflects the spirit and the person Glittery Glittery science , technology and culture .

  26. 现代农业中的农民科技文化素质研究

    A Study on the Quality of Farmers ' Sci-tech and Cultural in the Modern Agriculture

  27. 在这种背景下,对于农民科技文化素质的研究势在必行。

    In this context , for scientific and cultural qualities of the farmers is imperative .

  28. 中国古代科技文化主要包括科学方法、科技思想、科技精神、科技成果等方面的内容。

    Ancient Chinese culture mainly included scientific methods , technological ideas , spirit and achievements etc. .

  29. 科技文化的中国特色

    On Chinese Characteristic of Scientific Culture

  30. 科技文化:国家文化软实力的核心要素和重要支撑

    Sci-Tech Culture : A Key Component of and Important Support for the Soft Power of National Culture