
  • 网络callosobruchus maculatus
  1. 三种植物粉剂对四纹豆象(鞘翅目:豆象科)行为、死亡率和繁殖的影响(英文)

    Effects of Three Plant Powders on Behaviour , Mortality and Reproductive Fitness of Callosobruchus maculatus ( Fabricius ) ( Coleoptera : Bruchidae )

  2. 四纹豆象与绿豆象种群竞争的研究

    Study of population competition between Callosobruchus maculatus and Callosobruchus chinensis

  3. 四纹豆象的标准型与活动型之间生物学特性。

    Biological character of typical and active type of Cowpea weevil .

  4. 四纹豆象虫口的制止及防治。

    Prevention and control of Cowpea weevil .

  5. 在本文中论述四纹豆象生物学及其防治的6个主要方面。

    In this paper a description of six major aspects on its biology and control was given .