
  1. 风筝拉雪橇穿越南极大陆。

    Cross the Antarctic on sledges pulled by large kites .

  2. 1997年的今天,挪威人波尔治·奥斯兰德成为首位独自一人穿越南极的人类。

    1997-Boerge Ousland of Norway becomes the first person to cross Antarctica alone and unaided .

  3. 都柏林:两位爱尔兰人正打算成为靠大型风筝拉雪橇而穿越南极大陆的第一人。

    DUBLIN ( Reuters ) - Two Irishmen are seeking to become the first people to cross the Antarctic on sledges pulled by large kites .

  4. 直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却始终未发现任何陆地。

    Not until the late18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle , but he never saw land .