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  • be drenched with sweat;wet through;become soaked with sweat
  • 出汗把衣服、被褥等弄湿:~渍。衣服都~透了。


[方] (汗湿透) be drenched with sweat; wet through; become soaked with sweat:

  • 衣服都溻了。

    My clothes are drenched with sweat.

  1. 衣服都溻了。

    My clothes are drenched with sweat .

  2. 天太热,我衣服都溻了。

    It 's so hot my clothes are soaked with sweat .

  3. 忽醒忽睡,连梦都变得空洞,糜烂的落寞言不由衷,灌溻的泪依然在闪烁。

    Wake up , and even dream sleep , become empty , a decadent lonely , the tears of Ta good irrigation still flickering .