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  • Benedictine;sincere;critical;earnest;serious
  • 忠实,一心一意:~学。~信。~志。~情。~厚。

  • 厚实,结实:“彼其之子,硕大且~”。

  • 病沉重:病~。


(忠实; 一心一意) sincere; earnest:

  • 笃行

    sincere conduct;

  • 笃志

    tenacious of purpose


(病势沉重) (of an illness) serious; critical:

  • 病笃

    be dangerously ill; be in a critical condition; be terminally ill

  1. 当前不应忽视三种校长素质:正确的教育思想、笃深的职业情感和深厚的学术涵养。教师职业情感初探

    They are : correct education ideas , sincere and deep professional affection and profound academic ability . A Preliminary Research of Teachers ' Professional Emotion

  2. 他们尽管性格不同,但仍然友情甚笃。

    They are firm friends in spite of temperamental differences .

  3. 他们依然友情甚笃。

    They remained firm friends .

  4. 笃斯越桔果实总DNA提取方法的比较研究

    Comparative study on extracting DNA from blueberry

  5. 微软创立者比尔•盖茨排在第四位,领导全球12亿天主教徒的教皇本笃十六世排在第五位。Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格名列第25位。

    Microsoft founder Bill Gates was fourth , while Pope Benedict XVI , leader of the world 's 1.2 billion Catholics , ranked fifth . Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was 25th .

  6. 教宗本笃十六世于五月十日任命费尔南多.菲洛尼(FernandoFiloni)总主教为万民福音部新部长。教会观察家认为他是合适的人选。

    Pope Benedict XVI yesterday appointed Archbishop Fernando Filoni as the new prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples .

  7. JustinBrown是本笃会修道院的一名修士,他依靠制造和买简单的木棺材来补贴他那微薄的收入.但是路易斯安那州董事会的尸体防腐和丧礼董事命令他“停止”这种做法。

    Justin Brown is an abbot at a Benedictine abbey that supplements its meagre income by making and selling simple wooden coffins . But the Louisiana Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors has ordered him to " cease and desist . "

  8. 八国集团(G8)峰会前夕,本笃十六世(PopeBenedictXVI)发布了教皇通谕,告诫:现代人有时错误地深信,他是自己、自己的人生以及社会的唯一创作者。

    Buried deep in the Encyclical Letter issued on the eve of the G8 Summit , Pope Benedict XVI warns : Sometimes modern man is wrongly convinced that he is the sole author of himself , his life and society .

  9. 教皇本笃的复活节弥撒在大雨滂沱的圣彼得广场进行,出人意料地以资深红衣主教AngeloSodano的辩护开场。

    Pope Benedict 's Easter Mass celebrated in the rain-swept St Peter 's Square began with a surprise speech in defence of the pontiff by Cardinal Angelo Sodano , a senior Vatican cardinal .

  10. 这是本笃十六世第一次以教皇的身份访问法国。

    This is Benedict 's first trip to France as pontiff .

  11. 那样的话,我们还是能利用笃己抓到他。

    In that way , we would catch him through dok-gi .

  12. 本笃是600年来第一位自己辞职的教皇。

    Benedict became the first pope in 600 years to resign .

  13. 坏死性肌膜炎发展迅速,病性重笃,病死率高,目前尚无最好办法。

    Necrotic fasciitis is a severe disease with high death rate .

  14. 佛提尔目前在杜佩奇学院及本笃会大学教写作。

    She teaches writing at College of DuPage and Benedictine University .

  15. 教皇本笃十六继续首次非洲朝圣之旅,今天他抵达安格拉。

    The Pope is in Angola on his first pilgrimage to Africa .

  16. 教皇本笃星期五将在纽约联合国总部发表讲话。

    Pope Benedict will address the United Nations Friday in New York .

  17. 采用均匀设计法优化高山笃斯越桔微体繁殖体系

    Uniform Design for Micropropagation System of Vaccinium uliginosum var. alpinum

  18. 笃斯越桔离体培养及植株再生体系的建立

    In vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration System of Vaccinium uliginosum

  19. 笃斯越桔多酚提取物成分分析及其抗氧化活性的研究

    Composition analysis and antioxidant activity of bog bilberry polyphenol extract

  20. 红衣主教将举行秘密会议选举本笃十六世的接任者。

    Cardinals will hold a conclave to decide on Benedict 's successor .

  21. 宏伟的本笃会修道院俯视着这个山谷。

    The valley was dominated by the huge Benedictine abbey .

  22. 博学而笃志,切问而近思。

    Learn widely , inquire earnestly , and deal with things thoughtfully .

  23. 粪箕笃地上部分非碱性成分的分离和鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of Non-alkaloidal Constituents of Aerial Parts of Stephania Longa

  24. 这对夫妻情爱深笃。

    The couple is deeply in love with each other .

  25. 美国总统布什星期四在罗马和意大利总理贝卢斯科尼会谈,星期五将会见教皇本笃十六世。

    Bush in Italy for Berlusconi Talks , Meeting with Pope

  26. 首先由法国本笃会的僧侣制成的利口酒。

    A French liqueur originally made by Benedictine monks .

  27. 教皇本笃也呼吁立即结束两国的敌对状态。

    Pope Benedict XVI also called for an immediate end to the hostilities .

  28. 为此,本笃会的规则,成为标准在西欧。

    For this reason the Benedictine Rule became the standard in western Europe .

  29. 本笃十六世已经正式卸任罗马教皇一职。

    The papacy of Benedict XVI is officially over .

  30. 在540年建立本笃教秩序的意大利僧侣(480-547)。

    Italian monk who founded the Benedictine order about 540 ( 480-547 ) .