
tōnɡ fēnɡ jiànɡ wēn
  • ventilation and cooling
  1. 鸡舍通风降温系统的比较与选择

    Comparison and selection of ventilation and cooling systems in poultry houses

  2. 通风降温措施在大型变压器上的应用

    Application of ventilation and cooling measures to large transformers

  3. Venlo型温室夏季自然通风降温的CFD数值模拟

    CFD simulation of a naturally ventilating cooling process for a venlo greenhouse in summer

  4. 本论文在对地道通风降温过程中的土壤与地道内空气传热传质过程进行理论分析的基础上,进行了土壤导热系数及传热传质的实验测试工作,并利用CFD技术对地道通风降温效果进行模拟。

    This thesis is based upon theoretical analyses of heat and mass transfer between soil and air in the tunnel undergoing ventilation and cooling process . Experiments and tests were conducted concerning soil thermal conductivity as well as heat and mass transfer process .

  5. 控制温度,做好大棚通风降温工作;

    Ventilation was managed well to control temperature in plastic greenhouse .

  6. 通风降温:无论是自然通风还是机械通风,其降温效果都不能达到理想的温度,室内作物层温度均会高于室外温度。

    Ventilation : The ventilation can 't attain the ideal temperature .

  7. 夜间通风降温节能的分析计算

    Analysis Calculation of Energy Saving on Ventilating Coding During the Night

  8. 深圳居住建筑夏季自然通风降温实验研究

    Experiment of natural ventilation for residential buildings during summer time in Shenzhen

  9. 排气扇通风降温对比试验报告

    Control test of exhaust fan for lowering temperature with ventilation

  10. 中型立筒仓共用管道熏蒸杀虫通风降温试验

    Fumigation and Ventilation Tests With Commen Duct System in Middle Size Silos

  11. 平房仓不同风机通风降温耗能对比试验龙眼压差通风预冷装置风速控制与能耗分析

    Air Velocity Control and Energy Analysis in Forced-air Pre-cooling Device of Longan

  12. 高大平房仓轴流风机通风降温试验

    Test of axial-flow machine for ventilation and lowering temperature in large warehouse

  13. 轴流风机在高大平房仓通风降温中的应用研究

    Application of axial-flow ventilator to ventilation and lower temperature in large warehouse

  14. 通风降温建筑室内热环境模拟及热舒适研究

    Prediction of indoor climate and thermal comfort for cooling in ventilated residence rooms

  15. 智能化控制储粮机械通风降温试验

    Test of intelligent control mechanical ventilation for lowering temperature

  16. 北方办公建筑夜间通风降温潜力及适用性研究

    Cooling Potential and Applicability of Night Ventilation on Office Building in North China

  17. 长江流域住宅夏季通风降温方式探讨

    Residential aeration cooling in the Chang Jiang River Basin

  18. 轴流风机通风降温试验

    Test of axial-flow machine for ventilation and lowering temperature

  19. 矿井风流热力过程及通风降温模拟研究

    Study of Coal Mine Wind Thermodynamic Process and Ventilation Temperature Dropping Technology Imitation

  20. 地道风通风降温的优化设计及运行效果预测

    Optimization Design and Operation Prediction of Tunnel Wind Ventilation

  21. 自然通风降温设备包括天窗和侧窗启闭系统。

    Natural ventilation equipment includes roof-vent and side-vent opener .

  22. 一种用于金属矿山独头掘进面通风降温的新设施

    A new ventilation and temperature drop facility for dead face in metal mines

  23. 发电机房通风降温方案研究

    The Wind Study On The Ventilation and Temperature Reducing Scheme in the Generator Room

  24. 火力发电厂空冷器对主厂房自然通风降温的影响

    Influence of air cooling condensers on natural ventilation of the main workshop in firepower plants

  25. 独头工作面通风降温新方法及效果分析

    A New Ventilation and Temperature Drop Method for Dead Working Face and Its Effect Analysis

  26. 仓库通风降温网络的设计

    Design of ventilation network in grain warehouse

  27. 通风降温在储粮中的应用

    Application of Ventilated Cooling in Grain Storage

  28. 大型装配式钢板仓机械通风降温系统的设计与使用

    Design and application of mechanical ventilation system for lowering grain temperature in large steel silo

  29. 湿膜直接蒸发冷却在工业热车间通风降温的应用研究

    Application Research of Wet Film Direct Evaporative Cooling in Ventilation and Cooling High Temperature Industry Building

  30. 结果表明,埋管系统通风降温可以改善炎热地区的室内热舒适性。

    The results show that the buried pipe ventilation system can improve indoor thermal comfort in hot climates .