
tōnɡ qì kǒnɡ
  • air vent;spiracle;breathing hole
通气孔 [tōng qì kǒng]
  • (1) [air vent;venthole]∶通风孔,排气孔

  • 冰中一个水獭的通气孔

  • (2) [airflow orifice]∶空气自密闭空间通过其中而向外流出的孔口

  • (3) [nostril]∶任何工业炉中燃烧空气或废气通过的小孔

  1. 在房门上面,开有一个通气孔,一阵一阵的新鲜空气就从这通气孔进来,

    Above the door opened an air vent that let in a fresh current of oxygen ,

  2. 帘片采用独特的通气孔设计,可以自由调节室内外空气流通。

    The curtain piece uses the unique air vent design , may freely adjust inside and outside the room the air current to catch .

  3. Susan,我看见黑暗的通气孔。

    Phoebe : Well , Susan , I see what appears to be a dark vent . Wait . Yes , it is in fact a dark vent .

  4. 浮子室通气孔的效用是补偿空气滤清器阻塞的影响。BMW原厂生产的空气滤清器和机油滤清器以及火花塞质量上乘,从长远来看均具有较高的经济性。

    The purpose of the float-bowl vent is to equalize the effects of a clogged air cleaner . Original BMW air and oil filters and spark plugs provide the level of quality that pays off in the long term .

  5. 通气孔结构以及低热膨胀系数的石英材料使得膜片式光纤EFPI传感器具有较小的温度敏感性。

    Due to the vent structure and the low thermal expansion coefficient of the silica material , this sensor has low temperature response and high sensitivity .

  6. 一台发动机的阀门上有两个通气孔。

    There are two ports in the valve of an engine .

  7. 经增设通气孔后,故障被排除。

    After setting the air hole , the fault is removed .

  8. 被通气孔的盖子卡伤了脚趾头。

    Employee got his toe caught in a vent cover.10 .

  9. 空气通道叫通气孔。

    The air passage is called the air bleed .

  10. 凹位处设置有通气孔。

    Breather holes are provided at the concave place .

  11. 哇,竟然还有通气孔!

    Wow , and it even has ventilation holes .

  12. 内浮顶油罐的环向通气孔

    Horizontal Vent of Inner Floating Roof Tank

  13. 低水头大流量倒虹吸进口掺气及通气孔设置问题研究

    Study on Aeration and Air Hole Place in a Low Water Head and Great Flow Rater Inverted Siphon System

  14. 通气孔周围也很敏感并且捕获的动物强烈的反抗碰触这个位置。

    The area around the blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to being touched there .

  15. 思林水电站长尾水隧洞取消尾调水力过渡过程分析水电站地下式厂房长尾水洞设置通气孔的试验研究

    Hydraulic model test and theoretical analysis with respect to the Long Tailrace Tunnel with air vent for project of underground hydro-power plant

  16. 防止的方法是在有压出水管路上设置通气孔,减少压力下降。

    One way to prevent is to set up the vent on the tail-race tunnel so as to lessen the presure decline .

  17. 比冰的反射率小,海水吸收了更多的阳光,加速了融化并使融化后的淡水注入这些通气孔。

    Less reflective than ice , water absorbs more solar rays , speeding the thaw and channeling meltwater into seals ' breathing holes .

  18. 并应在海事报告书中,说明存油的数量及通气孔的位置。

    The amount of the oil in stock and the positions of the air vents shall be clearly stated in the maritime reports .

  19. 炉子里散出的热气让他感到瞌睡,在睡着前,他忘记打开一个通气孔。

    The warm air from the stove made him sleepy , and he forgot to open one of the air-holes before going to sleep .

  20. 两孔的中心距与相应锅炉通气孔、通水孔的中心距相等;

    The center distance of two holes is equal to the center distance of the corresponding venting hole and the water hole of the boiler .

  21. 水平旋流洞起始断面的相对真空度与相对通气孔直径的关系为指数关系;

    The relation is an index one between the relative air pressure and the relative diameter of ventilation hole at the initial section of level tunnel .

  22. 当炉子燃着火时,这些通气孔通常是开着的,因为狭小、不通风的小屋中若有过多的烟,会使牧羊人丧生的。

    These air-holes were usually kept open when the stove was burning , because too much smoke in a small , airless hut could kill the shepherd .

  23. 带有通气孔的服装,涉及一种对服装,特别是裤装、裙装或内裤透气结构的改进。

    The utility model discloses clothes with air holes , relating to an improvement to the ventilative structure of clothes , in particular to trousers , skirts or underdrawers .

  24. 企业经营范围自动分类及多语种经营范围术语自动获取通气孔周围也很敏感并且捕获的动物强烈的反抗碰触这个位置。

    Automatic Classification of Enterprise Business Scope and Automatic Acquisition of Multi-Lingual Business Scope Terms The area around the blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to being touched there .

  25. 倒虹吸管进口不需要设置通气孔,也没必要使倒虹吸进口顶缘低于倒虹吸管通过最小流量时进水口前的水位。

    It is not necessary to set air hole at the inverted siphon tube mouth and also no need to have the top of the tube entrance lower than the water level of the minimum for the tube .

  26. 数值模拟采用了实际地形资料,设置了喇叭口和通气孔,对进水口前旋涡流场进行了模拟,与模型试验结果符合良好。

    In numerical simulation , practical landform data and set up horn-shape intake and air vent pipe are adopted . The moving shape of vortex has been simulated and the result of model test accords with simulation result well .

  27. 钟&罗斯?时钟一直存放在中心饰件,二者之间通气孔,其排印匹配背景仪表板设在司机的视线。

    Bell & Ross ? clock has been placed in the centre of the fascia panel , between two air vents , its typography matching the background of the instrument panel located in the driver 's line of sight .

  28. 长尾水洞抽水蓄能电站调节稳定性及参数优化水电站地下式厂房长尾水洞设置通气孔的试验研究

    Governing stability and optimization of setting parameter for a pumped storage power station with long tailrace tunnel HYDRAULIC MODEL TEST AND THEORETICAL ANALYSIS WITH RESPECT TO THE LONG TAILRACE TUNNEL WITH AIR VENT FOR PROJECT OF UNDERGROUND HYDRO-POWER PLANT

  29. 筒体内设有横向隔板,隔板上设有通气孔、堰和降剂管,隔板上面或者下面设有蒸汽进口。

    A plurality of transverse baffles are positioned in the cylinder , on which an air hole , a weir and a tube for catalyst flow are positioned and on top or bottom of which a vapor inlet is positioned .

  30. 这种泄水道的流态可根据空腔环流内的气体压强、空腔直径和通气孔的通气量的变化规律分为淹没流流态、吸允流流态和自由流流态;

    According to air pressure inside rotary cavity flow , cavity diameter of rotary cavity flow and ventilation volume of air hole , basic flow pattern of this type of tunnel can be classified as submerged , absorbing and free flow patterns .