
chuāng tái
  • sill;windowsill;ledge;cill;apron
窗台 [chuāng tái]
  • (1) [windowsill]∶托着窗框的平面部分

  • (2) [sill]∶在窗孔底部特别用于盖住窗孔底部墙上的水平构件或结构(为木、石或砖的)

窗台[chuāng tái]
  1. 把这些植物放在阳光充足的窗台上。

    Place the plants on a sunny windowsill .

  2. 她从窗台上拿起一把剪刀。

    She picked up a pair of scissors from the windowsill .

  3. 我会把玩具排在这个窗台上来玩。

    I would line up my toys on this windowsill and play

  4. 把西红柿放在有阳光的窗台上可以让它们成熟。

    You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill .

  5. 她爬到了他窗外的窗台上。

    She had climbed onto the ledge outside his window .

  6. 戳一戳窗台板看看有没有朽烂的迹象。

    Prod the windowsills to check for signs of rot

  7. 在粗糙不平的水泥窗台上有一条细细的发光水印。

    A thin , glistening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill .

  8. 我在窗台上站稳。

    I balanced on the ledge

  9. 她把瓶花放在窗台上。

    She put the vase of flowers on the window ledge .

  10. 管理员的孩子们会记得,检察员带着白色手套,用手指在门框和窗台上寻找灰尘。

    Children of keepers remember inspectors wearing white gloves to run their fingers over door frames and windowsills looking for dust .

  11. 电话放在窗台上,摇摇欲坠

    The phone was perched precariously on the window ledge .

  12. 他检查了窗台,又望了望天花板。

    He examined the window ledge , stared up at the ceiling .

  13. D.屋顶、阳台、平台、窗台绿化型。

    Roof , terrace , sill and platform planting .

  14. 该生产线主要用于PVC整体门板、板、体材料及窗台板、板的连续挤出。

    This production line is applicable to the continuous extruding of PVC door plate , clapboard ^ elbow board and floorboard .

  15. 带领世界银行(worldbank)迈入本世纪的人际交往大师吉姆沃尔芬森(jimwolfensohn),在他办公室的窗台上摆满了用银质相框装饰的全球精英的照片。

    Jim Wolfensohn , the master networker who led the world bank into this century , lined the window of his office with silver-framed photographs of the global elite .

  16. DDGPartners42岁的首席执行长乔・麦克米伦(JoeMcMillan)住在该公司位于NoHo区的另一栋公寓楼的一层公寓中,植物和藤蔓从有水灌溉的窗台花箱中长出来,攀爬在青石外墙上。

    The company 's 42-year-old CEO , Joe McMillan , lives in a ground-floor apartment at another DDG building in NoHo , where plants and vines creep across the bluestone facade from irrigated window boxes .

  17. BrianMurray是新宁医院的一名睡眠神经学家,他表示,尽管他从未亲眼见到有人在梦游中死亡,然而,这样的事件“确实发生了”。有人从窗台上跌落,或摔下楼梯;

    Though he 's never personally encountered a story of someone dying while sleepwalking , Sunnybrook Hospital sleep neurologist Brian Murray said such accidents have " undoubtedly occurred . " People have been known to fall from ledges or tumble down stairs ,

  18. 这种太阳能取暖器可以放置在任何窗台上,可以很容易使15x15x10英尺的房间升温最少10度,相当于8千比特释放的热量或2.5千瓦时的能量。

    This solar heater can be placed from the sill of any window to get sun and will quite easily raise the temperature of a 15 x 15 x 10 ft. room , by a minimum of 10 degrees . Which is about 8 thousand bits used of heat or roughly 2.5 kilowatts of energy every hour .

  19. 如果他们是小,他们可以线窗台。

    If they are small , they can line a windowsill .

  20. 少数民族山区,光身儿童蹲在窗台上看全村惟一一台电视。

    Children watch the only television in their small mountain village .

  21. 她把花盆整齐地排成一行在窗台上。

    She neatly aligned the flower pots on the window sill .

  22. 那天,我见你坐在明亮的窗台边。

    The day I saw you sitting on the bright windowsill .

  23. 把花盆留在阳光照射的窗台上。

    I leave the pots on a sunny window sill .

  24. 底层窗台下墙体裂缝的防治

    Prevention and treatment of wall cracks under windowsill at the first floor

  25. 窗台向室内渗水的通病与防治

    Common problems on water percolation from window to indoor and its prevention

  26. 你其实是在窗台上做引体向上呢,对不对?

    You were doing chin-ups on the windowsill , right ?

  27. 人们把南瓜摆放在家门口或者窗台上。

    People place the punpkins outside their homes or in their windows .

  28. 然后她就爬到窗台上找奶奶。

    She then climbed onto the windowsill trying to find her grandmother .

  29. 种上药草或者花种,放在窗台上等它长成吧。

    Plant herb or flower seeds , and put in the windowsill .

  30. 我们买来了一盆百合花,然后把它放在阳光通透的窗台上。

    We bought a lily and set it in a sunny window .