首页 / 词典 / good

  • ditch;drain
  • show disrespect
  • 水沟,小渠,亦泛指河川:沟~。四~(古代对中国“长江”、“黄河”、“淮河”、“济水”的合称)。

  • 轻慢,对人不恭敬:亵~。~职。烦~。

  • 古同“窦”,洞。

  1. NANDFlash是非易失性存储系统,具有高存储容量和快速渎、写、擦除等特点,作为在嵌入式系统中的存储媒介扮演着重要角色。

    NAND FLASH is Non-Volatile memory ; it has the characters of high storage capability and high speed of reading , writing and erasing , It plays an important role in embedded system as storage medium .

  2. 你持之以恒地经常多渎,你的发音是会有长进的。

    Ll improve your pronunciation if you keep on reading more often .

  3. 被誉为没有围墙的大学、华文化的丰碑!《济渎庙北海坛祭品碑》的历史文化内涵

    The Historical Cultural Connotation of The Sacrifice Monument of Jidu and Beihai Temple

  4. 指令如此简单,简直是有渎你的智力。

    The instructions are so easy they are an insult to your intelligence .

  5. 济渎庙寝宫建筑研究

    Study on Coffin Chamber of Ji-du temple

  6. 像督流浪满宗教渎圣象异堕落游荡。

    Christlike vagrant wanders through a perverse and grotesque land filled with religious and sacrilegious imagery .

  7. 畅神于自然山水文化之间&济源市济渎苑规划分析

    Divinity in Culture of Mountains and Water & The Planning Analysis on Jidu Park in Jiyuan City

  8. 这样,把所有这些神圣教条打得粉碎的摩尔根,就是犯了某种渎圣罪。

    Morgan had committed a kind of sacrilege in dissolving all these hallowed dogmas into thin air .

  9. 济渎庙是中国古代重要的礼制建筑之一,庙内现存历代碑刻36通。

    Jidu Temple is one of the important etiquette buildings in ancient China . with 36 ancient stones in it .

  10. 道教认为世间万事万物均有神灵主宰,故日、月、星、辰、山川岳渎、动物、植物等等均有主管神灵。

    They are the deities or spirits of myriad things , e.g.the Sun , the Moon , constellations , animals and plants .

  11. 一时间,人们将独立董事戏称为渎董或公司治理的花瓶。

    At that time , the independent directors were jokingly called " difficult Dong " or " vase " of the corporate governance .

  12. 公司具有完善的技术创渎体系和强大的研发才能,使得辰已菱机的产品在国内外不断处于抢先程度。

    The company has a strong R & D team , for which our load bank are enjoying advanced technology all the time .

  13. 正象卡尔·马克思参观了1851年的大博览会后所指出的那样,高明的外形显示可给予世俗产品一个“有渎神灵的光彩”。

    As Karl Marx noticed , after visiting the Great Exhibition of1851 , clever presentation gives " a profane glow " to mundane products .

  14. 东海神崇拜与祭祀的变迁可谓是国家祀典岳镇海渎变迁的一个缩影。

    The evolvement of the sacrifices to the East Sea God can be called the epitome of the evolvement of the nation 's ceremony .

  15. 本文继续以实例证明郦氏“访渎搜渠”的实践活动,实例皆为非直书第一人称的。

    There are many examples which can prove practical activities of Li Dao-yuan 's search of the rivers , They were not written in the first person .

  16. 梳理出碑刻中所见的济渎庙管理人员,以及他们的称谓、职能变化,发现济渎庙管理人员随着时代的发展而不断增多,职能也更加多样化。

    Through sorting out the management and the changes of the names and duties , we found the number of managers kept increasing and their functions are also more diverse .

  17. 在系统检索正史、文集、地方志、碑刻等史料的基础上,完成历代淮渎祭祀资料汇编。

    On the basis of the systematically retrieval official history , corpus , Local chorography , inscriptions , etc , the compilation of successive material of Huai sacrifice is finished .

  18. 我不会去谋杀她那与严峻的真理同行的人性也不会再以天真和青春的挽歌去亵漆渎生命的港口。

    I shall not murder The mankind of her going with a grave truth Nor blaspheme down the stations of the breath With any further Elegy of innocence and youth .

  19. 以经济相对发达的太湖地区宜兴市大浦镇渭渎村为代表,详细分析了生活垃圾产生量、组成成份及其动态变化,并对村民环保意识进行入户调查。

    Weidu village , located in Tai Lake region , as a representative of the developed rural areas was selected to investigate the dynamics of the output and composition of HSW in detail .

  20. 《圣经》上的另一句话也到了我的唇边,但是我却控制着自己,没有说出来,因为我知道牧师不喜欢俗人侵犯他们的领域,他们认为这是有渎神明的。

    A quotation from the Bible came to my lips , but I held my tongue , for I know that clergymen think it a little blasphemous when the laity poach upon their preserves .

  21. 根据《庙图碑》分析济渎庙明代中期的布局和规模,看出当时济渎庙的发展已经达到全盛时期。

    According to " Temple Figure monument ", we analyze the layout and scale of Jidu Temple in mid Ming dynasty and found Jidu Temple ' development has reached its peak on that time .

  22. 第三部分,研究历代朝廷到济渎庙进行祭祀的详细情况。梳理出历代祭祀的记录,补充正史记载的不足。

    The third part researched the details of the worship which the Past dynasties held in Jidu Temple , sorting out the records of the worships to make up the lack of official records .

  23. 小说以一个带有渎父心理的儿子的视角,描绘了一个社会底层普通知识分子本真的生命形式和生活状态,展现了父亲作为知识分子的双重性。

    From the view of a son who blasphemes his father , the novel narrates the life style and living condition of a common intellectual in the bottom of the society , demonstrating the paradox of the father as an intellectual .

  24. 但是,淮渎祭祀虽属国家祭祀,地点却在州县,是国家观念与地域社会的重要结合点,是研究国家与地方社会的一个很好的切入点。

    Although the sacrifice of Huai is of national sacrifices , the sacrificing places were in county and state , which is the important juncture of national concept and regional society and a good point to study state and local society .

  25. 阐述了济渎庙的历史文化背景及规模平面布局,介绍了该庙具有独特的文物和科学价值,针对该庙人为和自然的破坏,对济渎庙的整体面貌进行了有效的改善与保护。

    Based upon the historical culture backdrop and dimension layout of Jidu temple , its particular cultural treasures and scientific value are introduced , besides , effective ways to improve and protect the temple are made aiming at man-made and natural destruction .

  26. 主要讨论学生的不良阅渎习惯对其阅读效率的影响,并提出相应的对策,目的在于帮助学生克服不良阅读习惯,以达到提高学生的阅读效率,增强学生的阅读能力的目的。

    The writer focuses on the discussion of the negative influence of improper reading habits on students'read ing efficiency and then puts forward some corresponding countermeasures , with the aim of helping students overcome bad reading habits , improving students'reading efficiency and building up their reading ability .