
  • 网络Assault Rifle;scar
  1. 本周末在树林里发现属于EricFrein的一把突击步枪和一些弹药。

    They say an assault rifle and ammunition Eric Frein was found in the woods this weekend .

  2. 在略多于十分之一秒的时间内,m16突击步枪射出的子弹可以飞100米远。

    A M16 assault rifle can fire a bullet 100m in just over a 10th of a second .

  3. 枪支管制的支持者希望禁止突击步枪和大容量弹匣,但威斯康星州参议员罗恩约翰逊(ronjohnson)对福克斯新闻(foxnews)表示,他反对这一做法。

    Supporters of gun control want to ban assault rifles and high capacity magazines but Ron Johnson , a Republican senator from Wisconsin , told Fox News that he opposed such a move .

  4. 他轻点他的MA5B突击步枪进行全自动射击。

    He flicked his MA5B assault rifle to full auto and shot .

  5. 只是有时候要有几支AK-47突击步枪,才能保证这些财富能滴到你兜里。

    It 's just that sometimes you need a few AK-47s to make sure some of the wealth trickles down to you .

  6. 这名无畏的士兵被称为是俄罗斯版终结者,据报道,他在俄罗斯和车臣武装分子交火时被AK-47突击步枪击中。

    The soldier , who has been dubbed the Russian Terminator , was reportedly caught in AK-47 crossfire between Russian and Chechen militants .

  7. 二战结束后,卡拉什尼科夫与他的团队参加了一项国家主办的竞赛,并在竞赛中发明了AK-47这种历史上最畅销的突击步枪。

    After the war , Kalashnikov and a team entered a state-sponsored contest and invented the rifle , which became the best-selling rifle in history .

  8. 在TKB-022突击步枪是气与周围的环形气体活塞位于枪管武器。

    The TKB-022 assault rifle is gas-operated weapon with annular gas piston located around the barrel .

  9. 不像标准的QBZ95突击步枪,ARC95不能够增加使用一具榴弹发射器。

    Unlike the standard QBZ95 assault rifle , the ARC95 cannot be attached with a grenade launcher .

  10. 他说:如果你认为那些带着黑面罩、手持卡拉什尼科夫(即AK-47突击步枪&译者注)在基辅街头横行霸盗的人是政府,那么我们很难同这样的政府打交道。

    If you consider people who plough Kiev in black masks and with Kalashnikovs a government , then we will have difficulty working with such a government .

  11. 在禁止与美国进行业务来往的八家军工企业中,就有卡拉什尼科夫集团(KalashnikovConcern)。该公司是AK突击步枪及其民用版本赛加(Saiga)的生产商。后者在美国市场上颇受欢迎。

    Among the eight military industrial companies banned from doing business with Americans was the Kalashnikov Concern , the maker of AK assault rifles and their civilian variants , called Saigas , which are popular in the United States .

  12. 经过与病魔的长期斗争后,AK-47突击步枪发明人米哈伊尔卡拉什尼科夫周一在俄罗斯去世,享年94岁。

    Mikhail Kalashnikov , who is credited with inventing the AK-47 rifle died Monday in Russia after a lengthy battle with illness . He was 94 years old .

  13. 他一直工作到80多岁,在俄罗斯伊热夫斯克的武器工厂担任首席设计师和顾问。那里也是第一支AK-47突击步枪诞生的地方。

    He continued to work into his 80s as the chief designer and a consultant at the arms factory in Izhevsk , Russia , where the AK-47 was first manufactured .

  14. 地震发生后,我们的政府几乎帮不上忙,JuD设置了救助营,营外则由持有突击步枪及对讲机的男人负责巡守。

    When the earthquake happened and our government did little to help , JuD set up relief camps patrolled by men with Kalashnikovs and walkie-talkies .

  15. 他回到了马赛,警方在火车站进行例行检查时拘留了他,他被发现带着一支AK-47突击步枪、一把左轮手枪和330发子弹。

    He was back in Marseille and detained in a routine police check at a railway station that found him carrying a Kalashnikov rifle , a revolver and 330 rounds of ammunition .

  16. 乌克兰是前苏联加盟共和国和苏联解体以来其武装部队使用苏联时代的小型武器,包括卡拉什尼科夫的AKM和支AK-74突击步枪。

    Ukraine is a former Soviet republic and since dissolution of USSR its armed forces used Soviet-era small arms , including the Kalashnikov AKM and AK-74 assault rifles .

  17. 该突击步枪目前仍旧没有表现出过气的迹象。

    The rifle 's use shows no signs of flagging .

  18. 我们也在调查枪击案中是否使用突击步枪。

    And we are looking at the possibility of an assault rifle .

  19. 他们持有突击步枪还有其他轻武器

    They have assault rifles and other small arms .

  20. 它是世界上最受欢迎的突击步枪,所有战士都喜欢它。

    It 's the world 's most popular assault rifle . A weapon all fighters love .

  21. 俄罗斯官员说,卡拉什尼科夫突击步枪的发明者,米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫已经去世,享年94岁。

    Theinventor of the Kalashnikov assault rifle , Mikhail Kalashnikov , has died aged94 , Russian officials say .

  22. 他们用粗树枝当作火箭,细木当作突击步枪,这些就是他们的“恐怖游戏”。

    They made rockets from branches and used sticks for Kalashnikovs ; these were their sports of terror .

  23. 武器以一个稍微地较长超过标准的突击步枪的枪管和一个75发弹鼓为特点。

    The weapon features a slightly longer barrel than that of the standard assault rifle and a75-round cartridge drum .

  24. 而他站在那里,手里好像拿着一把大型的突击步枪,我不知道是不是真家伙,

    and he 's there with like , some sort of like , gun , like large assault gun , I don 't know if it 's a real gun ,

  25. 塔利班来到民众的家中,要么是来讨经费,资助他们购买突击步枪;要么是来要求他们献上自己的儿子,加入他们的行列。

    The Taliban would come to peoples ' houses , demanding money to buy Kalashnikovs , or they would ask them to hand over their sons to fight with them .

  26. 就在他送希安西亚到机场后不久,希安西亚就从包里拿出一支突击步枪,并在航站楼对运输安全管理局官员进行近距离扫射。

    Moments after he was dropped off , Cianica allegedly took an assault rifle out of his bag and fired multiple rounds point blank at TSA officer inside the terminal .

  27. 委内瑞拉认为其购买战斗机、军用直升机和突击步枪属正当行为,因为其军队需要更新装备。但美国和委内瑞拉一些邻国有理由担心,这些装备可能用于更具对抗性的目的。

    Venezuela justifies its purchases of jet fighters , military helicopters and assault rifles on the grounds that its armed forces need to re-equip. But the US and some of its neighbours are understandably worried that the equipment may serve more belligerent ends .

  28. 然后我看了看左边,事实上,有一个好像穿了礼服,戴了滑雪面罩的人正在跑,似乎是拿着突击步枪并且开过枪。

    And then I looked to my left and in fact there was a man who was running with like a dress suit on , also had a ski mask on and had what appeared to be an assault rifle and had been firing shots .

  29. 我们知道,圣贝纳迪诺的杀手用的是军用突击步枪,这是战场上用的武器,杀手用这样的武器恣意杀戮。这也提醒我们另外一个悲哀的事实,在美国,危险人士把枪支搞到手太容易了。

    to keep our communities safe.We know that the killers in San Bernardino used military-style assault weapons - weapons of war - to kill as many people as they could . It 's another tragic reminder that here in America it 's way too easy for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun .