
  • 网络screening
  1. 用拆去筛底的锤片式粉碎机振打干燥后的白酒糟,再用振动筛筛分。

    According to this technology , the dehydrated distiller firstly was vibrated and striked with hammer mill without screen and then sifted by vibrating screen .

  2. 该机由立式激振电机、筛底、网架、筛粉室、橡胶振荡碗等各紧固件组成一体。

    This machine is composed of the vertical vibration motor , a sieve bottom , a mesh frame , sieve room , rubber vibrating bowl , and all fastening pieces etc.

  3. 本实用新型所述的腐乳发酵筛包括由塑料制成的筛底,所述的筛底周边延伸有侧壁。

    The preserved beancurd zymosis sieve includes a sieve bottom made of plastic material ; a side wall is extended around the sieve bottom .