
kē hùn
  • Kehun;comic gestures or remarks inserted in a traditional opera
科诨 [kē hùn]
  • [(of Chinese operas) comic gestures and remarks] 戏曲演出中角色的滑稽动作和道白

  1. 元代文人与戏曲传播初探戏曲科诨的文化阐释

    Interrelation between Literati in the Yuan Dynasty and Traditional Chinese Opera Communication

  2. 本文试图从中国文化特质角度探寻科诨形成的原因。

    This paper analyzes the becoming of Kehun in traditional Chinese opera .

  3. 元杂剧科诨艺术技巧研究

    The Buffoonery in the Yuan Drama : A Study of Its Artistic Techniques

  4. 元杂剧中不同角色所表演的科诨在语言、内容以及舞台效果上有很大不同。

    Comic gestures and remarks acted by different roles in poetic drama of Yuan Dynasty vary considerably in languages , contents and stage results .

  5. 好的科诨要通俗晓畅而不是恶俗下流,要与人物身份、故事情节相适宜。

    A good Kehun is popular and smooth but not indecent , which should fit the character 's role and the plot of the story .