
tǒng cāng
  • silo
筒仓[tǒng cāng]
  1. SOA会导致“筒仓服务”吗?

    Will SOA lead to " silo services "?

  2. 基于MFC的筒仓结构CAD软件前处理分析

    An analysis on the silo structure CAD software preprocessing based on MFC

  3. 如果我们不立刻把粮食卸下来,它们就会在筒仓里开始腐烂。

    If we don 't unload it soon , the grain will start rotting in the silos

  4. 筒仓发明前,因为没有青草可以吃,奶牛在冬天产奶量减少。

    Before silos were invented , cows gave less milk during winter because they had no green grass to eat .

  5. 基于面向对象技术的钢筋混凝土圆形筒仓CAD系统的研究

    Study on CAD system in circle reinforced concrete silos based on object-oriented technique

  6. PLC在大型散粮筒仓控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in the Large Silos Control System for Bulk Grain

  7. 筒仓CAD系统是已经研制成功的一种用于钢筋混凝土圆形筒仓设计的结构CAD系统。

    Silos CAD System-SILOCAD is a structural CAD system for designing circular reinforced concrete silos .

  8. 你在SOA实现中考虑到筒仓问题了吗?

    Did you consider Silos during your SOA implementation ?

  9. ADAM数据采集模块在储煤筒仓安全监测系统中的应用

    Application of ADAM module in the safe monitoring system of coal bunker

  10. 他领导基于单堆栈战略的SOA开发,以简化多个网络和应用程序筒仓。

    He led the development of the SOA based single stack strategy to simplify the multiple network and applications silos .

  11. 这个列表中最关键的一个问题是最后一个:SOA会导致“筒仓服务”吗?

    One of the key question in this list is the last one : Will SOA lead to " silo services " .

  12. 文章以我国PH3环流熏蒸技术在立筒仓、房式仓、土堤仓应用的成功事例,论述了PH3环流熏蒸在安全防范条件下的可行性;

    The feasibility of circulative fumigation with PH3 under the condition of safe guard was discussed through some successful experiences in silos , warehouses and bunkers .

  13. 研究了筒仓结构CAD软件前处理的界面设计、数据结构和图形数据的存储,并给出了交互式操作的菜单及功能。

    The interface design , date structure and data saving was researched . Further more , the menu and its function of man-machine conversation manipulation were discussed .

  14. SOA和BPM项目两者均需要从业务引导的角度来看待和管理,否则他们将陷入对立的筒仓

    Both SOA and BPM need to be viewed and governed as business-led initiatives , or else they will fall into the opposing silos

  15. 在以色列和菲律宾分别进行了PVC方包仓、筒仓露天储藏小麦、玉米和稻谷试验。

    PVC cube store and PVC silo were used for outdoor storage of wheat . corn and paddy in Israel and Philippines respectively . Seal storage .

  16. 60m直径水泥熟料筒仓温度作用研究

    Study of temperature effect in a large diameter silo of cement clinker

  17. PH3和CO2混合熏蒸及微气流熏蒸试验在砖结构的立筒仓中进行。

    The test of PH 3 and CO 2 mixed fumigation and micro-airflow fumigation in brick silo were carried out .

  18. 某厂1000t水泥筒仓的事故成因及对策

    Accident Reason and Countermeasures of a 1000 Tons Cement Tube Storehouse

  19. 主要介绍了一种基于ADAM数据采集模块的储煤筒仓安全监测系统,详细介绍了其硬件组成、监测网络设计、软件设计等方面的内容。

    A design of the safe monitoring system of coal bunker based on ADAM Module , its hardware making up , network design , software design , etc. .

  20. 大直径Lipp钢板筒仓静力分析

    Static pressure analysis of the Lipp steel plate silo of big diameter

  21. 利用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS建立了一个高22.2m、直径15m的钢筒仓三维空间模型。

    The text creates a steel silo 3D model which is 22.2 m high and has a diameter of 15 m by using the FE software ANSYS .

  22. 他把这种社交方式看成是一种变革因子,其原因是它引入了透明化、使协同工作更容易并消除筒仓效应,是通往21世纪BPM的道路。

    He perceives the social approach as a change agent for the introduction of transparency , ease of collaboration and destroying silos , a path to the BPM of the21st century .

  23. 采用离散单元法(DEM)建立了一种筒仓缩尺模型,该缩尺模型能够提供计算原型筒仓所需的重力场。

    One kind of silo scale model which based on DEM was proposed , this scale model can provide the gravitational field which is needed in the prototype silo 's computation of lateral pressure .

  24. 这次座谈还说,新一代的消费者开始整合来自各个无关“筒仓(silos)”的信息了:企业Mashups很快就遇上了语义互操作的问题。

    The panel also noted that a new generation of consumers starts combining information from unrelated " silos ": Enterprise Mashups quickly run into semantics interoperability problems .

  25. 本文以实际工程为例,建立了一个三维的筒仓模型,利用有限元数值分析软件ANSYS模拟钢筒仓在三种恶劣环境下的受力情况。

    This article take the actual project as an example , has established a three dimensional silo model , simulated the steel silo under three kind of stress situation of adverse circumstances using finite element numerical analysis software ANSYS .

  26. 对高14.76m,直径12m的螺旋卷边钢板筒仓在空仓风载工况下进行了有限元分析。

    Finite element analysis on a steel bin of 14.76m high with diameter of 12m . under wind load .

  27. 该公司宣称,其芯片设计不仅能启动物联网设备,还能避免它所说的筒仓网(InternetofSilos),即产生的数据无法由各家服务供应商共享。

    The company pitches its chip designs as a way not only to enable Internet of Things devices , but also as a way to avoid what it calls the Internet of Silos , where data is created but not shared among service providers .

  28. 在VOIGT-REUSS模型的基础上,建立钢筋混凝土粮食筒仓壁开裂状态下的应力应变关系。

    Based on the VOIGT REUSS model , stress changes of crack phase of reinforced concrete cylinder silo was analysed in the paper .

  29. 本文通过力学计算和现场调查,着重分析了某厂1000t水泥筒仓的事故成因并提出了相应对策。

    This paper emphatically analyses the accident reason of a 1000 tons cement tube storehouse by means of mechanics calculation , and presents corresponding countermeasures .

  30. 文中介绍了某3×135MW煤矸石综合利用电厂贮煤筒仓安全监测系统。

    Coal-silo safety monitoring system designed for the power plant of 3 × 135 MW is discussed in this article .