首页 / 词典 / good

  • wrap;bind;carry off;sweep away with violence;fold;swathe
  • 包;缠绕:~脚。把这包糖~好。~足不前。

  • 夹带;夹杂:不该把次货~进去卖。好人坏人~在一起一时分不清。

  • 方言,吸(奶):小孩生下来就会~奶。奶头被这孩子~得生疼。

  1. 我喜欢清冽的冬日,可以裹着舒适的冬衣。

    I love crisp wintry days when you wrap up in cosy winter clothes .

  2. 把鲑鱼切成长条,缠裹在面包上。

    Cut the salmon into long strips and wrap it round the circumference of the bread .

  3. 她弄湿毛巾,把它裹在他的腿上。

    She damped a towel and wrapped it round his leg .

  4. 她任由自己被人流挟裹着前行。

    She let herself be swept along by the crowd .

  5. 他裹着绷带,躺在医院的病床上。

    He was lying on the hospital bed , swathed in bandages .

  6. 她用毯子将孩子裹得严严实实。

    She muffled the child up in a blanket .

  7. 她轻轻地把婴儿裹在毯子里。

    She gently folded the baby in a blanket .

  8. 她裹在一条白色大毛巾里。

    She was enveloped in a huge white towel .

  9. 我用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。

    I wrapped the baby in a blanket .

  10. 我给她裹了条毯子,又给了她一杯热饮。

    I bundled her up in a blanket and gave her a hot drink .

  11. 他把自己裹在毯子里。

    He rolled himself up in the blanket .

  12. 她拿一条毯子把他的双腿裹好。

    She tucked a blanket around his legs .

  13. 她用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。

    She folded a blanket around the baby .

  14. 她用一条围巾裹住了头。

    She twisted a scarf around her head .

  15. 她用毯子裹住膝盖。

    She settled the blanket around her knees .

  16. 这些画被仔细地用报纸裹了起来。

    The paintings were carefully packed in newspaper .

  17. 我用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。

    I wrapped a blanket around the baby .

  18. 用面包屑将肉裹起来。

    Roll the meat in the breadcrumbs .

  19. 他用披风把身子裹紧。

    He gathered his cloak around him .

  20. 她站在那儿,风把套裙吹得紧紧裹在身上。

    She stood there , the wind moulding the dress around her .

  21. 她身裹毛巾打开了前门。

    She opened her front door draped in a towel .

  22. 在田里发现了她的尸体,全身赤裸,裹在一条床单里。

    Her naked body was found wrapped in a sheet in a field

  23. 她坐在扶手椅中,身上裹着毯子。

    She was sitting in an armchair with blankets wrapped round her .

  24. 他们的腰带紧紧裹着瘦骨嶙峋的身体。

    Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames .

  25. 她用薄薄的黑色织物裹住了自己硕大的身躯。

    She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics

  26. 她紧裹棉衣站在那里。

    She stood hugging her quilted jacket round her .

  27. 有些裹糖的谷物食品含糖量达50%。

    Some sugar-coated cereals are 50 % sugar .

  28. 厨用围裙裹着她的腰部。

    The cook 's apron covered her middle .

  29. 她气鼓鼓地把头巾裹在头上,发髻都被压扁了。

    She angrily slung a scarf around her head , flattening her halo of hair .

  30. 她把那件灰色连衣裙改小了,这样正好紧裹住她那纤瘦的身体。

    She had taken in the grey dress so that it hugged her thin body .
