
  • 网络Stable stage;Stabilizing Phase;stabilization phase;steady stage;stable phase
  1. 模型稳定阶段中,血管吻合失败率、移植心缺血时间及手术时间等较训练阶段均明显缩短(P0.01)。

    Vascular anastomosis failure rate , donor heart ischemia time and surgical time all showed significant improvement in stable phase when compare to those in traning phase ( P0.01 ) .

  2. 不同的交通灯周期T能够显著影响平均速度稳定阶段持续的时间,因而影响网络运行可靠性NOR的大小。

    Different traffic light cycle T can significantly affect the duration of the average speed of stable phase , thus affecting NOR .

  3. 在稳定阶段,K为一稳定值;

    At steady stage , K value was almost not variable ;

  4. 在稳定阶段释放速率系数K为一定值;

    At steady stage , the release rate coefficient K value was not a variable ;

  5. 且与光合速率稳定阶段基本一致。因此说光合功能衰退与叶片中保护酶系的下降和MDA的积累有内在的关系。

    So there are inherent relations between photosynthesis function decline and fall of the Protective Enzyme System and accumulate of MDA .

  6. 结果表明:第V级大树结构图解能较客观地反映已进入稳定阶段群落的组成结构特征;林木结构图解能较好地反映处于顺向演替阶段群落的组成结构特征。

    The results of determination show that big-tree structural graph ( V ) will reflect the composition characteristics of stable communities while wood structural graph will reflect the composition characteristics of communities in a smooth succession .

  7. 根据腐解残留量和有机C分解率的变化可将腐解过程分为三个阶段:快速分解阶段,缓慢分解阶段,趋于稳定阶段。

    According to the changes of the amounts of decaying remainders and the decomposition rate of organic C , the decaying process could be divided into 3 stage : the fast decomposition stage → the slow decomposition stage → the stage tending to be stable .

  8. 系统具有整体性、开放性、动态性、层次性和复杂性等特点。矿区复杂系统演化过程经历4个阶段,即建设阶段、发展阶段、稳定阶段和衰退阶段,演化模式符合Logistic曲线。

    The evolutionary process of the complex mining area system experiences four stages : namely the construction stage , the development stage , the stability stage and the decline stage , whose evolution pattern conforms to the Logistic curve .

  9. Philip入渗公式和Horton公式在入渗衰减阶段,拟合较好,在接近稳定阶段,拟合效果不理想。

    The initial phrase of soil infiltration process can be simulated with Philip and Horton infiltration formula , but the simulated result was not good in the steady phrase .

  10. 稳定阶段中簇内节点通过单跳路由和簇首进行通信,由簇首处理好的数据通过多跳路由的方式发送给sink节点融合处理,继而通过有源线路发送给控制中心。

    In the stage of stable phase nodes in the same cluster communicate with each other by one-hop routing and cluster head communicates with sink node by multi-hop routing and finally fused data are sent to the control center through energetic lines .

  11. 对不同阶段的AE信号识别实验结果表明,在初始阶段和稳定阶段,基于高阶谱特征分类方法具有一定优势。(5)建立了贝叶斯网络的混凝土安全特性评估模型。

    The results show that the high-order spectrum based classification method is effective for identification of the initial stage and the stable stage . ( 5 ) A safety evaluation model of concrete based on Bayesian networks is proposed .

  12. 将PCU尿素溶出过程分成4个阶段:滞后阶段、溶胀阶段、稳定阶段和衰退阶段。

    The processes of urea release from PCU could be divided into four stages : lag stage , swell stage , steady stage and decay stage .

  13. 采用气提式三重循环生物膜反应器(TLABR)处理制药废水,稳定阶段对COD和NH4+-N的去除率分别为73%和70%。

    Laboratory-scale experiments were conducted by using the Triplet Loop Airlift Biofilm Reactor ( TLABR ) to treat wastewater from pharmaceutical factory . In the steady phase , the removal rates of COD and ammonia nitrogen are 73 % and 70 % respectively .

  14. 到入渗稳定阶段,湿润土壤区域水分含量相差1.5%。

    Arrived steady infiltration , the moist area water content difference 1.5 % .

  15. 星系密度波在不稳定阶段的演化规律

    Evolution of galactic density waves at the unstable stage

  16. 高速气缸缓冲稳定阶段运动特性

    Kinetic characteristic of high-speed cylinder in stable process

  17. 在撰写本文之时,2.6.29已经处于稳定阶段,并在向2.6.30迈进。

    At the time of this writing , 2.6.29 is in the stabilization process .

  18. 在裂隙稳定阶段,地下水流的流态较为接近层流状态。

    At the stage of crack stability , the groundwater is approximately laminar flow .

  19. 簇稳定阶段引入簇内节点对簇首广播消息进行认证的机制。

    Nodes in cluster certificated the first broadcast message of cluster during cluster stable stage .

  20. 学习和稳定阶段;

    Learning and stable development stage ;

  21. 三是1962年至1965年,为其发展相对稳定阶段;

    The third period is from 1962 to 1965 , which is its relatively stable stage ;

  22. 在不稳定阶段,模拟参数变化剧烈,而在稳定阶段,模拟参数变化平稳。

    The simulation parameters change acutely in unstable period but they change smoothly in stable one .

  23. 恐惧记忆储存在长时记忆之前,有一个临时的不稳定阶段。

    Before fear memories are stored in the long-term memory , there is a temporary labile phase .

  24. 湍流中的标度律(英文)降落伞充满稳定阶段流场数值模拟

    The Scaling Laws of Fully Developed Turbulence Numerical Simulation of Flow Field of the Parachute Fully Developed

  25. 计算结果表明,干燥过程可分为两个阶段:不稳定阶段和稳定阶段。

    Numerical results present that the drying process could be divided into two periods : unstable and stable .

  26. 群落达到稳定阶段后,3个层次的α多样性指数均有一定程度的降低。

    When the community reaches stable stage , a diversity index of three layers all decreases to some extent .

  27. 说明随着带间距的增加,群落结构在逐渐发生变化,使原来的荒漠化群落结构变得相对复杂并逐渐向稳定阶段发展。

    As the increase of strip span , the structure changed gradually and became relative complex and gradually steady .

  28. 在稳定阶段,由于结构会发生二次屈曲,频率可能出现小幅波动。

    In The Stable-Stage , because of the second-buckling of the membrane structure , the frequency appears to fluctuate .

  29. 最后对机翼摇滚的发展、稳定阶段的能量转换进行了讨论。

    In addition , the energy exchange during the developing and steady period of wing rock is also discussed .

  30. 本文对拟稳定阶段关系式进行了系统推导,并提出了判断拟稳定阶段的不同方法。

    The relationship of the Pseudo steady state stage is derived and judging methods are presented in this paper .