
  • 网络Cognac;COGNAC Brandy
  1. 这是令人感兴趣的科涅克白兰地,一种最上等的酒。

    It is the most interesting Cognac brandy , a supernaculum .

  2. 原来也喝威士忌的他问道:如果你和客户喝威士忌,那还怎么推销科涅克白兰地呢?

    A former whisky drinker himself , he asks : How can you promote cognac if you are drinking whisky with your customers ?

  3. 我叫一个小孩去买一瓶科涅克白兰地,但他回来说,只有格拉巴白兰地。

    I got a little boy to go for a bottle of cognac but he came back and said he could only get grappa .