
  • 网络Puss In Boots;boots;Cat in Boots;Puss
  1. 他们也希望能够与为“会说话的驴”和“穿靴子的猫”配音的墨菲和安东尼奥·班德拉斯达成协议。

    They also hope to strike a deal with Murphy as the talking Donkey , and Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots .

  2. 以恐怖和悬念惊悚风格著名的墨西哥导演吉尔摩·德尔托罗是“穿靴子的猫”的制片主任,他在电影中也加入了一些拉丁的风味和特色。

    Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro , known for horror and suspense thrillers , is an executive producer on " Puss in Boots ," giving the film an edge as well as that Latin flavor .

  3. 哑剧通常以《穿靴子的猫》、《杰克与豆茎》、《笛克·威汀顿》或《森林里的宝贝们》之类著名的儿童故事为基础改编。

    A pantomime is always based on a well-known children 's story such as Puss-in-Boots , Tack and the Beanstalk , Dick Whittington or Babies in the Wood .