
  • 【水产】stability
  1. 紫色水稻土水稳性团聚体土壤微生物基因组DNA提取方法探讨

    Microbial DNA Extraction Method on Soil Water-stable Aggregates about the Purple Paddy Soil

  2. 贵阳市建筑边坡稳性评价、预测的GIS系统

    GIS system for stability evaluation and prediction of construction slopes in Guiyang City

  3. 本论文主要研究2-D线性离散奇异系统的稳定性、能稳性与能检测性。

    This dissertation concerns the stability , stabilizability and detectability of 2-D singular systems .

  4. 本文主要是详细评述了吸收型光学双稳性的缀饰模式(dressedmode)理论的进展。

    This paper is concerned mainly with the detailed review of the development of the dressed mode theory of adsorptive Optical Bistability .

  5. 基于NURBS曲面的船舶破舱稳性计算方法研究

    Study of Hull Damage Stability Calculation with NURBS Technology

  6. 基于MSCADAMS的汽车柔性扭力梁后悬架特性分析及操稳性仿真

    Analyses on Rear Suspension Characteristics and Handling Performance with Flexible Twist Axle Using MSC Adams

  7. 在延时反馈光学双稳性的动力学方程中引入描述反馈强度的静态稳定度。指出除相对延时Q外,静态稳定度S也影响着系统的不稳定行为,包括不稳定的阈值条件和振荡模式。

    The degree of stability which describes intensity of feedback is introduced into the dynamic equations of optical bistability with delayed feedback .

  8. 压载舱的布置对FPSO破损稳性的影响

    Effects of Water Ballast Tanks Layout on Damaged Stability of FPSO

  9. ZnS光学双稳性器件中的不稳定性

    Optical instability in ZnS optical bistable devices

  10. 有横向分布为TEM(10)模的信号注入的环形腔激光器的双稳性

    The bistability of the ring cavity laser with a injected signal having a transverse distribution of the TEM_ ( 10 ) mode

  11. 重点解释了船舶推进力、船舶阻力、船舶操纵和船舶初稳性建模方法,并适当表述了PID控制算法的原理。

    The thesis primary interpreted the shipping propulsive force , shipping obstruction force , shipping manoeuvre and steady modeling especially , and interpreted the principle of PID control algorithm properly .

  12. 化学反应中的双稳性的临界现象及Landau相变理论

    Critical Phenomena of the Bistability in Chemical Reactions and Landau Theory of Phase Transitions

  13. SP(BN/BphN)膜具有优异的氧化稳性、良好的耐热性能、足够的机械强度,有望成为DMFC质子交换膜材料。

    SP ( BN / BphN ) membranes had good mechanical properties , high thermal stability and excellent oxidative stability .

  14. 在这个阶段中,通过选取两种装在状态对IMO的谷物自由面稳性的标准进行了分析。

    In this stage the IMO grain stability requirements are also analysed by using two selected partial loading conditions .

  15. 考虑到AutoCAD平台的计算机辅助几何能力,本文对浮体稳性的研究,都是基于AutoCAD平台的。

    For the CAGD ability of AutoCAD software platform , this paper is based on the AutoCAD software platform in doing the research of the stability of the floating structure .

  16. 大斜视合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像要求较长的合成孔径,这样载机的不平稳性对其影响较大,如何对大斜视SAR进行运动补偿是实现大斜视成像的关键。

    Long synthetic aperture is required in high squint SAR imaging , which is severely influenced by the nonstationarity of airplanes . Therefore , motion compensation is crucial in high squint SAR data processing .

  17. 主要叙述了计算破舱稳性的表面元法和基于NURBS曲面的最优化方法计算船舶破舱稳性,最后比较了这两种方法。

    Then the paper mainly described two method of damaged stability calculation-surface unit and NURBS curves-based optimization arithmetic . At last , this two methods were compared .

  18. 开发有相应的稳性曲线计算、自由液面修正计算、舱容计算ARX应用程序。

    The programs of stability curve calculation , free surface correction and holds capacity volume calculation are developed with AutoCAD ARX .

  19. 最后研究了DMS对调制不稳性抑制以及DMS的能量增强因子,同时采用绝热扰动法研究了DMS对Gordon&Haus效应的抑制。

    At the same time , the energy enhancement factor of DMS and DMS restraining to the modulation instability and Gordon-Haus effect are also studied .

  20. 对SOLAS客船与货船概率破损稳性新规则的修改建议

    Proposed Amendments to New Regulation of Probabilistic Damage Stability for Passenger and Cargo Ships in SOLAS

  21. 国际海事组织(IMO)于1981年提出了计入风浪联合作用下船舶动稳性衡准原则。

    International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) presented in 1981 the dynamic stability criterion with the joint action of wind and waves counted .

  22. 同时,对NCL进行荧光光谱学研究,分析NCL内源荧光光谱,检测了NCL凝集活性的热稳性和不同pH值溶液对其内部结构的影响。

    Meanwhile , NCL were detected the thermal stability and the influence of pH to the internal structure by using intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy .

  23. 掺加SH后,浸水后的无侧限抗压强度和饱和抗剪强度指标明显增大,水稳性得到显著提高。

    The indexes of unconfined compressive strength and saturation shear strength are increased observably after immersion when using the lime-ash with SH , and the water stability is improved effectively .

  24. 通过温室模拟试验,研究人工土壤,经不同分子量和电荷密度PAM处理后团聚体水稳性的变化状况。

    The water stability of soil cluster is studied after the treatment of different molecular weight and charge density PAM of artificial soil by way of simulation test in the hothouse .

  25. 通过统计分析得知网络流量具有明显的集中性和平稳性,在正常情况下,网络流量仅由少数几类报文组成,而当DDoS攻击发生时,这些特性会被破坏。

    Normally , network traffic consists of a few types of packets and thereby has obvious centrality and stability , but it could be changed when DDoS attacks occur .

  26. LRC串联电路稳态特性的计算机仿真深海多体式浮式结构物稳性优化计算

    A Computer Simulation on the Steady-state Characteristic of LRC Series Circuit ; Optimal calculation on stability of MFS in deepwater

  27. 黄绵土表土水稳性大团聚体(0.25mm)粒径越大,其中的有机碳含量越高。

    The larger the water stable macroaggregates , the higher organic carbon content in them .

  28. 反馈调QCO2激光器的光学多稳性与不稳性

    Optical multi-stability and instability for CO_2 laser with feedback Q-switching

  29. 系统利用SolidWorks建立平台的水下体积模型,并能快速地求出平台的静水力要素、完整稳性、破舱稳性等各项性能。

    The underwater model of mobile platform was created by SolidWorks in this system , so that the hydrostatic factors , intact stability , damaged stability and other performances can be figured out quickly .

  30. 在理论上对PID控制EPS系统车辆操稳性进行了研究,并完善了对普通未装EPS系统车辆横摆角速度对转向盘转角传递函数的概念。

    The vehicle 's maneuver stability of PID control mode was investigated for the first time and rectified the inaccurate define of the transfer function between the yaw rate and steering wheel angle for the automobile which not equipped with EPS .