
  • 网络cody;Kody;Conor Coady
  1. 科迪,快出去,快跑。

    Cody , get out , run for it .

  2. 德克萨斯州非盈利组织DefenseDistributed是由一名年仅25岁的德州大学法律系学生科迪•威尔森创办的。

    Texas-based defense distributed , founded by 25-year-old University of Texas law student Cody Wilson , has given Forbes .

  3. 自从将Squirt带回家,科迪便分享了很多关于他新宠的视频和照片。

    Since he brought Squirt home with him , Cody has shared numerous photos and videos of his new pet .

  4. 科迪之后分享了一张和Squirt的照片,小猫咪也被描上了和他一样的胡须。

    Cody later took to Instagram to share photo of himself with Squirt , who is sporting a matching mustache .

  5. 利物浦青年新星科迪率领英格兰U17周二在阿尔加维夺得挂冠。

    Liverpool Academy starlet Conor Coady captained England U17s to glory in the Algarve Tournament on Tuesday .

  6. 幸亏有寄样家庭的支持,Squirt才得以茁壮成长,而这个寄养家庭有养母,和四个兄弟姐妹,还有科迪的两只狗狗。

    Squirt is continuing to get stronger thanks to the support of her adoptive family , which includes her new mom , her four siblings , and Cody 's two dogs .

  7. “Squirt需要一个妈妈,这样才能解决问题。”幸亏有寄养家庭的帮助,Squirt才得以茁壮成长,而这个寄养家庭除了它的养母和兄弟姐妹之外,还有科迪的两只狗狗。

    She needed a mom so it worked out . ' Squirt is continuing to get stronger thanks to the support of her adoptive family , which includes her new mom , her siblings , and Cody 's two dogs .

  8. 科迪腼腆地微笑着,紧紧地抓住我的手。

    Cody smiled shyly , gripping my hand for dear life .

  9. 科迪,你什么时候生日?五月十号。

    When 's your birthday , Cody ? I 'm May10 .

  10. 一个男孩说,科迪,你的眼镜看上去好蠢。

    One boy said , your glasses look stupid , Cody .

  11. 财产的所有权转给了科迪夫人。

    The rights to the property carry over to Mrs cody .

  12. 我是说科迪的遗孀,还有他的孩子。

    Cody 's widow , I mean , and the kid .

  13. 在给科迪穿衣服准备去学校时,他低声说:“妈妈?”

    While dressing Cody for school , he whispered ," Mom ?"

  14. 如果你有任何关于科迪马丁的消息。

    If you have any information about the whereabouts of Cody martin .

  15. 她自称“科迪莉亚”,就跟她自己承诺的一样。

    She calls herself " cordelia . " just like she promised .

  16. 科迪已经出发了他真的想见�

    Cody is on his way.And he really wants to meet you .

  17. 天呐,你说话的语气和科迪一模一样。

    Oh , god , you sound just like Cody .

  18. 科迪大夫整个早上都会在手术室里。

    Doctor Corday will bi in surgery all morning .

  19. 我把那两颗心从我的眼镜上揭下,递给科迪。

    I peeled the hearts from my glasses and handed them to Cody .

  20. 在比利之前,我只爱和科迪躺在一起。

    Before billy , I used to love to IIE down with cody .

  21. 科迪的生日是五月十号。比利的生日是三月二号。

    Cody 's birthday is on May10th . Billy 's birthday is on March2nd .

  22. 科迪个头小,生性腼腆。

    Cody was a timid , small child .

  23. 当洛娜,科迪和我做这件事的时候,

    Now when Lorna , Cody , and I did this , it was --

  24. 是和科迪还有别的朋友一起的那个吗?没错。

    With Cody and the friends ? Yes .

  25. 哈!快看科迪-奥利弗。

    Ha ! Look at Cody Oliver !

  26. 嗯,科迪,他是一个好人。很友善。

    Yes , Cody , he was a nice man . A very nice man .

  27. 科迪出生时仅仅24盎司。

    Cody started life weighing 24 ounces .

  28. 科迪和贾斯廷去哪了?

    Where are Cody and justin ?

  29. “啊,看科迪!多酷呀!”另一个发现者也嚷着,指着我们咯咯地笑。

    Oh , look at cody ! How cute ! Shouted another , pointing and giggling .

  30. 因为科迪没出过国,所以他决定去法国旅行。

    Because he had never been abroad , Cody decided to take a trip to France .