
dì èr yǔ yán
  • second language
  1. 在她的余生中,法语一直是她的第二语言。

    French remained her second language for the rest of her life .

  2. 露西从事作为第二语言的英语教学工作。

    Lucy teaches English as a second language

  3. 他是研究第二语言习得的专家。

    He is an expert in studying the acquisition of a second language .

  4. 把英语作为第二语言学习可能会是一种痛苦的经历。

    Learning English as a second language can be a painful experience .

  5. 英语为第二语言小组(开放给所有18岁及以上,能以英语作为第二语言写作的诗人参加)

    ESL Group ( open to all the poets aged 18 and over who can write in English as a Second Language )

  6. 我尽一切努力用第二语言交流,结交新朋友,看电影,甚至用法语在餐馆点餐。

    I made every effort to communicate in a second language by making new friends , seeing movies and even ordering food from restaurants in French .

  7. UG理论与第二语言习得研究

    UG Theory and SLA Research

  8. 北美著名学者MerrillSwain在对第二语言习得进行深入研究的基础上提出了语言输出假设的三个功能:(1)关注/诱发功能;

    Merrill Swain ( 1995 ) claims that output hypothesis has three functions : ( 1 ) the noticing / triggering function ;

  9. 在ESP教学法之外,布朗提出的十二条教学原理集中反映了20几年来第二语言教学研究方法的最新成果。

    Also , in the field of SLT ( Second Language Teaching ), H. Douglas Brown puts forward twelve teaching principles which reflect the latest fruits in the field of SLT .

  10. 证实了4-M模型在第二语言习得方面的第一个假设:内容语素产出的准确度要高于两类系统语素产出的准确度。

    The first hypothesis is confirmed : content morphemes are produced more accurately than both types of system morphemes .

  11. 由于先于语法学习词汇是一个自然的、很有效的学习母语的方法,这样的学习过程也用到了把英语作为第二语言学习的GFI教材。

    As learning words before grammar is the natural & most effective way to learn our mother tongue , this approach is also used in GFI for students learning their second language .

  12. 本论文旨在用DVK(词汇深度知识)对第二语言词汇知识的一种深度测试方法进行实证研究,DVK这种测试是由Qian(1999;2000)创造和发展的。

    This paper intends to conduct an empirical study on an in-depth measure of L2 vocabulary knowledge by using a DVK ( Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge ) test , which was coined and developed by Qian ( 1999 ; 2002 ) .

  13. 本文采用了Carrell设计的在第二语言阅读中的元认知意识问卷,并结合自己的调查研究,探讨了大中学生的元认知意识与其英语阅读理解水平之间的关系。

    By issuing questionnaires on metacognitive awareness in the second language reading , the authors do a research on the relationship between the metacognitive awareness and the English reading comprehension level of the students in middle schools and universities .

  14. 语言产出;语法编码;第二语言产出模式;

    Speech Production ; Grammatical Encoding ; Second Language Production Model ;

  15. 英语作为第二语言,商务通讯,商业法。

    English as Second Language , Business Communications , Business Law .

  16. 错误分析法在第二语言教学中的价值及作用

    Value and Effect of Error Analysis in the Second Language Teaching

  17. 每一种数据分析方法对第二语言习得研究均有其独特的贡献。

    Each makes its unique contribution to second language acquisition research .

  18. 课堂环境下的第二语言习得:理论框架与分析单位

    Second Language Acquisition in Classroom Setting : Conceptual and Analytic Framework

  19. 第二语言语音习得研究的基本方法和思路

    Research Methods and Tendencies in the Study of L2 Speech Acquisition

  20. 外语学习与第二语言习得的关系

    The relationship between foreign language learning and the second language acquisition

  21. 过渡语是第二语言习得中一个重要的概念。

    Interlanguage is a very important notion in second language acquisition .

  22. 学龄前儿童第二语言学习中的认知风格研究

    Study on Preschool Children 's Cognitive Styles in Second Language Learning

  23. 第二语言课堂教师话语研究

    A Research on Teacher Talk in the Second Language Classroom

  24. 因此,第二语言习得研究随之迅猛发展起来。

    Therefore , the study of SLA develops very quickly .

  25. 第二语言习得者获得不同习得能力的原因探微

    On Causes of Different Acquired Competence in Second Language Learning

  26. 汉语作为第二语言偏误研究综观

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deviation Study of Chinese as a Second Language

  27. 第二语言产出性词汇习得研究述评

    A Review of L2 Productive Vocabulary Acquisition Research G Language

  28. 不同年龄的第二语言学习者是否需要不同的教学方法?

    Do students of difference ages need different teaching methods ?

  29. 第二语言词汇知识及其测试模式

    Vocabulary Knowledge of the Second Language and Its Testing Modes

  30. 第二语言口语是体现学习者在真实情景中运用语言能力的一个方面。

    Speaking is an important element in second language ability .